Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Try playing on the bf2s.com servers near your respective country for a change.  They all have great admins and they are people you know. 

There is a:  European Server and an American Server (soon to be an Australian Server) for more info go to the server section of the forums.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

what FredFLQ should have said wrote:

97.8% of admins are less mature than 12 years old.

Fixed the quote for you
is drunk and crazy

Delphy wrote:

I got banned from 'Bliss' server for owning too hard in the chopper. I loaded early for some reason, got the Z-10, then solo-tved the Cobra, then tv-ed a full Blackhawk... a few seconds later, "banning The_Delphinius for cheating". What bullshit.
This happened to my friend, P-Murda. I think he got around 140 kills on Sharqi in the M-28, our friend mork death was flying for him.

He got banned for "cheating" too. But then they unbanned him because they had no proof
Fantasma Parastasie
elixer, a screenshot of a scoreboard, of the top three players, showing only one team, with an F-35 badly copied from another picture, is not proof that you 'own' in an F-35.
+183|6648|Newcastle UK
LOL i own in the f35 fact !
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
Hockey Nut
+243|6565|Boston, MA

GotMex? wrote:

[Project.D]-Demon wrote:

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

well i guess that % of bf2 players actually dont have a brain after some one accidently tked them and they punish like no other.(damn NOOBS)
Why is that guy an idiot on the Krackhouse server? (On your sig) That is the one single place I know that kick/bans for taxiing to the airfield. I find it nice to not have noobs come and steal planes cause they spawned closest to a car.

And the point of my thread is not to say all admins are losers, or can't be admins. My point is that since we are all complacent players, that wouldn't stand up to an admin to make a point, nothing is gonna change and we will keep getting kicked for beating an admin to a chopper.
That guy on the krackhouse server is an idiot because he kicked the guy basically for using a vehicle. Taxiing is a great way to get behind the enemy forces, why should it be a kickable offense? You could do that to the airfield and capture it, then that plane will spawn back a minute later and you'll have control of the other planes.
+917|6652|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

87.4 % of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+8|6454|Tabriz, Iran

DesertFox423 wrote:

It sucks when you ever find a 12 year old playing and then they get on VoIP. Those creatures make such a whiny, high pitched sound that it freaks you out.
Lol that made me chuckle....+1
BF2s Frat Brother
Nice graphics!!! whats your rig specs?
heres another case when the server has FF off... how the fuck did i get kicked for tking when the round just started??? stupid fucking admins from digital Anarchy ~}FF=OFF{~. and on top of that i went back in there to play with my friend and some one tks me to get the f18 with the c4 in the hanger trick and they didnt kick/ban him. so i said to them hey abusive admins you can suck my big hairy ballz. i guess you cant have freedom of speech then huh?

Last edited by [Project.D]-Demon (2006-11-13 15:46:57)

cause 'stupid jackass i am on your server and ill break all the rules and make stupid comments like "noob" "hacker" ...' syndrom wont stop
Back from the Dead.
Just play on the BF2s US server. I won't kick you for owning me.
hmm, i havent ever run across an admin who abuses there rights (even on ga and 'node) but maybe thats because im a pretty ordinary player. I currently rent and admin servers for my clan, and i have run across somehting else.

Abusive players. Now im not saying that because i pay for the server i can do what i want; I follow all the rules that we, as a clan, set out, and then some.

I never kick or ban unless its for a very good reason, like stat padding or eploiting glitches (see BF:2142 lol). But there is one rule our servers have which seems to bring the bitch out in people. No Abuse/Excessive Swearing. We try and keep our servers clean because nobody wants to see a couple immature assholes bitching to each other about how they are owning each other and how they suck and stuff. I dont care, and nobody else on the server cares.

I almost never have to kick/ban players for this, but occasionally you just get that one asshole who has it coming to them. Now i give on average about 4-5 warnings to a player before kicking, and i will try and get a screenshot of it as well. Yet even after this, these people go out to sites like this and just bitch bitch bitch about how they were unfairly kicked/banned and then as usual, everyone on a site like this thinks that we are typical abusive admins and starts jumping on the bandwagon and abusing us even though they know nothing about it. Even if i jump on, show the proof and give the whole story, they still dont believe me.

Thats what i think alot of people need to learn. Not everybody who jumps on here and bitches is telling the truth. Sometimes they deserve it.

Im 15, and i run a clan and admin multiple servers. Now if i hadnt posted my age, alot of you would have assumed i was alot older. But im sure that because i am only 15, many people here would not believe my post. Its interesting how age affects so much in gaming. Just because im young people assume that im immature and would be an abusive admin. But there are people in our clan that have less maturity than me and are much much older.

I think many people are just whingers and need to really look at what you did. Im not saying anyone here is lying (as i know nothing about what happened except your side of the story) but alot of the time when you guys jump on board the admin-bitching bandwagon, your having a go at a reasonable admin who has done nothing wrong.

Thats my rant,
Goodbye :)
+399|6514|Somewhere else

That's sweet. was it a PERM ban? or temp ban?
BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6674|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer
yea.. i always try to be fair when i admin the US server, i haven't banned anyone yet... but I'm looking forward to some jackass who mouths off and make a complete ass of himself, and deserves to be banned... I'll be there.

Anyways.... go to BFroe.com and you can report adbusive admins there, i don't know how much they actually do, but it is always a good place

anyways... enjoy some karma.. and feel free to join the US server, (Most of) The admins are asshats

Admins dont care if there abusive or not, admins are admins they can kick/ban you faster then you can type "f*ck you* and sometimes faster then you can press the print screen button. They pay for the server and set the rules so your in there house, f*ck them over and your evicted easy as that. I hate admins with a passion because of them i got kicked/ban over a dozen times. Out of all the servers i have tried to reinstate my ban the "VGG" clan was the 1 and only clan that lifted my ban, so i gotta say if you guys wanna play in a fair server then the veterans gaming server is the one to play in.
http://forum.veteransgaming.com/forum_p … 5&PN=1
The Mas
+311|6723|NYC, a place to live
Unfair admins piss me off. Seriously piss me off. And they are everywhere.

The fundamental problem is that admins always enforce the rules selectively. Always. There's no way to avoid it because admins just can't see every rules violation. Can an admin see it every time someone bunny hops? Of course not--only if the player bunny hops to avoid an admin's shots. The fact that many people who are kicked or banned deserve it doesn't prevent the fundamental unfairness of selective enforcement of the rules.

The only way to be a fair admin is to have rules that can be enforced uniformly. Very few servers have that. Anyone who is an admin on a server with typical rules (no bunnyhopping, no punishing except for intentional TKs, only spec ops in uncappable bases, etc.) is either ignoring the rules or enforcing them selectively. And that's 95% of admins.
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6630|Michigan, USA
I agree, admins usually are assholes.  They think their gods over all the players, and can bend rules to their will.    However this is true, they can bend their rules as much as they want, they pay for it.

Thats why I play on Addicted-2-games.  The community is fantastic, the admins are great(myself being one) and all of our ban cases have been resolved peacefully(all 10 or so), ending in us giving another chance.  We run 7 servers running all sorts of maps, and honestly we allow alomst everything aside from stat padding/glitching and extreme offensive language and racism.  Looking for mature admins and a good server, check us out.
+122|6503|The Suburb at Karkand

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

not really im 11 and ive been admin of 2 servers ive never abused for getting pwned or anything
+105|6666|Lexington, KY
Actually you loose, this is the BF2 thread not 2142
suck it up ferries
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

adv3rsary wrote:

suck it up ferries
By "ferries"... do you mean "fairy"?

GotMex? wrote:

adv3rsary wrote:

suck it up ferries
By "ferries"... do you mean "fairy"?
i suppose i do, teacher

dubbs wrote:

Actually you loose, this is the BF2 thread not 2142
You lose too... as you said he was loose, implying he is promiscuous.
We shall beat to quarters!

Bf2s AU server, We pwn retarded admins
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?

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