Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Spearhead wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

such as in the Cindy Sheehan situation.  He deliberately stood by and let the governer take custody of her. 

Any person with any common sense would vote for either Max Lynn or Jim Davis.
Do you mean Terry Schiavo?
Yes, doh, I did.  Typing fast, my bad.
I was pretty sure .
Xbone Stormsurgezz
16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida
Hmm isn't that interesting. The democrats sure know how to attack, but i didn't hear one thing positive.
go to around 9:13 and listen to what he says about the poor critics of the republican party, ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE??? They're bitching about how much the critics are being faught back? Do you know how much bullshit THEY have said about president bush and the republican party? There is an endless stream of bullshit that the democrats do and say about mr. bush, it's only payback by loyal republicans......

And another thing, do you see how fucking democraticaly slanted this video is? The whole fucking MSNBC network is slanted, If a republican EVER said that about a democrat, he would be called a "Radical right winger" and other stupid shit. It just furthermore proves that the dems can dish it out, but can't take it back.

Fucking cunts. Im sick of this shit,

Can we put a perm ban on political shit on bf2s, for god sakes its about BATTLEFIELD 2!!!!!!!
Everyone has there oppinions, some stupider then others, but thats never gunna change. Jesus christ.
15 more years! 15 more years!
man this is always fun.... i'm beginning to think the people that ask for proof of loss of our freedoms are just too damn lazy to read the bills that are being passed. Its all there, read it then come back to me and say hey your right OR if i 'm wrong please go ahead and point out where i and others are wrong with concern to the bills.

Oh, and about our interest in the Middle East its not necessarily just for OIL....we get the MAJORITY of our oil from Venezuela and Mexico...we aren't exactly invading them for it. Another widely held misconception is that the oil from the Middle East ends up in your gas tank....well not exactly the type of oil extracted from that region is high quality that is not used for cars, but instead used for things such as jet engines.

oh and ANOTHER thing...people bashing on Bush and then calling them un-patriotic is a load of bull, if you think like this you need to be introduced into a concept called socialization. At an early age you see all authority as being a single kinda and all powerful...later on you begin to distinguish between the authority and the unless you are either still stuck at that early childhood level of socialization  or are still a child please PLEASE stop spreading the BS about how hating on the president is undemocratic.

Dissent is needed for a democratic society to FUNCTION hence why its a GREAT thing that we all can't agree on this damn forum
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
For those of you Florida residents :

"[Charlie Crist] can fool some of the people some of the time."  I was
one of them; and, so are the Past Presidents who are said by the
Republican Party of Florida to have written the uninformed email below.

When he was running for the Florida Senate, Crist lied to me about his
core beliefs about the civil justice system, and, in reliance on his
multiple misrepresentations, I led the effort among attorneys to get him

Helping Charlie Crist get elected to the Florida Senate remains the
single most embarrassing thing I have ever done in my life. I took the
opportunity to tell him exactly that when he met with me years later
while running for attorney general, and I told him he had abused his
position in the senate (and detailed the facts to him).  I told him he
was abusing his position as education commissioner, and that he would
abuse - as he has - the office of attorney general, if elected.  Tears
(fake, I'm sure) welled up in his eyes and he left my office weeping.
Now, I had called him out for being the single most unprincipled person
I had ever dealt with, and, yet, confirming that he has no core sense of
self and is merely an obsequious sycophant, when he next saw me in a
public setting, he stopped his speech (I had arrived late) and came over
to greet me as if I were a long lost brother and even complimented me
and my law practice as he continued his speech. (He did this, of course,
because the group he was speaking to knew me and had worked with me, and
he thought that to appear to be my friend would help him look better to
them.)  This is the real Charlie Crist: unprincipled, unscrupulous,

So, to bring it back to what the Past Presidents club wrote, as soon as
it served Crist's personal agenda (running against Sen. Bob Graham) to
abandon what he had represented as his core beliefs on access to courts
and right to jury trial and civil justice, he did what has now proved to
be his typical M.O., he flip-flopped - to get the support of those who
want to destroy the civil justice system.

You see, Charlie Crist has no core beliefs.  He is a job-hopping, flip-
flopping, resume' padding chameleon.  And, some Past Presidents of The
Florida Bar have been taken in.  They do not know, as I do, that
manipulating and taking people in for his own benefit is just a way of
life for Crist.  Such people are dangerous.  And, voters usually weed
them out.

And, again to take it back to what the Past Presidents club wrote
(although you can't count on it because he is, after all, Charlie the
Chameleon), he recently said he thinks the Judicial Nominating
Commission process Jeb Bush imposed is just fine.  In fact, he said,
"You'll just have to trust me."  In other words, he says he thinks like
Bush, who recently told students at Stanton Prep in Jacksonville that
the Florida Bar under our Past Presidents was an old white boys club and
that's why, he bragged, that he himself had had to change things so more
women and minorities could serve on the Bench.

This is a singularly uninformed email some of our Past Presidents have
authorized the Republican Party to send out.  I surely wouldn't want to
be answering Hank Coxe's emails and phones for the next week.

Feel free to pass this along to anyone who cares about Florida's future,
and the future of The Florida Bar and our system of justice.

Wayne Hogan
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

The insurance companies own Crist like I said before. That is the single most definitive reason I am not voting for him. Take a gander at where most of his election funding comes from. Now consider the present insurance crisis in Fl.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Kmarion wrote:

The insurance companies own Crist like I said before. That is the single most definitive reason I am not voting for him. Take a gander at where most of his election funding comes from. Now consider the present insurance crisis in Fl.
Who are you voting for?  Libertarian party?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Spearhead wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

The insurance companies own Crist like I said before. That is the single most definitive reason I am not voting for him. Take a gander at where most of his election funding comes from. Now consider the present insurance crisis in Fl.
Who are you voting for?  Libertarian party?
Davis, I was pleased with the way he handled himself in the debate.

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-11-03 13:29:33)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
A God Amongst Men
hehe that was the funnest thing ive ever watched he just crucified bush lol and it was all true ..

Last edited by Recoil555 (2006-11-03 13:38:53)

Why did you highjack this thread to a Florida election post?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Recoil555 wrote:

hehe that was the funnest thing ive ever watched he just crucified bush lol and it was all true ..
He gave his bro Jeb a "B" or a "C" for a grade I can't remember.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Olberman goes too far and is over dramatic but he says things that need to be said about these scumbags.
Pope Picard II

All you guys need to do is read a little Noam Chomsky and you will quickly understand (if you are able to put your respective bias aside) that both the Democrats and the Republicans are big steaming piles of shit, as is your "democratic" goverment and its process, as is the executive branch, as is the majority of your entire sordid history, as is every country at one time or another with any power.

The point is not to say zomg Republicans r teh worst and Democrats are the best, it is to choose the lesser of two evils when you vote, because let's face it, your system is not democratic nor is it just. Its a fat pile of corporate shit and power whores and everyone knows it, so rather then crap on eachother, do whats right for your country and the world and vote for the lesser of two evils so that your country, and every fucking other country on the planet that is run by proxy by the USA has a fucking chance at a real future.

If you are going to choose sides and say so and so is a wing nut therefore we disregard every point they make, then you may as well hand all your rights over now and be done with it. If however, you can see that something is wrong with your government, especially Mr Rumsfeld, Mr Cheney, Mrs Rice, Mr Wolfowitz, and Mr Bush, then do the world a fucking favor and get them out of office. It is not unpatriotic, that is an immature argument of an infertile mind - If I was your leader and I singled you out as a citizen and deported you (nay deported you then tortured you and proclaimed to the entire news media fallacies about you) on the grounds that your total lack of mental ability was a terrorist threat to the nations children, would you say, OK I support you blindly, you speaketh teh truth !!!

Fuck that you'd think I was crazy, and damn right, your government is fucking crazy, but only if you "subcribe to the notion that you should feel sorry for the poor widow who can't eat across the street." Otherwise your country is doing what it does best, concentrating wealth for the nations elite, and leaving everyone else out on their ass. I can understand the greed behind that, but what I can't get, is how your nation can be so fucking stupid that they elect someone who is stripping away 99% of your nations future for a decent life, all in trade for a higher ratio of wealth to the elite, and more protection of that wealth and it's interests, and why when anyone goes against this, you fucking clowns think it is unpatriotic. You should be out there camping on the Whitehouse lawn telling them to GTFO stop stealing your lives, the lives of your soldiers, and the lives of your future children. Instead your handing it over to these guys and clapping and standing up for them.

Do I need to say anymore, WAKE UP AMERICA YOU NOT ONLY AFFECT THE WHOLE WORLD, YOU ARE SELLING OUT YOUR OWN SELVES! Be selfish, fine, I don't agree with it, but Bush and crew aren't even doing what is good for you. Eat your broccoli too btw, its a good source of vitamins.

Need a lecture? Just ask me.

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-11-03 17:45:59)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

JOJOBA wrote:

i guess i just dont get it.  dumbass in the video didn't tell me anything.  So answer me this all you Bush haters... What did president Bush do to YOU PERSONALLY, that was SOOO BAD, that you have to be the most disrespectful assholes in the world towards the president?
You = Fail.

We're not allowed to express our dislike of the president? You sound like a nazi trying to take away our freedom of speech. It's a political opinion, not what bush wants people to think of him.

Sure, maybe he didn't do anything terrible to ME personally, but he's ruined this country. The one I live in.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
it must suck to live in a country no one cares about
Pope Picard II

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

All you guys need to do is read a little Noam Chomsky and you will quickly understand (if you are able to put your respective bias aside) that both the Democrats and the Republicans are big steaming piles of shit, as is your "democratic" goverment and its process, as is the executive branch, as is the majority of your entire sordid history, as is every country at one time or another with any power.

The point is not to say zomg Republicans r teh worst and Democrats are the best, it is to choose the lesser of two evils when you vote, because let's face it, your system is not democratic nor is it just. Its a fat pile of corporate shit and power whores and everyone knows it, so rather then crap on eachother, do whats right for your country and the world and vote for the lesser of two evils so that your country, and every fucking other country on the planet that is run by proxy by the USA has a fucking chance at a real future.

If you are going to choose sides and say so and so is a wing nut therefore we disregard every point they make, then you may as well hand all your rights over now and be done with it. If however, you can see that something is wrong with your government, especially Mr Rumsfeld, Mr Cheney, Mrs Rice, Mr Wolfowitz, and Mr Bush, then do the world a fucking favor and get them out of office. It is not unpatriotic, that is an immature argument of an infertile mind - If I was your leader and I singled you out as a citizen and deported you (nay deported you then tortured you and proclaimed to the entire news media fallacies about you) on the grounds that your total lack of mental ability was a terrorist threat to the nations children, would you say, OK I support you blindly, you speaketh teh truth !!!

Fuck that you'd think I was crazy, and damn right, your government is fucking crazy, but only if you "subcribe to the notion that you should feel sorry for the poor widow who can't eat across the street." Otherwise your country is doing what it does best, concentrating wealth for the nations elite, and leaving everyone else out on their ass. I can understand the greed behind that, but what I can't get, is how your nation can be so fucking stupid that they elect someone who is stripping away 99% of your nations future for a decent life, all in trade for a higher ratio of wealth to the elite, and more protection of that wealth and it's interests, and why when anyone goes against this, you fucking clowns think it is unpatriotic. You should be out there camping on the Whitehouse lawn telling them to GTFO stop stealing your lives, the lives of your soldiers, and the lives of your future children. Instead your handing it over to these guys and clapping and standing up for them.

Do I need to say anymore, WAKE UP AMERICA YOU NOT ONLY AFFECT THE WHOLE WORLD, YOU ARE SELLING OUT YOUR OWN SELVES! Be selfish, fine, I don't agree with it, but Bush and crew aren't even doing what is good for you. Eat your broccoli too btw, its a good source of vitamins.

Need a lecture? Just ask me.

kr@cker wrote:

it must suck to live in a country no one cares about

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-11-03 18:14:47)

I am all that is MOD!

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

All you guys need to do is read a little Noam Chomsky and you will quickly understand
No, it takes a few times to understand Chomsky.  100% Agree with you.

Spearhead wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Dude don't tell me your voting for Charlie.^^
Early voted for him.  What -you'd vote for Davis?  That guy is terrible.  2nd worst attendance..  He would roll back all of the tax credits.  Lt. Gov. Jones is a joke too.  I know his son.
Dude, Davis is far from having 2nd worst attendance.  You heard him say it in the debate - he has 93 percent attendance.  Lots of politicians miss votes when they run for other offices.  The 2nd worst attendance is trash talk.  Davis is a god damn politician, he goes to work.  Any dipshit could see that.  A politician doesn't spend months campaigning and millions of dollars advertizing just to get elected and say "Work sucks!" (except, maybe the president.  He's taken more vacations than any other president.  Besides, everyone knows it's not really him who's calling the shots, it's Cheney and the rest of his cabinet.)

You want Charlie Crist?  My mom knows him, I've met him, and she's been a lawyer her whole life.  He's more of a joke than any other politician in Florida.  He failed the BAR exam multiple times.  As Attorney General he F'ed up many more times, sometimes deliberately, such as in the Terri Schiavo situation.  He deliberately stood by and let the governer take custody of her. 

Any person with any common sense would vote for either Max Lynn or Jim Davis.
Nice try man.  I've met Crist.  He is a straight shooter.  I was there for the Schivo thing. Cirst had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.  Neither did the Gov.  The Senate tried to get involved.  I saw it all.  There were people on their knees as you rounded the corner whispering "save her.. save her."  Crazy shit.  They then put up fliers of "wanted" republicans who didn't vote to keep her alive.  I had to take them down... I can even name them.  Argenziano, King, Wise...

As for the Davis attendance record... Anyone on the floor can push his yes/no buttons without him/her there.  I've seen it done a million times.

How else has Charlie F'ed up?  He went after gas stations and other stores price gouging after our hurricanes.  He doesn't want to raise my taxes....  Davis is a joke.  Jones is worse.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Chomsky pwns all, even Olbermann
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Nice try man.  I've met Crist.
Wouldn't it be funny if his name was Jesus Crist? 

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