All you guys need to do is read a little Noam Chomsky and you will quickly understand (if you are able to put your respective bias aside) that both the Democrats and the Republicans are big steaming piles of shit, as is your "democratic" goverment and its process, as is the executive branch, as is the majority of your entire sordid history, as is every country at one time or another with any power.
The point is not to say zomg Republicans r teh worst and Democrats are the best, it is to choose the lesser of two evils when you vote, because let's face it, your system is not democratic nor is it just. Its a fat pile of corporate shit and power whores and everyone knows it, so rather then crap on eachother, do whats right for your country and the world and vote for the lesser of two evils so that your country, and every fucking other country on the planet that is run by proxy by the USA has a fucking chance at a real future.
If you are going to choose sides and say so and so is a wing nut therefore we disregard every point they make, then you may as well hand all your rights over now and be done with it. If however, you can see that something is wrong with your government, especially Mr Rumsfeld, Mr Cheney, Mrs Rice, Mr Wolfowitz, and Mr Bush, then do the world a fucking favor and get them out of office. It is not unpatriotic, that is an immature argument of an infertile mind - If I was your leader and I singled you out as a citizen and deported you (nay deported you then tortured you and proclaimed to the entire news media fallacies about you) on the grounds that your total lack of mental ability was a terrorist threat to the nations children, would you say, OK I support you blindly, you speaketh teh truth !!!
Fuck that you'd think I was crazy, and damn right, your government is fucking crazy, but only if you "subcribe to the notion that you should feel sorry for the poor widow who can't eat across the street." Otherwise your country is doing what it does best, concentrating wealth for the nations elite, and leaving everyone else out on their ass. I can understand the greed behind that, but what I can't get, is how your nation can be so fucking stupid that they elect someone who is stripping away 99% of your nations future for a decent life, all in trade for a higher ratio of wealth to the elite, and more protection of that wealth and it's interests, and why when anyone goes against this, you fucking clowns think it is unpatriotic. You should be out there camping on the Whitehouse lawn telling them to GTFO stop stealing your lives, the lives of your soldiers, and the lives of your future children. Instead your handing it over to these guys and clapping and standing up for them.
Do I need to say anymore, WAKE UP AMERICA YOU NOT ONLY AFFECT THE WHOLE WORLD, YOU ARE SELLING OUT YOUR OWN SELVES! Be selfish, fine, I don't agree with it, but Bush and crew aren't even doing what is good for you. Eat your broccoli too btw, its a good source of vitamins.
Need a lecture? Just ask me.
Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-11-03 17:45:59)