+65|7013|las vegas

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Twist wrote:

Automatic guns are shit. You can't hunt with them, you can't kill someone with them (well, you can, but with accuracy it's more luck than skill if you hit)
Maybe in your case it may be more luck than skill, but for those who practice with full autos its skill.
Full autos can be accurate if used correctly by someone with experience.

Twist wrote:

Shotguns, ok, they're a good deterent, and you can load it up with some weird shit if you want (go bean bags !) to scare people off, the noise is deafening too.
If you feel the need to shoot, shoot to kill, never shoot to wound or scare.
Do not introduce a deadly weapon to a situation you don't feel requires deadly force.
Just because the police can shoot people with beanbags doesn't mean you will not get in trouble or pay a lot of cash to the victim.
If you were so scared for your life you had to shoot the person, why didn't you shoot to kill?

Twist wrote:

Range pretty much sucks on shotguns (depending on ammo), and accuracy is frequently about luck, so hunting is well... Problematic at best, unless you spend MUCHO dinero on the ammo. While a shotgun looks impressive, it IS primarly a close range weapon and thus it's a good deterent against an intruder.
Accuracy with a shotgun is frequently about luck? How did you come up with this?
You don't have to shoot expensive shotgun ammo to be accurate.
I like birdshot, 00 buck and rifled slugs all of which are cheap, accurate and extremely deadly.
A shotgun is the ultimate home defense rifle. You can quickly change rounds for different situations.
If you have bird shot, 00 buck and rifled slugs on your shotgun you are ready for about anything you will come across in or around your home.

Twist wrote:

While a shotgun looks impressive, it IS primarly a close range weapon and thus it's a good deterent against an intruder. But if that intruder is armed, I'd much prefer to have my S&W .357 mag handy. That thing is accurate like no other high calibre handgun I've ever tried, the ammo will shoot through 3 walls and still knock down a rhino ! It's easy to maneuver in the house, and the noise level is a good deterent, plus with some training you can hit a moving target at 300 ft easily. Loading is easy, storage is minimal so locking it up so the kids dont play with it is easy. Ofcourse the "3 walls and killing a rhino" part kindof works AGAINST the effectiveness if you live in an apartment building !
So with "some" training you can "easily" hit a moving target at 300'-0" with a .357 revolver, but hitting something with a shotgun is luck?
I really question your firearm experience and knowledge based on what you have said and how you said it.
just make sure you shoulder that badboy

00 buck is brutal...
+65|7013|las vegas

Vilham wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Do you think it is nessecary to own pistols and semi auto rifles??
Obviously I do.
Do you find it necessary to put two question marks at the end of that question? lol

Vilham wrote:

Guns designed to kill humans and have no other purpose.
They have plenty of other purposes. In fact pistols and semi-auto rifles are used substantially more for legal purposes than illegal purposes. Why punish everyone for the bad decisions of a very small amount of people? What's next get rid of cars because we can't stop the drunk drivers? The problem is not the object it is the operator and lack of strict punishment for those who commit violent crimes. We fill up our prisons with drug users and let the violent, child molesters, rapists and thieves out early because we don't have room for them.
Please dont try and start a debate as to why pistols and rifles were invented. They were invented to kill people end of. "Pistols are smaller, lighter, easier to conceal, and faster to bring to bear." Why do you need a weapon that is easy to conceal other than to attack people with.

"Etymology: "gun" is found in Middle English as "gonne", and seems to come from the Germanic woman's name Gunhild or Gundhild = "war sword", applied to an early cannon."

Even the name is related to war.

Cars are nessecary for modern day society, private gun ownership isnt. Gun owners in America are in the HUGE minority go read up on the statistics.
your such a british fag!!!

i have 2 brit friend's, and they love firearm;s

you need to leave your basement
Say wat!?

beerface702 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Do you think it is nessecary to own pistols and semi auto rifles??
Obviously I do.
Do you find it necessary to put two question marks at the end of that question? lol

They have plenty of other purposes. In fact pistols and semi-auto rifles are used substantially more for legal purposes than illegal purposes. Why punish everyone for the bad decisions of a very small amount of people? What's next get rid of cars because we can't stop the drunk drivers? The problem is not the object it is the operator and lack of strict punishment for those who commit violent crimes. We fill up our prisons with drug users and let the violent, child molesters, rapists and thieves out early because we don't have room for them.
Please dont try and start a debate as to why pistols and rifles were invented. They were invented to kill people end of. "Pistols are smaller, lighter, easier to conceal, and faster to bring to bear." Why do you need a weapon that is easy to conceal other than to attack people with.

"Etymology: "gun" is found in Middle English as "gonne", and seems to come from the Germanic woman's name Gunhild or Gundhild = "war sword", applied to an early cannon."

Even the name is related to war.

Cars are nessecary for modern day society, private gun ownership isnt. Gun owners in America are in the HUGE minority go read up on the statistics.
your such a british fag!!!

i have 2 brit friend's, and they love firearm;s

you need to leave your basement
lol your Brit "mates" are blatently one of the following:

1. Chavs
2. Little kids who think guns are cool! Have any of you even seen what a bullet does to a body! GUNS ARENT TOYS! You people need to grow up.
Say wat!?

nodehopper wrote:

Vilham wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Thats a pretty bold statement. How could you possibly know that 99% of your population wants to keep firearms illegal? I am sure there is a lot more than 1% of the UK population that would love to have their firearm rights restored. You are clearly anti-gun and making up more "facts" just like I said you would. What are you going to make up next?
Because less than 1% of the population is in pro gun groups, if other people wanted guns they would join the pro gun groups.
That is RIDICULOUS !!! I don't want to see dogs hurt or mass slaughter of dolphins .....but I am not a member of PETA !!!

So every American who is not a card carrying member of the NRA is anti-gun ???

You could have just  admitted you were exaggerating to make your point least I would have respected your honesty.
If people in the UK REALY wanted guns they would join up with pro gun groups. If you dont join a pro gun group you clearly arent bothered as to whether guns are legal or not! Therefore they dont count towards wanted guns because they arent realy bothered.

You guys realy need to grow up. I think maybe someone should shoot you with a gun, then you would quickly realise they arent cool.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

beerface702 wrote:

and probably going to get a license to own a full auto next year, i plan on buying a mp5
How much do you plan to spend on a full auto MP5 or clone?
I don't know if you looked into their prices, but they are big bucks!

beerface702 wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:

In Arizona as long as you are not a felon you can buy a gun and walk out the door with it in about 10-15 minutes. No permit or registration required (unless its an NFA item).
really you mean long rifle or shotgun correct?

last time i was in AZ i thought that was the law

here it  is a 3 day wait for a handgun through a metro background check, neveda has pretty lax gun laws
can even carry it on the hip, exposed in public, but i wouldnt personally. CCW is the way to go

18 to own any rifle, that include's say a AK-74 or 47 whicha re very popular

of course these are just clones, not the real deal

but very effective non the less
NO I mean any non-NFA firearm. There is no waiting period here, you go in, pick it out, fill out the form, they make the background call, you pay and leave. The only time you have to wait is if the background check call center is offline for some reason. Never happened to me though. The only time I ever had to come back to get a firearm is when I special ordered something they didn't have in-stock. It has been this way for as long as I have been purchasing firearms - about 8-years.

Here it is 18 to own a rifle, shotgun or handgun, but a FFL dealer cannot sell someone who is under the age of 21 a handgun. It is federal law to prohibit FFL dealers from selling handguns to persons under 21 years of age. There is no Arizona law that restricts ownership and possession (including open carry) of a handgun by a person over the age of 18 and under the age of 21. So if you are over 18 and under 21 you have to purchase the handgun through a private sale (someone who does not hold a license to sell firearms).

A private sale transaction is simple; all you do is hand over the cash and they hand over the gun. It is illegal though to sell someone a firearm knowing they are a prohibited possessor. But because you are not required to do background checks or contact the police you cannot know they are a prohibited possessor unless they inform you. It is a good idea though to make a bill of sale including both person's information (full name and driver's license number) and the firearm description and serial number. Although the government cannot hold a registration of firearm owners the FFL dealers are required to hold the sales records for X amount of years. During an investigation they can determine which FFL dealer sold the firearm then contact them to see who bought it. Then they come looking for you, so if you sold it - it’s a good idea to have a direction to point them in when they start knocking on your door. That is why you want a bill of sale. Its proof the transaction took place.

Open carry is also legal here (without permit), concealed carry requires a permit. For concealed carry you must take an 8-hour course. The law just changed here and you no longer have to take a renewal course, but you still have to renew (paperwork & fingerprint card) your permit every 5-years.

Last edited by west-phoenix-az (2006-11-02 08:26:23)

Vilham wrote:

You guys realy need to grow up. I think maybe someone should shoot you with a gun, then you would quickly realise they arent cool.
You say GROW UP then you suggest we need to be shot by a gun???

I think you have made my point for me...

You, my friend, are  a giant douche and incapable of a logical debate !

Last edited by nodehopper (2006-11-02 08:35:29)

+630|6964|The Netherlands
An true U.S solder with his gun, mind the boots ^^

Last edited by ']['error (2006-11-02 08:39:16)

It's just a flesh wound

JE3146 wrote: … Small).jpg

1944 US RIFLE CAL .30 M1 Springfield Armory

1 of my many.....
Very nice, one of my favorite guns of WWII
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

Vilham wrote:

2. Little kids who think guns are cool! Have any of you even seen what a bullet does to a body! GUNS ARENT TOYS! You people need to grow up.
I have not shot a person if that is what you are asking. But I have seen what bullets do to living flesh. I know a few people who have been shot (some multiple times). I did shoot a dog (Rot) during an attack. It was in my front yard and there was around 15 witnesses. The police arrived, took my information, spoke with witnesses, called to have the dead dog picked up and left. No charges of course because I broke no laws. I am glad I had my pistol that day it could have turned out very bad. A year or two later another roaming dog starting attacking people in my neighborhood. It took a group of cops, animal control and a few gunshots to get the situation under control. I bet the victims (one of which was elderly) of the dog attacks wishes someone would have been around sooner to stop the threat.

Vilham wrote:

You guys realy need to grow up. I think maybe someone should shoot you with a gun, then you would quickly realise they arent cool.
We should be shot? - what logic! Stop telling us to grow up and go back to school or use spell check. Your posts are full of grammar and spelling mistakes. I know I make my fair share of mistakes, but when I read your posts you come across so angry that you can't think straight. I picture you red in the face with hands shaking as you type in anger. I am grown up and educated about firearms. I don't shoot my mouth off about subjects I don't know unlike you.

Stop being a

When am I going to learn..............

Last edited by west-phoenix-az (2006-11-02 09:09:51)
Say wat!?

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Vilham wrote:

2. Little kids who think guns are cool! Have any of you even seen what a bullet does to a body! GUNS ARENT TOYS! You people need to grow up.
I have not shot a person if that is what you are asking. But I have seen what bullets do to living flesh. I know a few people who have been shot (some multiple times). I did shoot a dog (Rot) during an attack. It was in my front yard and there was around 15 witnesses. The police arrived, took my information, spoke with witnesses, called to have the dead dog picked up and left. No charges of course because I broke no laws. I am glad I had my pistol that day it could have turned out very bad. A year or two later another roaming dog starting attacking people in my neighborhood. It took a group of cops, animal control and a few gunshots to get the situation under control. I bet the victims (one of which was elderly) of the dog attacks wishes someone would have been around sooner to stop the threat.

Vilham wrote:

You guys realy need to grow up. I think maybe someone should shoot you with a gun, then you would quickly realise they arent cool.
We should be shot? - what logic! Stop telling us to grow up and go back to school or use spell check. Your posts are full of grammar and spelling mistakes. I know I make my fair share of mistakes, but when I read your posts you come across so angry that you can't think straight. I picture you red in the face with hands shaking as you type in anger. I am grown up and educated about firearms. I don't shoot my mouth off about subjects I don't know unlike you.

Stop being a … /hater.gif … /aiiet.gif.

When am I going to learn.............. … trolls.gif … smilie.gif
Haha im perfectly calm, im not even discussing a problem that is in my country, i just dont like it when you put ideas into british heads about "how cool" guns are. My comment about you being shot is to point out that you dont know what something is like untill you experience it. When you are shot by one and half your lower back is ripped open i doubt you will think they are cool.

At what point did i claim my spelling was amazing? I dont believe i did, however punctuation realy doesnt matter and other than that i believe a lot of the mistakes you see are infact correct in ENGLISH but different in American, ie color whereas the correct spelling is colour, your mixing up of c's and s's, and words that are spelt in American with one l when they are meant to have two l's.

When i said "your" i meant your not you are.

Unfortunately for you, your doing exactly what your saying i shouldnt do, talking about things "I don't know", one, you dont know me... therefore thats your first hurdle, two, i happen to know quite alot about guns, the difference between you and me is i know they arent cool, i grew out of that when i was 6, whereas you still think they are cool and fun.

I play gun games because they dont involved real guns and therefore no one is hurt, real guns do damage and alot of it.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-11-02 17:51:45)

GunSlinger OIF II

CaptainMike wrote:

JE3146 wrote: … Small).jpg

1944 US RIFLE CAL .30 M1 Springfield Armory

1 of my many.....
Very nice, one of my favorite guns of WWII
some say the M1 garand has been the greatest infantryman's rifle in American history, including today.
Say wat!?

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

CaptainMike wrote:

JE3146 wrote: … Small).jpg

1944 US RIFLE CAL .30 M1 Springfield Armory

1 of my many.....
Very nice, one of my favorite guns of WWII
some say the M1 garand has been the greatest infantryman's rifle in American history, including today.
I would say thats probably true, the use of cartriges makes it far more reliable. I would say its one of the most reliable rifles ever.. its got such a basic design it rarely went wrong when in use, unless you put the cartrige in at a bad angle.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

Vilham wrote:

im not even discussing a problem that isnt in my country

Vilham wrote:

i just dont like it when you put ideas into british heads about "how cool" guns are.
I'm not putting any ideas in people's heads. I am simply showing firearms and discussing their laws.

Vilham wrote:

My comment about you being shot is to point out that you dont know what something is like untill you experience it.
What does that have to do with this conversation?
You make it sound like I go around randomly shooting people.
In that case I think the person should see what it feels like.
As far as someone shooting someone else in self defense I could care less what the attacker feels when he gets shot as long as the threat is stopped.

Vilham wrote:

At what point did i claim my spelling was amazing? I dont believe i did, however punctuation realy doesnt matter and other than that i believe a lot of the mistakes you see are infact correct in ENGLISH but different in American, ie color whereas the correct spelling is colour, your mixing up of c's and s's, and words that are spelt in American with one l when they are meant to have two l's.

Unfortunately for you, your doing exactly what your saying i shouldnt do, talking about things "I don't know"
I do know that I's should be capitalized and you are = you're, not your. You are right you never did claim be an amazing speller and I should have never brought it up. But it's as if you don't even try, yet you tell us to grow up. Telling someone to "grow up" because they exercise their firearm rights is immature in my opinion. I don't read much written by people from the UK, but I do know some things are spelled differently. This is getting really off topic so we should not discuss this any further.

Vilham wrote:

i happen to know quite alot about guns, the difference between you and me is i know they arent cool, i grew out of that when i was 6, whereas you still think they are cool and fun.
No - you think they aren't cool.
Something being cool is an opinion not a fact. Something being fun is an opinion not a fact. I do think guns are cool. I don't think they make you cool. Just because something can be deadly does not mean it can't be cool or fun. Why do you know anything about guns if you think they are so "uncool"? Why do you play a game like Battlefield 2 if you think guns are so "uncool"? I do think guns are both fun and cool, but they are not toys. When owned and used lawfully they are quite fun and enjoyable. I don't think it makes me a bad ass; I honestly enjoy owning, researching, maintaining and shooting firearms. If I don't use them to hurt others why do you even care?
GunSlinger OIF II

Vilham wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

CaptainMike wrote:

Very nice, one of my favorite guns of WWII
some say the M1 garand has been the greatest infantryman's rifle in American history, including today.
I would say thats probably true, the use of cartriges makes it far more reliable. I would say its one of the most reliable rifles ever.. its got such a basic design it rarely went wrong when in use, unless you put the cartrige in at a bad angle.
ive heard stories about mis loading the clips and getting garand bites on the thumbs
Yeah but wouldnt you rather have an m14?
GunSlinger OIF II

wreck® wrote:

Yeah but wouldnt you rather have an m14?
good question.  Ive actually used an M14 and its a mighty fine weapon.  but something special about that M1 that I just cant put my finger on it.
M14 / M1A FTW !!!

I do call my new M1A a toy in my sig. This is used the same way fast cars, motorcycles, speed boats.etc.etc.etc. are called toys. Don't for a minute think I don't take the responsibility of gun ownership lightly!

Last edited by nodehopper (2006-11-02 14:16:42)

I have 3 firearms but this one is my favorite.

My Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle with the Bayonet.. 7.62x54R

Yellow tip denotes that the round is Armor Piercing.

Made by commies in 1939. Star with arrow denotes specific armory it was made at. Not very visiable in the photo.

Adjustable sights, each number is a 100 meter increment.
DICE/EA spokesman
I don't need a gun - mr. norris was my sensei...

I have an airsoft Tokyo Marui SIG 552 SEAL carbine with a single 43-round magazine.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-11-02 17:45:24)

+1,452|6714|The Gem Saloon
the reason you cant put your finger on why you like the M1 isnt tangible.....its probably one of the greatest rifles used by one of the greatest generations this world has ever seen. there is an honor in holding and using that rifle. no weapon in the world inspires my patriotism like that one. god bless springfield for delivering that weapon when they did. those K98's are good guns, and that 8mm is a fucking cannon but the M1 ruled that battlefield, and many others. its still in use today with third world backwards ass countries. in fact, columbian rebels use M1s from WWII that we gave to the country during the whole pablo escobar thing. M1s that are over 60 years old still being shot in action today. a testament to that rifle for sure.......

edit:......west arizona just quit arguing with him man. he wants to bash guns and at the same time act like he knows the mechanics of an M1. just because you say that if you load a bullet in at the wrong angle doesnt mean you know what your talking about.....i dont know about you, but i learned about this cool little thing called "Garand Thumb" its what happens when you dont get your thumb out of the action quickly enough. try to load an M1 Garand with single bullets and i bet your thumb will be pretty the correct way to load the M1 is with a bandolier(spellings wrong im sure). thats 8 bullets at a time, so that would be 8 bullets loaded at the wrong angle by your theory right? funny ive never had that problem before.........but im sure someone with such a vast amount of knowledge and first hand experience such as yourself knows much more about that.

Last edited by Parker (2006-11-02 18:37:30)


GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Vilham wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

some say the M1 garand has been the greatest infantryman's rifle in American history, including today.
I would say thats probably true, the use of cartriges makes it far more reliable. I would say its one of the most reliable rifles ever.. its got such a basic design it rarely went wrong when in use, unless you put the cartrige in at a bad angle.
ive heard stories about mis loading the clips and getting garand bites on the thumbs
It has nothing to do with misloading clips.

It's the mechanism in front of the action that holds the op-rod locked back. Sometimes the notch gets worn down, and when you depress the follower by loading an en-bloc, it releases the op-rod/bolt foreward smashing your poor thumb. Fortunately mine is not worn down the slightest.

And thankyou for the compliments. It's a rifle I take great pride in owning.

Drunken_Tankdriver wrote:

I have 3 firearms but this one is my favorite.

My Mosin Nagant Sniper Rifle with the Bayonet.. 7.62x54R … 001xu0.jpg … 003lo7.jpg

Yellow tip denotes that the round is Armor Piercing. … 002mi9.jpg

Made by commies in 1939. Star with arrow denotes specific armory it was made at. Not very visiable in the photo. … 006tw1.jpg

Adjustable sights, each number is a 100 meter increment. … 010mn0.jpg
Hate to piss in your cornflakes, but there is nothing "sniper" about it.

A PE or PU sniper model is easily distinguishable by its over the top, or sidemount and low/mid power optics and bent bolt handle.

Yours has none of those features and isn't anything more than a Tula aresenal round-receiver infantry rifle made in 1939.

wreck® wrote:

Yeah but wouldnt you rather have an m14?

I'd rather have both and call it a day
+721|6901|the dank(super) side of Oregon

JE3146 wrote:

Hate to piss in your cornflakes, but there is nothing "sniper" about it.

A PE or PU sniper model is easily distinguishable by its over the top, or sidemount and low/mid power optics and bent bolt handle.

Yours has none of those features and isn't anything more than a Tula aresenal round-receiver infantry rifle made in 1939.
it's kinda hard to say.  the CH cryllic is a sniper designation but not generally in that location.  The C and the H usually sit on respective sides of Tula arsenal symbol, i.e. C*H.  it also has a straight bolt which is incongruent with the sniper configuration.  Mosin Nagant sniper rifles were hand picked from the mass produced lot for their test fire performance.  Usually, the first thing the rifle recieved was a bent bolt to accomidate the scope, whether it was a PT, VP, PE, or PU.  Trigger modifications were also common.

what concerns me is not the lack of a scope, it's the rifle itself.  you may wanna do some more research.

Last edited by Reciprocity (2006-11-02 20:33:22)

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