1) I've not lessened the attrocious beheading of Nick Berg at all. And yes, I've watched it a couple times. Further, I realize how utterly evil it is.silo1180 wrote:
I don't even know what to say in reponse to this idiocy...
The prisoner's in Guat are treated as well as US prisoners are. Their religious believes are respected, they are fed. How can you even compare being a prisoner there to being beheaded. And the people there are at least suspected terrorists. What did Nick Berg or the others do? They weren't even military! They were there to try to help make things better, and they were mutilated.
Maybe you should actually see one of the videos, and maybe you should actually do some research to see what the actual "cause of death" was for the prisoners in Guat. It sickens me that you could try to lessen this atrocity with this comparison.
2) I have brought the comparison of what has happened to our detainees because their deaths are JUST AS SAD and SICKENING as Nick Bergs. I also compared the idiocy of Nick Berg voluntarily going to Iraq vs. the regular iraqi's yanked from their homes and detained without ANY rights whatsoever..and then being tortured endlessly for years...then beaten to death. I don't know about you, but I'd take Nick Berg's beheading which cost him about a minute or two of pain, respectively, vs. the detainee's death. We all saw Nick sitting their calmly as the jihadists read their BS on the film, then with surprise, they pulled the knife, and sawed away. Two minutes vs. two years? Hell yes I'd take the two minutes.
Maybe if you saw film of what our detainees go through, you'd think otherwise. And as for your ignorant assertion that prisoners at "Guat" [gitmo?] are treated humanely and that they're all "suspected terrorists", YOU need to study. I actually know what I'm talking about because I know actual attorneys who sit within 50 feet of me who represent some detainees...people who have nothing to do with anything bad simply yanked from their homes and thrown in a prison somewhere in the world.