Ok, so your from a country that sells massive amounts of oil to western countries and your government squanders that wealth on palaces, rolls royces and creates hostilities by not spending that money on much needed social services and job creation. Also dont forget the local clerics misdirect anger towards other countries? Who should you really be angry with?
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- Would you be mad if your country was pulling oil from the ground?
would you be mad if you sold fluids out of the ground at 50-70$bbl
no way...my country is rich as hell | 69% | 69% - 16 | ||||
hell yeah those capitalist pigs making my govt rich | 30% | 30% - 7 | ||||
Total: 23 |
I voted the wrong option by accident, but anyway... Yeah, it's unfortunate that various Islamic regimes aren't providing the necessary services to their poor people.smtt686 wrote:
Ok, so your from a country that sells massive amounts of oil to western countries and your government squanders that wealth on palaces, rolls royces and creates hostilities by not spending that money on much needed social services and job creation. Also dont forget the local clerics misdirect anger towards other countries? Who should you really be angry with?
It's even more unfortunate that our government tends to support such regimes....
Dude, the reason that the Middle East hates the US is because we initiated and supported horribly oppressive dictators during the Cold War simply because they were anti-communist and had vested interest in our favor.
Pretty much... but we did this in South America, Africa, and in parts of Asia as well. We're great at fucking things up....Elamdri wrote:
Dude, the reason that the Middle East hates the US is because we initiated and supported horribly oppressive dictators during the Cold War simply because they were anti-communist and had vested interest in our favor.
I just don't enjoy the fact that I'm suffering now from mistakes my ancestor's made in the past. We overthrew governments right and left from 1947-1991, all in the name of stopping the spread of Communism, but now we have an entirely NEW threat to deal with because of policy mistakes we made trying to stop the USSR from expanding. Sure, the Sha of Iran didn't like the USSR, but he sure as hell didn't give a damn about the people either. Hmm, we supported him and put him in power, overthrowing a democratically elected regime under Mohammed Mossadegh. Way to go US! We're so awesome. Or how about when Chikita Banana (United Fruit Company) got the US to overthrow the democratically-elected President of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in 1954.
Seriously, this shit is coming back to bite us in the ass and all the fucking politicians can talk about is tax incentives and building a 2000 mile wall to keep mexicans out.
Seriously, this shit is coming back to bite us in the ass and all the fucking politicians can talk about is tax incentives and building a 2000 mile wall to keep mexicans out.
Im angry with my govt. ffs. they should be reaping the benefits. giving it to the people, and INVESTING into the people for them to advance THEIR economy.
Would you put someone in power that is for communism and could care less about his people, or someone against communism that could care less about his people. I would take the first choice.Elamdri wrote:
I just don't enjoy the fact that I'm suffering now from mistakes my ancestor's made in the past. We overthrew governments right and left from 1947-1991, all in the name of stopping the spread of Communism, but now we have an entirely NEW threat to deal with because of policy mistakes we made trying to stop the USSR from expanding. Sure, the Sha of Iran didn't like the USSR, but he sure as hell didn't give a damn about the people either. Hmm, we supported him and put him in power, overthrowing a democratically elected regime under Mohammed Mossadegh. Way to go US! We're so awesome. Or how about when Chikita Banana (United Fruit Company) got the US to overthrow the democratically-elected President of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in 1954.
Seriously, this shit is coming back to bite us in the ass and all the fucking politicians can talk about is tax incentives and building a 2000 mile wall to keep mexicans out.
You missing the point I'm making. We shouldn't be OVERTHROWING DEMOCRATICLY ELECTED HEADS OF STATE AND REPLACING THEM WITH DICTATORS, simply because we disagree with policy choices. The US has a BAD habit of favoring stability over Democracy in third world nations, and then claiming later that they are all about Democracy. The people aren't going to BELIEVE us because of our tract record. And why should they? Should the people of Iran believe Ahmadinejad or Bush.Miller wrote:
Would you put someone in power that is for communism and could care less about his people, or someone against communism that could care less about his people. I would take the first choice.Elamdri wrote:
I just don't enjoy the fact that I'm suffering now from mistakes my ancestor's made in the past. We overthrew governments right and left from 1947-1991, all in the name of stopping the spread of Communism, but now we have an entirely NEW threat to deal with because of policy mistakes we made trying to stop the USSR from expanding. Sure, the Shah of Iran didn't like the USSR, but he sure as hell didn't give a damn about the people either. Hmm, we supported him and put him in power, overthrowing a democratically elected regime under Mohammed Mossadegh. Way to go US! We're so awesome. Or how about when Chikita Banana (United Fruit Company) got the US to overthrow the democratically-elected President of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in 1954.
Seriously, this shit is coming back to bite us in the ass and all the fucking politicians can talk about is tax incentives and building a 2000 mile wall to keep mexicans out.
Not to mention Bush is a terrible orator.
I'm totally with you, dude. Great post....
I would argue for doing neither. Let countries put their own leaders into power. The one exception to this rule should be Iraq, but that's only because we fucked them up so bad. Now, we don't have much of a choice but to put some puppet into power over there, since the elected government can't keep the militias in line.Miller wrote:
Would you put someone in power that is for communism and could care less about his people, or someone against communism that could care less about his people. I would take the first choice.Elamdri wrote:
I just don't enjoy the fact that I'm suffering now from mistakes my ancestor's made in the past. We overthrew governments right and left from 1947-1991, all in the name of stopping the spread of Communism, but now we have an entirely NEW threat to deal with because of policy mistakes we made trying to stop the USSR from expanding. Sure, the Sha of Iran didn't like the USSR, but he sure as hell didn't give a damn about the people either. Hmm, we supported him and put him in power, overthrowing a democratically elected regime under Mohammed Mossadegh. Way to go US! We're so awesome. Or how about when Chikita Banana (United Fruit Company) got the US to overthrow the democratically-elected President of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in 1954.
Seriously, this shit is coming back to bite us in the ass and all the fucking politicians can talk about is tax incentives and building a 2000 mile wall to keep mexicans out.
People don't understand that the international system is now directly linked to domestic issues at home. There is no distinction between the 2 anymore, but politicians don't want to recognize this. We made poor decisions during the Post-War Era and now we are suffering for it, and its affect our domestic life. If the people don't realize this, nothing will ever get better. You can't just base your votes on domestic issues, hell, most domestic problems are handles by the Bureaucracy anyway.
That made me laugh, +1 lolTurquoise wrote:
Pretty much... but we did this in South America, Africa, and in parts of Asia as well. We're great at fucking things up....Elamdri wrote:
Dude, the reason that the Middle East hates the US is because we initiated and supported horribly oppressive dictators during the Cold War simply because they were anti-communist and had vested interest in our favor.
...God bless hypocracy.
Little bit of both, we prop them up, they prop us up. We make sure 'western-friendly' types are always in charge of the oil.
Did anyone see the late show the other night? The Geo-Politics guy (can't remember his name slipped up and said the real reason that America is staying in Iraq and you guessed it oil. He then tried to cover it by saying "It's Geo-Politics Dave your oversimplifying it. Do you really want me to get into Geo-Politics Dave you wouldn't understand."
EDIT: oh and isn't Bruni an exception I've heard the prince/sultan is quite good to his people.
EDIT: oh and isn't Bruni an exception I've heard the prince/sultan is quite good to his people.
Last edited by dog7777 (2006-11-02 10:56:33)
Look, the US was doing this during the Cold War to stop Communist expansion, and now it is doing it to secure oil resources.
no way...my country is rich as hell
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- Would you be mad if your country was pulling oil from the ground?