this is that story about how the crocodile hunter cornholed a muslim with a boomerang right ? or was it a kangaroo ?

ok not funny my bad..
+1|7055|bendigo, Aus
now why didnt the rioters just play bf2 for the USMC side insted of bashing up muslims?

I mean shooting is a much better way to vent some anger than punching, right?
meh, not all of us aussies are insane
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
yep thats tru, and science has proven that they wiped out another culture that was here before them, thats how things work..... and besides if we hadn't taken ova (colonised) they would still be runnign around in loin cloth paintin shit on rocks, throwin spears and boombarangs...... hell they have benefited heaps from us whites,, they now have the dole, beer and petrol, metho and turps, free stable accomodation, what more could they want...

+0|7026|taree aus

philbymaris wrote:

yep thats tru, and science has proven that they wiped out another culture that was here before them, thats how things work..... and besides if we hadn't taken ova (colonised) they would still be runnign around in loin cloth paintin shit on rocks, throwin spears and boombarangs...... hell they have benefited heaps from us whites,, they now have the dole, beer and petrol, metho and turps, free stable accomodation, what more could they want...

Gotta admit there getting there own back.  They account for 95% of the crime around here.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

hardchubbs wrote:

philbymaris wrote:

yep thats tru, and science has proven that they wiped out another culture that was here before them, thats how things work..... and besides if we hadn't taken ova (colonised) they would still be runnign around in loin cloth paintin shit on rocks, throwin spears and boombarangs...... hell they have benefited heaps from us whites,, they now have the dole, beer and petrol, metho and turps, free stable accomodation, what more could they want...

Gotta admit there getting there own back.  They account for 95% of the crime around here.
i hate it when people get cranky for us saying bad things about abo's

but we say it and they have this reputation or a reason.....
ah its ok for yanks to hate on natives there but not for us and abos? i bet abos are alot worse!
and as for this whole race riot bullshit, some fucken wog gave my sister a black eye over the weekend, week fuck.
who said its ok to hate on native americans ? only thing you hear in the states about native americans is how we were such assholes for killing them ans stealing their land. people are so polically correct that they are fights about sports teams that have natve american names
Raiders of the Lost Bear


On a more serious note, hasn't this been like.. Since Pauline Hanson?
+0|7026|taree aus

polarbearz wrote:


On a more serious note, hasn't this been like.. Since Pauline Hanson?
I suppose pauline hanson gave people an outlet.
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
Pauline hanson, has nothing to do with the shit that happening at the moment...... if anything she has opened our eyes to the social misjustices that are going on in our major cities....

like for instance.... cheaper labour, religous difference, cultural differences, how abo's and 10X more advanages than white people..... the list goes on.

Raiders of the Lost Bear

I supposed this has always happened around the world. In Malaysia Malays get special rights, they don't need grades as good to enter universities, they get dibs on buying houses, cars, everything.

Sure, life will never be as fair, live with it. You don't need to turn racist and start bashing up people, burning stuff overnight. That just drives the wedge deeper between them.

Look at it this way, if people started bashing up aussies overseas, wouldn't you guys think WTF? Don't tell me you won't, look at the huge hoo-hah the Viet/Aussie Immigrant hanging in Singapore caused. And that reason was LEGIT, albeit debatable.  Sooo... Cool off, take a chug of that very very very good XXXX beer.

God I LOVE XXXX. I've been to australia 6 times, and loved it ever since the first.
+0|7026|taree aus

polarbearz wrote:

I supposed this has always happened around the world. In Malaysia Malays get special rights, they don't need grades as good to enter universities, they get dibs on buying houses, cars, everything.

Sure, life will never be as fair, live with it. You don't need to turn racist and start bashing up people, burning stuff overnight. That just drives the wedge deeper between them.

Look at it this way, if people started bashing up aussies overseas, wouldn't you guys think WTF? Don't tell me you won't, look at the huge hoo-hah the Viet/Aussie Immigrant hanging in Singapore caused. And that reason was LEGIT, albeit debatable.  Sooo... Cool off, take a chug of that very very very good XXXX beer.

God I LOVE XXXX. I've been to australia 6 times, and loved it ever since the first.
If you like four X you got serious problems mate.
Australia's problems are so different from a country where the indiginous inhabitants get special considerations.  Here you've got minorities getting extremely special conditions.  For example in the selection criteria for gov't positions(In NSW) you are considered to have a qualification if you speak another language.  If you are aborigional you are entitled to a position for which you are not qualified for.  If you don't speak English you are entitled to an interpreter to  enable you to take on that position.
Another example which I found paticularly amusing (although i think they fixed it) was the TER(a high school rating) to enter the police service.  Usually 55 (0 being lowest 100 being highest) you were entitled to a 9 point reduction for every minority group you fitted into.  So if you were black, female and a lesbian your TER requirement dropped to 28.
This is only a couple of examples there's heaps more.  I don't condone racist behaviour but too much here has fallen the way of minorities to the point that it affects everyone.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

hardchubbs wrote:

Another example which I found paticularly amusing (although i think they fixed it) was the TER(a high school rating) to enter the police service.  Usually 55 (0 being lowest 100 being highest) you were entitled to a 9 point reduction for every minority group you fitted into.  So if you were black, female and a lesbian your TER requirement dropped to 28.
At least in NSW, the TER has been replaced my the UAI. I think TER standed for Tertiary Education something (ranking?). UAI stands for University Admissions Index, again 0-100.
What police service are you talking about? Federal? A particular state? (probibly Victoria...)

If you want low requirements, i have a beauty. To join the Army, as a basic whatever, you only need to finish Year 9. . Of course if ya wanna be an officer, then you need to get a good UAI and go to ADFA (aus defence force academy).

oh and for the guy that likes XXXX, thats pretty fucked up. A few years ago, the guy at the bottleshop sais XXXX stands for SHIT. I guess thats cause its queenslander beer...
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

mcminty wrote:

hardchubbs wrote:

Another example which I found paticularly amusing (although i think they fixed it) was the TER(a high school rating) to enter the police service.  Usually 55 (0 being lowest 100 being highest) you were entitled to a 9 point reduction for every minority group you fitted into.  So if you were black, female and a lesbian your TER requirement dropped to 28.
At least in NSW, the TER has been replaced my the UAI. I think TER standed for Tertiary Education something (ranking?). UAI stands for University Admissions Index, again 0-100.
What police service are you talking about? Federal? A particular state? (probibly Victoria...)

If you want low requirements, i have a beauty. To join the Army, as a basic whatever, you only need to finish Year 9. . Of course if ya wanna be an officer, then you need to get a good UAI and go to ADFA (aus defence force academy).

oh and for the guy that likes XXXX, thats pretty fucked up. A few years ago, the guy at the bottleshop sais XXXX stands for SHIT. I guess thats cause its queenslander beer...
yeh fuck xxxx right off......xxxx gold tastes ok but takes about 1000 before you get drunk so fuck that off too, carlton draught please...
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
ba hahahahahaha, i live in queensland and i must say that XXXX sux, but i dont drink anymore... cause of bad experiences with XXXX mainly, its a shocking beer.

I agree what happened in singapore was just... and those aussies who thought he should be spared, WAKE UP, the man trafficed drugs, by their laws its death, he knew this and he still went and did it. he got what he deserved.

about the social misjustices which all aussies have to put up with, we put up with alot. Abo's have a much greater chance to make a life for themselfs than a white person, only they decided to drink and sniff it all away, people who slog it out at school cant get into uni because a rich asains have bought their way in, the way our current government is running this place is a JOKE in my opinion, get rid of johnny howard and put someone in there with some balls and a spine. fuck what does the world think of us when we are represented by a short, balding man with huge eyebrows and a weird laugh and stutter?

you can get mad benifits for having the slightest bit of abo blood in you, its beyond a joke realy.

none the less, ill post up a pic tomorrow if im not too busy of my sisters black eye she copped from some fucken lebo on saturday night.
+0|7026|taree aus

FourStars wrote:

you can get mad benifits for having the slightest bit of abo blood in you, its beyond a joke realy.

none the less, ill post up a pic tomorrow if im not too busy of my sisters black eye she copped from some fucken lebo on saturday night.
They are big and tough when its a woman or some bloke by himself and ten of them.  I remember years ago one of them was starting to beat up on his girlfriend in a pool hall.  A mate of mine stepped in and give this bloke a shove.  The bouncers grabbed the leb and chucked him out (not before my mate gave him a rudimentry lecture on how to treat women) but before my mate could really sought him out.  Next thing you know as where about to leave here's this prick brought about ten of his mates down to 'sought us out' at the front of the pool hall.
Absoloutly fucking spineless.  If its not ten of their mates theve got a knife anyway.

By the way all four x is shit.  NO BUTS.  At least its a lot easier to get other brands in QLD then it was.  Such a beautiful place such poor taste.

Last edited by hardchubbs (2005-12-19 21:33:00)

+0|7026|taree aus

mcminty wrote:

hardchubbs wrote:

Another example which I found paticularly amusing (although i think they fixed it) was the TER(a high school rating) to enter the police service.  Usually 55 (0 being lowest 100 being highest) you were entitled to a 9 point reduction for every minority group you fitted into.  So if you were black, female and a lesbian your TER requirement dropped to 28.
At least in NSW, the TER has been replaced my the UAI. I think TER standed for Tertiary Education something (ranking?). UAI stands for University Admissions Index, again 0-100.
What police service are you talking about? Federal? A particular state? (probibly Victoria...)

If you want low requirements, i have a beauty. To join the Army, as a basic whatever, you only need to finish Year 9. . Of course if ya wanna be an officer, then you need to get a good UAI and go to ADFA (aus defence force academy).

oh and for the guy that likes XXXX, thats pretty fucked up. A few years ago, the guy at the bottleshop sais XXXX stands for SHIT. I guess thats cause its queenslander beer...
It was 'tertiary entrance requirement' your right it has changed but it is NSW I refer too.  Ive had a look at their recruitment stuff and it has all changed.  They no longer make a big deal about dropping scores.  However they still do offer better chances for people of a minority background.
yeah there was 15 of them to take on a girl, and her male friend who may as well be a girl too. ill post the photos of her eye when she sends me the one from today, the whites of her right eye arent visible on the right side, completely black and red, the bruising on her eye have now gone over to the left side and halfway down her right cheek to about her lips.

not a happy boy
I love you aussies, this thread is just as much a discussion about beer as it is about riots I hope you aussies never change. So which is the Best Aussie Beer?

Last edited by 7thscout (2005-12-20 14:24:22)

theres plenty of good aussie beer, coopers sparkling is my fav though
+-1|7021|Adelaide, Australia
it should be pretty simple, you live here you act in a manner that is acceptable to our society. No matter what race or background your from? If a bunch of (insert race here)people went to england and pissed on a picture of the queen infront  of bucko palace im pretty sure there would be some problems pretty quickly too.
Im over it, really i am. Its not just the lebos, but asians, kiwis, yankees. They all come here and think that they own the place and there top shit. But there is one thing worse than them....the red neck aussies who think they can erradicate the problem with violence.It aint gonna happen like that. I can see where the angry mob was coming from. Im pretty pissed that a bunch of foreigners (1st, 2nd or 18th generation) did what they did to those lifeguards.WTF were they thinking but then on the same hand WTF were those angry pissheads thinking by bashing every darked skinned person in sight? it was never going to solve the problem, only ever make it worse. But why point the fingure at ozland and say have we gone crazy? look at the other countries in the world, bali-blow up a hotel and kill a couple of hundred people and your out within 7 years but take a pound of cheeba there and your gone for 20 straight! Americans threatning riots and violence if the founder of the cribs is executed, name one thing that gangs have ever done that was helpful or good?
Who are the crazy people i say?

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

7thscout wrote:

I love you aussies, this thread is just as much a discussion about beer as it is about riots I hope you aussies never change. So which is the Best Aussie Beer?
carlton draught for me.....its hot here today (31) so im drinking one right now!!
+-1|7021|Adelaide, Australia
Tooheys Extra Dry or Coopers (sparkling, pale, vintage) any or all of the above.....
beer is good but bourbon is

makers mark and knob creek for me.anyone????

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