i am goin to buy sf soon (when i can be arsed) and i was wondering how do u unlock the new weapons do u just get them because u all ready have the prev unlock or wat plz help
can sum1 acc reply plz rather thn just lookin
buy it and you'll know how it works
tht y im askin shud i buy it or do i have to work to get em which i really cant be botherd to do
is there no 1 on at like 10:36 PMor has ur mummys and daddys sent u to bed
like he said buy it and you will soon find out
Last edited by insanemotherfucker (2005-12-17 15:39:34)
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr we r not amused
just search for fucks sake
i know you are amused and you get them by what you already have there you happy now damn
Last edited by insanemotherfucker (2005-12-17 15:42:42)
is no1 goin to acc answer my fuckin qu (sorrry for the language im jsut anoyed
finally sum1 answered it tank u so much