How is everyone. I want to talk about the new pin that needs to be made so that it would give more incentive for those brave souls who attack the enemy titan to find APM mines, RDX packs, Sentry guns, Support + Grenade whores, knifers, etc.

By having this pin, people will be wanting to attack the enemy titan more than just sitting inside their own titan.
It is much more difficult to attack the enemy titan compared to just defending and I am not sure why they only have the defender pin.

Anyone else think this way as well?
Laughter with an S
+167|6686|Camoran's Paradise
I'm surprised they never made one.  I'm for it.  It would give me some motivation to get my lazy ass off our titan. 
There also needs to be a Frag Fodder pin for all those to get fragged several times in a row while trying to attack the enemy titan.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6480|Brisbane, Australia

There is a titan attacker badge, not sure if you guys know or not:

In One Round: 8 Titan Attack Score

In One Round: 15 Titan Attack Score
Global: 30 Hours played in Titan mode

In One Round: 30 Titan Attack Score
Global: 60 Hours played in Titan mode

It's called the "Titan Combat Excellence" badge. So, like I said, not sure if you guys knew but thought it was worth mentioning.
Laughter with an S
+167|6686|Camoran's Paradise
I think he ment a pin not a badge.  You know, one you can get every round.  A counter-part to this:

Titan Defender Pin:  7 Titan defends IAR

Last edited by Ganko_06 (2006-10-30 23:14:45)


TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

There is a titan attacker badge, not sure if you guys know or not: … .117_1.png

In One Round: 8 Titan Attack Score … .117_2.png

In One Round: 15 Titan Attack Score
Global: 30 Hours played in Titan mode … .117_3.png

In One Round: 30 Titan Attack Score
Global: 60 Hours played in Titan mode

It's called the "Titan Combat Excellence" badge. So, like I said, not sure if you guys knew but thought it was worth mentioning.
I know, and I do have VETERAN ATTACK BADGE

Also to let you know, I am ranked top 500 so don't even try to teach me about specifics.

I am talking about PIN not BADGE

EDIT: Ganko_06 you beat me to it.

Last edited by StormEye (2006-10-30 23:17:39)

Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6480|Brisbane, Australia

Yeh, I re-read the title after posting and realized this........those three badges can make up for the lack of a pin slightly - 40 + 500 + 1000 = 1540 pts. This is equivalent to 38.5 pins, I guess pins would be better because you would earn many more than 39 in 60hrs of titan mode.
+557|6774|Oslo, Norway
What about the 'Problem Solver pin' and the other one you get for destroying the consoles?

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

Yeh, I re-read the title after posting and realized this........those three badges can make up for the lack of a pin slightly - 40 + 500 + 1000 = 1540 pts. This is equivalent to 38.5 pins, I guess pins would be better because you would earn many more than 39 in 60hrs of titan mode.
If there was the pin, many brave souls would be rewarded for their action in attempt to assault the enemy ship. The pin should have lower titan attack score on it, like 5 titan attack score.

I know there is Titan Destructor Pin, and it seems that you can only get that twice and after destroying 8 guns, the attack score is not awarded, thus you cannot just attack guns for the points. (I have destroyed titan guns OVER and OVER again to see if I get anymore using my Orca. I call Talons and Doragons as Orca. Anyone remember C&C?). So, I wouldn't think there would be a problem of having those gun attackers getting loads of points that way.

Anyway, other ideas anyone?

WilhelmSissener wrote:

What about the 'Problem Solver pin' and the other one you get for destroying the consoles?
Problem Solver Pin is achieved by destroying ALL 4 CONSOLES in enemy titan.
I am talking about general assault. Titan defenders get their badge easily while titan attackers are jacked except for ONE PERSON who manages to destroy ALL 4 CONSOLES.
The New Johnnie Cochran
The chances of getting a problem solver pin in a round are very slim. Its much more probable to add a titan attacker pin and it would instantly even out the discrepancies of titan mode. Heck, they should make the pin easier to get, like 5 kills on the titan to encourage titan attacking.

Last edited by Elamdri (2006-10-30 23:39:43)

Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6480|Brisbane, Australia

StormEye wrote:

I know there is Titan Destructor Pin, and it seems that you can only get that twice and after destroying 8 guns, the attack score is not awarded, thus you cannot just attack guns for the points. (I have destroyed titan guns OVER and OVER again to see if I get anymore
yeh same here, after the first 8 no more points are awarded - which is kinda gay because they are worth 2 points each (i'm pretty sure). So in total for destroying 8 titan guns you get 56 points (16 for the guns themselves, and 20x2 for the titan destructor pins.

Last edited by TimmmmaaaaH (2006-10-30 23:41:24)

Elamdri wrote:

The chances of getting a problem solver pin in a round are very slim. Its much more probable to add a titan attacker pin and it would instantly even out the discrepancies of titan mode. Heck, they should make the pin easier to get, like 5 kills on the titan to encourage titan attacking.
LoL. Thats exactly what I have said in the reply that is located 2 slots above you.
Anyway, thanks for the input.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Hells no... if they had an attacker pin EVERYONE would go and attack leaving the Titans empty. It's a fact that people in online games don't like to defend, so by just having the defending pin, you make a great incentive to get people to stay defending their titan.

GotMex? wrote:

Hells no... if they had an attacker pin EVERYONE would go and attack leaving the Titans empty. It's a fact that people in online games don't like to defend, so by just having the defending pin, you make a great incentive to get people to stay defending their titan.
You mean like 80% of the team being on the ship? They already have GREAT INCENTIVE, since it is so much easier to guard and get points that way.

I hope you know how to get GREAT amount of points defending. If you do, then compare the experience defending and attacking. The solution will come out unless you cannot use your brain.

EDIT: People figured out that it is nearly impossible to get killed it a dozen guys are defending the titan with them. Therefore, they are so confident in getting the high points without having to attempt to attack the enemy ship and receive one death almost certainly.

Last edited by StormEye (2006-10-30 23:57:08)

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

StormEye wrote:

You mean like 80% of the team being on the ship? They already have GREAT INCENTIVE, since it is so much easier to guard and get points that way.

I hope you know how to get GREAT amount of points defending? If you do, then compare the experience defending and attacking. The solution will come out unless you cannot use your brain.
It's really not that hard to attack. It just takes teamwork... oh wait it is that hard because few people work as a team still. Main problem is that people don't know how to invade a corridor guarded by enemies. Say a claymore blocks the way, or some RDX. Invariably a couple troops will go, get killed, and everyone just stands around giving time to the enemies to set up the defenses again. If instead 1 person rushed in, died, then 3-4 followed with a good rush, then you could push the enemy back. Revive the guy, take out console, move to another area.

It seems like gamers are under the false impression that everything in a game should be equal. I don't see why DEFENDING your assets shouldn't be easier for your team. It would make sense that in your home turf you have an advantage over the enemy. Attacking means leaving your home turf so yes, it should be harder. But at the same time, it has it's own rewards such as points for taking out consoles, and many more troops to kill. Like you say 80% are defending the titan so you have more chances of kills.

If they are defending the Titan too hard... then wise up people. Another reason for no Titan attack points is because you can get attack points on the ground easier than defending your Titan. There is another way to take the titans down, which is by continuing to hold most of the missile silos. If you just can't push through, go cap some silos, let a few troops defend the Titan, and you're on your way to victory.

Anyway, if people were attacking Titans more and more, I'm sure people would start bitching about how no one stays behind to defend and how rounds are ending too quickly.

Last edited by GotMex? (2006-10-31 00:06:35)

Evils Bammed Sex Machine
I think it is a good idea to implement a Titan Attacker Pin.
That way more people will go and attack the enemy Titan isntead of only defending their own.
Yesterday for example I was playing a game. Shields for both Titans were down, but everyone of our team was staying on our own Titan and I was attacking the enemy Titan all by myself.

There are fery few rounds where Titan is left undefended. MOst of the time is more than half of the team defendidng. So I think that problem is not the lack of titan Atack pin but the existence of Titan Defender pin which gives too much incentive for people to stay on the titan. 50 points for 7 kills !!! As that means more points to 99% of people than staying on the ground, silos are left prety much defensless.

Someone said that people dont like to defend in any game which is mostly true, RUSH RUSH RUSH is the moto, but believe me peoples love for points is bigger that their hatred of defending

ps. StormEye seriously, in topic with 16 posts you menaged 2 rude, negative replies to very kind posts
I know people can have bad days but... you know... take it easy.
Δ > x > ¥

StormEye wrote:

How is everyone. I want to talk about the new pin that needs to be made so that it would give more incentive for those brave souls who attack the enemy titan to find APM mines, RDX packs, Sentry guns, Support + Grenade whores, knifers, etc.

By having this pin, people will be wanting to attack the enemy titan more than just sitting inside their own titan.
It is much more difficult to attack the enemy titan compared to just defending and I am not sure why they only have the defender pin.

Anyone else think this way as well?
I think you're mistaken.  As it stands, it's easier to defend a titan with a small number of people than it is to attack it.  You get more points because it's easier to defend AND because you get the Defender Pin (and hopefully the kill streak pins).

What will change if the Titan Attacker pin comes in?  Nothing.  Some more people will be tempted to attack the enemy titan but realistically, these people will just add to the fodder mown down by the RDX packs, sentry guns and whatever else is there.  The defenders will get more defender pins to their names.

What we really need is for people to learn that attacking a well-defended titan is futile.  If the first wave of attackers is rebuffed effectively, they should concentrate on winning the ground war.  Eventually the defenders will realise that it's not the cash-cow they expected, since they have nobody to defend against.

The game is little more than two weeks old (or two months if you count beta + demo time) and tactics will evolve.  When people stop defending, perhaps the titan-raiding can start again.  But adding an incentive for attacking won't make it harder to defend corridors and the cargo bay.
+8|6481|Tasmania, Australia
i just want a round were every 1 is in the titan... on a full server 48 people on 1 titan trying to kill each other=heaven. And what crazy servers do u guys play??? most of the servers i play on i will be the only 1 defending and every 1 else will attack... even through i reckon attacking is more fun, some 1 has to defend.

Last edited by Tas3674 (2006-10-31 05:42:29)

I entirely agree that there should be a Titan assault pin as it will mean both less people defending and more people attacking Titans. Most of the games at the moment seem to be won or lost on silo capturing rather than anyone getting anywhere near the reactor core.
I only bothered to go near the titan core twice, both times i ended up getting drilled by about 10 sentry guns so i just gave up on the idea, u get way more points from repairing the titan gun consoles and blowing the crap out of any heli that tries to get close...

So yeh an attack pin would make suicide far more worthwhile...
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6632|Your attic
Any decent well organised team can effectively assault a titan and come out the better, it will be a little while before the slightly more intelligent players catch on to these tactics, even longer before your average player does, but in the end people will be able to assault a titan effectively.

Only then will the titan assault pin make a difference, what it will do for now is speed up the learning process as more people will be willing to attack and therefore learn from players who working effectively, so I'm all for it.
+1,128|6683|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Towelly wrote:

Any decent well organised team Myself and spawnofthemist can effectively assault a titan and come out the better, it will be a little while before the slightly less intelligent players catch on to these tactics, even longer before your average player does, but in the end people will be able to assault a titan effectively. But still not as effectively as me and spawn.

Only then will the titan assault pin make a difference, what it will do for now is speed up the learning process as more people will be willing to attack and therefore learn from players who working effectively, so I'm all for it.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6632|Your attic

spawnofthemist wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Any decent well organised team Myself and spawnofthemist can effectively assault a titan and come out the better, it will be a little while before the slightly less intelligent players catch on to these tactics, even longer before your average player does, but in the end people will be able to assault a titan effectively. But still not as effectively as me and spawn.

Only then will the titan assault pin make a difference, what it will do for now is speed up the learning process as more people will be willing to attack and therefore learn from players who working effectively, so I'm all for it.
Tis true

(btw I do notice the hypocrisy between this post and one I made around a minute later)
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
I say fix the titan layout and you wont need a attack pin, or make it only +5 or +10 points.  The current nooby forcefield layout really needs to be fixed.

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