The dem ads I've seen don't all go towards bush. And you are also forgetting to mention the tactics of the gop ads attacking dems as if they'd be weak on defense, tax us to death putting us into...ehem, "debt" and a host of other backwards attacks like the ones quoted in the OP article.ATG wrote:
It brings up negative campaigning.
The Dems in America will fail until they run on what they are going to do, not on George Bush. The reason they only are running on a anti-Bush platform and not broadcasting what they are about?
Dems agenda;
raise taxes, abandon the Middle East to Pol Pot style killing fields, fund abortions, amnesty for illegal aliens, socialized medicine, confiscation of firearms and subservience to the united nations.
If those were my goals I'd probably be embarrassed too.
let's be fair. I'm trying to. but it's not like the dems have been running the show lately or have the 16% approval rating from their people.