Cylons' my kinda frak
Look, Steve was a great bloke, but releasing an episode 8 weeks after his death featuring him in Hell isn't the right thing to do, his family is still mourning.
And it makes me sick how these non-Australians are commenting on "he'll find it funny".
I myself am Australian, and I'm sure to take offence to this episode, even though I'm a devout South Park fan. Especially if it shows the Stingray barb in his chest.
I'm sure if someone made a comedy about 9/11 8 weeks after "ordinary" people died, ALOT of Americans would kick up shit about it.
And you say "I don't think he would've been offended".
You don't make fun of dead people, especially depicting a great bloke like steve in HELL!.
So just think, would Steve's, dad, wife, and kids find it funny?
So remember, you fuck with Steve, you fuck with AUSTRALIA!
Pools Closed.

It is a bit soon, but then they've never tiptoed round peoples feelings.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

Macca wrote:

Look, Steve was a great bloke, but releasing an episode 8 weeks after his death featuring him in Hell isn't the right thing to do, his family is still mourning.
And it makes me sick how these non-Australians are commenting on "he'll find it funny".
I myself am Australian, and I'm sure to take offence to this episode, even though I'm a devout South Park fan. Especially if it shows the Stingray barb in his chest.
I'm sure if someone made a comedy about 9/11 8 weeks after "ordinary" people died, ALOT of Americans would kick up shit about it.
And you say "I don't think he would've been offended".
You don't make fun of dead people, especially depicting a great bloke like steve in HELL!.
So just think, would Steve's, dad, wife, and kids find it funny?
So remember, you fuck with Steve, you fuck with AUSTRALIA!
Perhaps you should watch the episode before you go blindly leaping to conclusions. I have and I found it funny, despite being a Steve Irwin fan who was devastated to hear of his death.

If you were a devout Southpark fan, you would have realised that everyone (apart from the Mormons) is in Hell. Princess Diana was in it too. Yet because it has been a few years since her death no one mentions it .

All this "too soon" bullshit is just ridiculous. I believe in the freedom to take the piss out of anything and anyone at anytime. If they had done an episode about 9/11 immediately after it happened, I think that would have been a good thing.
Cylons' my kinda frak

Bertster7 wrote:

Macca wrote:

Look, Steve was a great bloke, but releasing an episode 8 weeks after his death featuring him in Hell isn't the right thing to do, his family is still mourning.
And it makes me sick how these non-Australians are commenting on "he'll find it funny".
I myself am Australian, and I'm sure to take offence to this episode, even though I'm a devout South Park fan. Especially if it shows the Stingray barb in his chest.
I'm sure if someone made a comedy about 9/11 8 weeks after "ordinary" people died, ALOT of Americans would kick up shit about it.
And you say "I don't think he would've been offended".
You don't make fun of dead people, especially depicting a great bloke like steve in HELL!.
So just think, would Steve's, dad, wife, and kids find it funny?
So remember, you fuck with Steve, you fuck with AUSTRALIA!
Perhaps you should watch the episode before you go blindly leaping to conclusions. I have and I found it funny, despite being a Steve Irwin fan who was devastated to hear of his death.

If you were a devout Southpark fan, you would have realised that everyone (apart from the Mormons) is in Hell. Princess Diana was in it too. Yet because it has been a few years since her death no one mentions it .

All this "too soon" bullshit is just ridiculous. I believe in the freedom to take the piss out of anything and anyone at anytime. If they had done an episode about 9/11 immediately after it happened, I think that would have been a good thing.
Even though South Park is quite funny, and they take the piss outta their own country, its just Americans can always dish shit out, but never take it. (Not all, mainly the pompous, patriotic ones)
And I know South Park is a great satirical comedy, and us Aussies like a good laugh. But there comes a time when they go a little overboard, even if it is for fun and games.
But now I have to put up with the weeks of media controversy (and Naomi Robson).
Its easy to say "get over it", but when its so soon, and someone thats loved by millions in their country, its hard to let go.
Its like your died of cancer, then 4-5 weeks later some comedy mob comes and makes a cartoon or film depecting her in hell, then while you're watching it, some random walks past saying "Lawl omfg noob".

Last edited by Macca (2006-10-28 09:14:05)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

Bah - I don't count "too soon" as a reason not to show something. They're not being offensive about him, that is what matters. It being so soon after makes it topical, which is a good thing

If the episode was in any way derogatory about Steve Irwin then I could understand people being offended by it. It wasn't.

I have to admit I was a little apprehensive as I watched the scene with him in, I was worried they might go overboard and take the piss out of him, but they didn't. In fact the whole premise of the joke was that it was in bad taste to be wearing a Crocodile Hunter costume. What's wrong with that??? They were taking the piss out of exactly this sort of hysteria, not Irwin himself.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-10-28 09:23:53)

Goodbye :)
+399|6793|Somewhere else

Iron_Sentinel wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Fact is, it's always offensive.  Deal with it.
My point exactly
I do think its too far.... but as quoted!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Well in the episode it insulted this kind of disscussion more than Steve's death. What happened was Satan's minion went over, told him that some guest at his party were offended my another guest dressing up as Steve less than two months after his death so Satan asked Steve to change constum because the others were offended. So then Steve says that it actually was him, so Santan threw him out for not being in Costum. Not offensive to Steve or his family, apart form him having a live sting-ray in him.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Well in the episode it insulted this kind of disscussion more than Steve's death. What happened was Satan's minion went over, told him that some guest at his party were offended my another guest dressing up as Steve less than two months after his death so Satan asked Steve to change constum because the others were offended. So then Steve says that it actually was him, so Santan threw him out for not being in Costum. Not offensive to Steve or his family, apart form him having a live sting-ray in him.
Cylons' my kinda frak

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Not offensive to Steve or his family, apart form him having a live sting-ray in him.
Okay, show the episode to his family, and ask them if they found it offensive.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

Macca wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Not offensive to Steve or his family, apart form him having a live sting-ray in him.
Okay, show the episode to his family, and ask them if they found it offensive.
I'd be happy to. Have you got contact details for them?
Cylons' my kinda frak

Bertster7 wrote:

Macca wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

Not offensive to Steve or his family, apart form him having a live sting-ray in him.
Okay, show the episode to his family, and ask them if they found it offensive.
I'd be happy to. Have you got contact details for them?
Sure, just drop it off at the Australia Zoo, I'm sure they'd be happy to accept it.

Bring the Rugby World Cup home while you're at it =]

Last edited by Macca (2006-10-28 09:29:50)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

Macca wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Macca wrote:

Okay, show the episode to his family, and ask them if they found it offensive.
I'd be happy to. Have you got contact details for them?
Sure, just drop it off at the Australia Zoo, I'm sure they'd be happy to accept it.
It's a bit out of my way.....

20000 mile round trip.

I wouldn't have to bring the rugby world cup back - either you guys or New Zealand are going to win it next time round anyway, our teams collapsed - look at what happened on the last Lions tour. Same goes for the Ashes, but you'll never get your hands on them....

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-10-28 09:32:44)

+276|6968|United States of America
Bush is such a joke, I can't believe he is airing crap like this on t.v. just so his buddies at haliburton can get richer.  He wasn't even elected.  No wonder Europe hates us.

Major_Spittle wrote:

Bush is such a joke, I can't believe he is airing crap like this on t.v. just so his buddies at haliburton can get richer.  He wasn't even elected.  No wonder Europe hates us.
Holy shit dude, you really need to get back in touch with reality.  How in the fuck is South Park Bush's fault?

I sure as hell hope you weren't serious.

ts-pulsar wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

Bush is such a joke, I can't believe he is airing crap like this on t.v. just so his buddies at haliburton can get richer.  He wasn't even elected.  No wonder Europe hates us.
Holy shit dude, you really need to get back in touch with reality.  How in the fuck is South Park Bush's fault?

I sure as hell hope you weren't serious.
Read his sig
Hockey Nut
+243|6843|Boston, MA
Here's the scene for anybody who didn't see it:

Last edited by FrankieSpankie3388 (2006-10-28 12:39:47)

+43|6705|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Who's Steve Irwin?

Bloody hell, I'm Aussie and he's nobody, its like some second rate talk show host rolled over, let's just get on with it ffs.
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon
If anything, this thread has identified every whiney Aussie on the forum.  To just say that they put Steve Irwin in hell it to take the episode completely out of context.  As bertster pointed out, only Mormons go to heaven in the South Park universe.  Mr. Irwin is keeping some pretty good company in Hell with Ghandi and Princess Diana.  And besides, do you think heaven is better?  Would God throw a super sweet, sweet sixteen Holloween costume party, complete with an Acura cake?
+102|7015|New York

Reciprocity wrote:

If anything, this thread has identified every whiney Aussie on the forum.  To just say that they put Steve Irwin in hell it to take the episode completely out of context.  As bertster pointed out, only Mormons go to heaven in the South Park universe.  Mr. Irwin is keeping some pretty good company in Hell with Ghandi and Princess Diana.  And besides, do you think heaven is better?  Would God throw a super sweet, sweet sixteen Holloween costume party, complete with an Acura cake?
Yah! It stunk that the three Murderer's Messed up the Ferrari cake! Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.

I watch reruns of Crock hunter all the time, Liked the guy as much as the next, but found nothing offensive about it. Actually found it more of a poke at people thinking something being too soon of too offensive, by the way it was worded and acted out.

Last edited by <[onex]>Headstone (2006-10-28 16:59:34)

Cylons' my kinda frak

Reciprocity wrote:

If anything, this thread has identified every whiney Aussie on the forum.  To just say that they put Steve Irwin in hell it to take the episode completely out of context.  As bertster pointed out, only Mormons go to heaven in the South Park universe.  Mr. Irwin is keeping some pretty good company in Hell with Ghandi and Princess Diana.  And besides, do you think heaven is better?  Would God throw a super sweet, sweet sixteen Holloween costume party, complete with an Acura cake?
"every whiney Aussie"

Mate, you're American, when it comes to whinging, you knock everyone out of the ring.

Anyway, I give up, I'm just trying to defend Steve's dignity, but looks as If I've been over run by, as you Americans would say "dirty Communists".

Last edited by Macca (2006-10-28 20:00:58)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Bubbalo wrote:

Who cares?  The only time people complain about South Park is when it offends them.  Fact is, it's always offensive.  Deal with it.
Good point. You are exactly right. I still hate you though, a lot.
Malloy must go
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

Macca wrote:

Look, Steve was a great bloke, but releasing an episode 8 weeks after his death featuring him in Hell isn't the right thing to do, his family is still mourning.
And it makes me sick how these non-Australians are commenting on "he'll find it funny".
I myself am Australian, and I'm sure to take offence to this episode, even though I'm a devout South Park fan. Especially if it shows the Stingray barb in his chest.
I'm sure if someone made a comedy about 9/11 8 weeks after "ordinary" people died, ALOT of Americans would kick up shit about it.
And you say "I don't think he would've been offended".
You don't make fun of dead people, especially depicting a great bloke like steve in HELL!.
So just think, would Steve's, dad, wife, and kids find it funny?
So remember, you fuck with Steve, you fuck with AUSTRALIA!
I couldn't have said it better. To everyone, don't post like a dickhead... a ban is only 3 clicks of the mouse away.

The Lizzard
Except for the fact that a huge number of Australians disliked Steve Irwin..........................
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Ratzinger wrote:

Who's Steve Irwin?

Bloody hell, I'm Aussie and he's nobody, its like some second rate talk show host rolled over, let's just get on with it ffs.
Exactly, I'm Australian and I'm going to say this just for Macca.

Steve Irwin was a fuckwit.

There I said it, and it came from an Australian. Irwin had such a "terrific" profile over here in Aus that his Crocodile Hunter show got cancelled after about 3 episodes. The only reason his death was such a big deal was because the American talkshow hosts seemed to love him and apparently The Crocodile Hunter was a bit of a hit in the US.

Most Aussies saw through his bullshit, we don't pay good money to see some loud mouthed try-to-be-aussie-yobbo wrestle sedated crocodiles.
The New Johnnie Cochran
Whatever happened to the 30 year rule?

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