Jets, Night Maps, & 9 times out of 10 if i turn a corner & I'm face to face with someone, then I will die.  I suck at a point blank fire fight.
birds from the sky and arty magnet
The Original BF2 Timelord
close combat.
Long distance firefights. It doesn't matter how perfectly my crosshair is on the dot that is the other guy. He'll always end up killing me first.
+4|6616|I'm not sure
TV missiles, always go over the top of the target, and being gunner in general - I'm a magnet for every AA/jet/chopper/AT/FAV in the map.
+4|6616|I'm not sure

lendll wrote:

Another one of my weakness' is losing a good pilot off my tail. For some reason they have auto-track on me or something, and can never lose sight of my tail. I've tried using different pov's when someone is on me, but then It becomes nearly impossible to fly. But I'm getting better=]
Try setting up your keys / buttons so that you can spot them as you pass them head-on, if you do this you can almost always come out on his tail by watching the minimap.
+4|6616|I'm not sure

FesterTheMolester wrote:

i'm horrible at jets... I probably wouldn't be, but i don't have a joystick, though i could at anytime
Use keyboard over joystick anyway, you'll never lose a dogfight or crash into something ever again..
(yes, i know its twice as hard to hit choppers with the keys, but everything else is great)
shooting guided missle against white background (sky on Dragon Valley)
+72|6438|United States

adv3rsary wrote:

shooting guided missle against white background (sky on Dragon Valley)
That drives me nuts, yet it's my #1 played map on my new account. But thats only because each side has 2 choppers, so 9/10 times I get one of the two. Kubra and Daqings good to, but not as easy to get a chopper as DV is.

I normally just head up to about 250-300 feet and use CTRL key to free look for enemy choppers, if I do spot one I get within range and fire, but still maintain my height, to avoid detection if I miss.

If i'm feeling cocky or confident on a particular server or round i'll just play normally, maintain decent height and pick off choppers/ tanks etc. But my chopper KDR means alot to me, so I try to avoid getting within range of any ground fire.

#1 rule when flying choppers on Dragon Valley is to always be above your enemy, since if your looking down, the ground is a nice backdrop for seeing better.

Last edited by reefl3x (2006-10-28 00:23:12)


reefl3x wrote:

adv3rsary wrote:

shooting guided missle against white background (sky on Dragon Valley)
That drives me nuts, yet it's my #1 played map on my new account. But thats only because each side has 2 choppers, so 9/10 times I get one of the two. Kubra and Daqings good to, but not as easy to get a chopper as DV is.

I normally just head up to about 250-300 feet and use CTRL key to free look for enemy choppers, if I do spot one I get within range and fire, but still maintain my height, to avoid detection if I miss.

If i'm feeling cocky or confident on a particular server or round i'll just play normally, maintain decent height and pick off choppers/ tanks etc. But my chopper KDR means alot to me, so I try to avoid getting within range of any ground fire.

#1 rule when flying choppers on Dragon Valley is to always be above your enemy, since if your looking down, the ground is a nice backdrop for seeing better.
Easiest way to hit them is to use the box in the center to help find the crosshair
Infantry Whore
I say i would have to suck in the jets or Sniping
Flying jets is my weakness. I can transport the shit out of them though lol.
Ice Cold Killa
+26|6480|Perth, W.A, Australia.
im absolutley shit in a plane even the NoObIeS can kill me in jet.

but im hell good in the gunner seat of chopper i can TV flying planes a lot aswell .

Last edited by Ice Cold Killa (2006-10-28 01:29:58)

Since day One.
1.Claymores and flying Nades to my face
2.Flying a jet on Road Rage...fight against nub AA vehicles
3.Infantry against a tank...mosty i go under
4.Infantry against a chopper (if im not an AT i go under)

But i get better from day to day...I think most of us got some of the same weaknessess D
+8|6443|Sooooo coooold....Canada....
I play support alot and i tend to drop to prone position instantly becuz i have to, to actually hit the enemy and cuz i feel more safe for some reason.....then i get a hit in the head from like another PKM or a sniper rifle.

Last edited by DaBombadier (2006-10-28 06:55:50)

+129|6533|Adelaide, Aussieland

only about 9% of all my sniper kills are by a sniper rifle, i bet i get more kills as sniper with pistol + claymores than i ever do with the actual gun
* Can't fly for a damn. Even if I manage to get an enemy jet off my tail I end up that high in the air with no situational awareness I just end up losing control and bailing before I find my way back down.
* Reflex aiming. I''ve gotten half decent aiming with sniper rifle but quick draw aiming in cqc gets me wasted nearly everytime. 9/10 1 on 1 encounters at medium range end up with me taking a dirt nap.
* C4. Apart from a few maps/locations I just don't have the imagination to do truly nifty shit with c4.
* Christ I hate that map.

These are just the things that I suck at moreso than the rest of the game.
a gaurdian of life
+112|6495|behind my rifle
night maps, and capping flags, i always get killed 1 second before i get done capping it, and teh whole army of my team dies and fails to cap the flag while i get t-bagged
The Octagon
+18|6449|da ville, va
SF, flying helos and planes and bullets. Whenever bullets hit me they always seem to hurt.
Krylov Whore
+35|6595|AK101 Factory
When my connection hangs for 1-2 seconds. grrrph. Oh and being shot by the G36E
One shot wonder
seeing a group of easy targets, empty a clip, not kill a single one , die
Infantry Whore
+42|6712|Kingswood Country
AA. Can't hit shit with it. Which is ironic, given that my first expert badge was AA (NO, NOT commanding) - picked up using a linebacker on Ghost Town and blowing snipers off rooftops. I just cannot hit aircraft/choppers even if they are parked right in front of me and the pilot has forgotten which key drops flares.
another weekness i have is FLYING!!! UGHH I HATE IT!
We shall beat to quarters!

For me it wold have to be, Burst fire rifles, i suck at them, even the G36E i find hard to use.  All well practice makes perfect
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?

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