Great post, and thanks for the credit... It is sad though that special interests run our politics to the point that it results in policies that affect all of us -- in typically a negative way.blisteringsilence wrote:
Do you really think that most Americans give a shit one way or the other about the Cuban sanctions? I'll tell you, they don't. This is a nonissue throughtout great swaths of the country. The one place its NOT a nonissue is in south florida, where the largest minority is expat Cubans. And let me tell you, they HATE Castro, the government, and everything to do with either of them continuing in power.
And they're in Florida. And they vote.
Lets not forget, good ole florida is a swing state, and the Cubano population is the pendulum. If you piss off the Cubans, you lose florida. Therefore, no president or presidential canidate can afford to do it. Not with 27 electoral college votes on the line.
So quit bitching at the rest of the country you freaking pinko commie liberals! I don't give two shits whether or not we blocade Cuba. I imagine I'd like to vacation there. I like the rest of the southern carribbean. They have good cigars there too. If you want to place blame, place it where its due. On the expats in south florida. And quit bashing my whole damn country 'cause you're too ignorant (or lazy) to figure out how it works here.
This kind of thing is the reason why I wish America was split into different autonomous sections. I don't want Cuban expats telling me where I can vacation and where I can't. They can restrict themselves without bothering me.
The larger your country is, the worse the sectionalism becomes. This is why humanity is best suited for living in small autonomous clusters. This priniciple has allowed countries like Norway to prosper beyond even America.
Last edited by Turquoise (2006-10-27 16:47:40)