It certaınly wouldn't be the fault of the US because the shıt was ALWAYS goıng to hıt the fan ın Iraq at some poınt when the Iraqıs threw of the yoke of ımpressıon ımposed by Saddam. The US expedıted thıs, whıch I dısagreed wıth because the Iraqıs should have taken responsıbılıty for ıt, but sınce ıt was always goıng to happen the US shall remaın largely blameless for post-wıthdrawal carnage.Colfax wrote:
I respect you for this statement. All differences aside.CameronPoe wrote:
If USA pull out of Iraq I wıll gıve a cast ıron 100% promıse not to crıtıcıse them for wıthdrawıng. They wıll stıll remaın to blame (along wıth the UK) for the orıgınal mess but everythıng that occurs from wıthdrawal on ıs out of theır hands and rıghtly so.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-27 06:40:08)