You want a more powerfull sound when using a weapon?
Get Support Shotgun or the Ganz, those weapon sound are mighty powerfull. The Ganz thou doesn't beat the Shuko LMG or the Bianchi LMG. But if you want a powerfull sound those 2 weapons are the best choice I'd say.
Or get the new sniper. That thing looks like it have an silencer on but it's more likely a sound increaser. Sounds more than a fricking tank.
Most weapons have diffrent sound what I know to. Some might sound the same but it's diffrent.
Also snipers and the Medic rifle wobble what I noticed.
The chopper is still good againts air vehicles and those missles are pretty damn good at hitting targets for me. I just have my aim on them and as soon as the missle are somewhat close they instantly turn to them and crashing into them. The only thing is, you need like all the missle to make them die.
Also those choppers ain't so slow btw. You just need to get up the speed and one way is to drive faaaaaaaaaaaar up in the sky then dive down. :3 I think I got up to 1500 miles per hours or something. :3
Get Support Shotgun or the Ganz, those weapon sound are mighty powerfull. The Ganz thou doesn't beat the Shuko LMG or the Bianchi LMG. But if you want a powerfull sound those 2 weapons are the best choice I'd say.
Or get the new sniper. That thing looks like it have an silencer on but it's more likely a sound increaser. Sounds more than a fricking tank.
Most weapons have diffrent sound what I know to. Some might sound the same but it's diffrent.
Also snipers and the Medic rifle wobble what I noticed.
The chopper is still good againts air vehicles and those missles are pretty damn good at hitting targets for me. I just have my aim on them and as soon as the missle are somewhat close they instantly turn to them and crashing into them. The only thing is, you need like all the missle to make them die.
Also those choppers ain't so slow btw. You just need to get up the speed and one way is to drive faaaaaaaaaaaar up in the sky then dive down. :3 I think I got up to 1500 miles per hours or something. :3