Why walk when you can dance?
my liberal ass is open for a new spanking =P.... this time lets make it on a e.u server if the ping doesn´t matter as ppl said ...

and stop dropping those artys on my tanks....and keep those helis of my back ...bastards ....
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Now that you mention it, I do seem to remember seeing your name pop up quite a bit and knowing that you were probably wanting to punch me through the screen ...I almost felt bad.....almost. It would be better if you could actually see the names of people that you are about to drop arty on.
Yeah it was really bad.... I'd be inside arty kill me, I'd just spawn arty killed me. I'd kill 2 people and think my game is going to turn around arty drop. No Joke I think one game you killed me about 10 times with arty... :'P I was helping the team with my arty collector I had on my back..
+385|6643|Northern California
I don't know, after those 2 jalalabad rounds (ground pounding), I can't imagine Sharqi being as bad for us as jalalabad was for you cons.  Does anyone have scores?  I remember those jalalabad rounds being huge (possibly 2xx) victories for libs.


I don't know, after those 2 jalalabad rounds (ground pounding), I can't imagine Sharqi being as bad for us as jalalabad was for you cons.  Does anyone have scores?  I remember those jalalabad rounds being huge (possibly 2xx) victories for libs.
Where were you playing. Yeah the libs won the 1st Jala with great armor play. Then we kicked your ass the next 5 rounds!
Our Jala loss and ONLY loss I have a screenie we were losing 20-155. Didn't get final though
Our Jala win 179-0
I had one Sharqi 166-0
Missed the other Sharqi, though it was a similar score
1st Mashtuur 244-0
2nd Mashtuur 242-0
https://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a278/CC-Marley/th_screen026.jpg WIN
https://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a278/CC-Marley/th_screen030.jpg Win
https://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a278/CC-Marley/th_screen027.jpg WIN
https://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a278/CC-Marley/th_screen012.jpg WIN
https://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a278/CC-Marley/th_screen010.jpg Losing 1st Jala

[Con] 5
[Lib] 1

Last edited by CC-Marley (2006-10-27 13:59:49)

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
We did loose the second jala.. They had some really good commanding..
Cowboy from Hell

cpt.fass1 wrote:

We did loose the second jala.. They had some really good commanding..
You are implying that my commanding sucked.
+52|6907|Christchurch New Zealand
LOL it took a week but the libs are disputing the result LMAO.

Count the chad, Chef, count the chad

Serge mate calm down, you seem very defensive of your commanding, Personnaly I dont think it was your fault you lost as you did vey well the first round before we got our "SHOCK & AWE" tactics sorted.

(must stop taunting libs - garuntee one takes it the wrong way in the next 5 posts)
Cowboy from Hell

vedds wrote:

LOL it took a week but the libs are disputing the result LMAO.

Count the chad, Chef, count the chad

Serge mate calm down, you seem very defensive of your commanding, Personnaly I dont think it was your fault you lost as you did vey well the first round before we got our "SHOCK & AWE" tactics sorted.

(must stop taunting libs - garuntee one takes it the wrong way in the next 5 posts)
I'm joking.  I know when I suck and last saturday I didn't play well.  There's no excuse for cons stealing the chopper while I didn't notice that strategy coming, so it's my fault.  Sharqi was a two rounds win for us with Prima as pilot. 
And nobody is disputing the result, I was the first to recognize your victory.
+5,233|6681|Global Command
Again peeps, lets do it again.
Saturday mornings not so good but doable. Evenings, West coast time = hours of con pwnage.
+276|6807|United States of America

ATG wrote:

Again peeps, lets do it again.
Saturday mornings not so good but doable. Evenings, West coast time = hours of con pwnage.
Give me Date/Time/Server, I will head up the Ultra Conservative Special Forces Platoon (code name GW Force) in charge of destroying the environment and stacking nude EU soldiers on top of each other.
Stay the corpse
+261|6653|Los Angeles

ATG wrote:

Again peeps, lets do it again.
Saturday mornings not so good but doable. Evenings, West coast time = hours of con pwnage.
I agree 100%. Waking up at 7:00am to walk the dog and eat breakfast so I can play BF2 is not ideal. Plus with the GF asleep next door I have to tone down the TS chatter.

I suggest for the next game, a different server with better ping times from EU with a start time of 10pm UK time on a Saturday. That would be 2pm in California and doable times Saturday night for Europeans. This page instantly tells you what time that would be for your local time zone.

The only real problem with this is that it would be Saturday night for the Europeans who would otherwise be out discussing politics in cafes, sodomozing, and/or listening to BoyZone. No other day really works - Sunday night would be possible, but probably 1/2 of the Americans wouldn't show up because Sundays are for football.

What does everyone think of this?

Let's take a vote - 10pm UK time on a Saturday, or 10pm UK time on a Sunday.

I vote for 10pm on a Saturday.
10 pm RoI tıme on a Saturday ıs OK wıth me. It'll extend the lıfe of my lıver by about a month. EU pıngs must be better thıs tıme - cons have had advantage twıce now.

How about the BF2s euro server hostıng the event (short of havıng a server avaılable ın the Azores)? And what about makıng ıt ınfantry only to really separate the men from the boys. One map would suffıce, just alternate ıt over and back. Map cycle rotates twıce - ıf you can't stay for the entıre event then gıve your place to someone else or have a sub organısed. What say ye?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-28 12:46:30)

I could have told ya

only republicans are awake en mass come saturday mornings
Why walk when you can dance?
What servers do you guys play in when not making a statement like in theese matches? Just in case i want to hunt you guys down (or squad up with) =P

Almost any time and any date would suite fine.  I am an industrial-operator (making steel-wire and steel-springs) my scheduele is always fucked up anyway.
+5,233|6681|Global Command

CameronPoe wrote:

10 pm RoI tıme on a Saturday ıs OK wıth me. It'll extend the lıfe of my lıver by about a month. EU pıngs must be better thıs tıme - cons have had advantage twıce now.

How about the BF2s euro server hostıng the event (short of havıng a server avaılable ın the Azores)? And what about makıng ıt ınfantry only to really separate the men from the boys. One map would suffıce, just alternate ıt over and back. Map cycle rotates twıce - ıf you can't stay for the entıre event then gıve your place to someone else or have a sub organısed. What say ye?
I like it Cameron.
I agree that the next match should be a server outside the U.S. as most of our team is here and it just ain't fair.

I might also suggest you guys do some preplanning, work out kits and tactics.
Kudos to the neocon team organizers.
[hint to commies]

Youz guys loozing the chopper on sharqi wasn't an accident, and etc. etc.

Sadly, I only got a 2142 server.
The Lizzard
Should we think about a 2142 match?

Bubbalo wrote:

Should we think about a 2142 match?
+5,233|6681|Global Command

CC-Marley wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Should we think about a 2142 match?
I've decided I'm not buying 2142.
Why walk when you can dance?
nah no 2142....wont buy it. i have a rule; Thau shall not have more then one e.a release installed.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

ATG wrote:

Youz guys loozing the chopper on sharqi wasn't an accident, and etc. etc.

I flew away with it first.. we lost it 2 more times and got it 2 more times.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

sergeriver wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

We did loose the second jala.. They had some really good commanding..
You are implying that my commanding sucked.
I kid I kid.. you must of missed my other post... Your commanding was fine, I would have to say for the next game we do have an IO round or two..
Cowboy from Hell
10 Pm UK time is fine for me.  And this time we should make a three maps match but in 32 size, and IO.  The suggested rotation'd be Karkand, Mashtuur and Jalalabad, since these are the best IO maps.  BF2142 sucks bigtime.  The EU server is fine also.
+52|6907|Christchurch New Zealand
10pm UK time will be 10am here, Far far better than the 3 am me and pubic had to deal with last time!!
it also means i;ll be able to go out and get messy the night before
Calmer than you are.
Just give me an EU server and IO maps and I'm in all the way!!!

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