Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

This really grinds my gears, especially the part about the boy not receiving a camera while all the others did because the US thinks that it has the right to interfere in Cuba's trade and decide who Cuba's trade partners are.

The other disgusting thing about this continuing blockade is even after last year's UN vote that ended up 182-4 in favour of stopping the blockade the US still went ahead in stopping it from ending. It's obvious the world wants this to end but as long as the USA says it won't it won't.

There does the US get off thinking they can limit Cuba's trade with the rest of the world? Why do the US think they have a right to interfere with other countries because it's "in their interests." Cubans suffer because the US still wants be tough on communism and it's disgraceful that the people of Cuba have to go through all this trouble because of it.

Last edited by TeamZephyr (2006-10-26 04:54:14)

The world is a different place now, time for it to end.

Cam, you've been there, whats your take?
+149|6861|USA bitches!
I wonder why this isn't all over the news? This is the first time I'm hearing about it. If it was such a big deal as you're making it out to be, every fucking news channel would be running it, thinking they're the smart and clever ones to get it on the air first.

TeamZephyr wrote:

Why do the US think they have a right to interfere with other countries because it's "in their interests."
You just answered your own question, thanks for playing.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

TeamZephyr wrote:

This really grinds my gears, especially the part about the boy not receiving a camera while all the others did because the US thinks that it has the right to interfere in Cuba's trade and decide who Cuba's trade partners are.

The other disgusting thing about this continuing blockade is even after last year's UN vote that ended up 182-4 in favour of stopping the blockade the US still went ahead in stopping it from ending. It's obvious the world wants this to end but as long as the USA says it won't it won't.

There does the US get off thinking they can limit Cuba's trade with the rest of the world? Why do the US think they have a right to interfere with other countries because it's "in their interests." Cubans suffer because the US still wants be tough on communism and it's disgraceful that the people of Cuba have to go through all this trouble because of it.
You're damn right we have that right. Ever heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis? That same regime is still in power today. The world has never been so close to nuclear war, yet you *looks at your location* feel the need to make another cliche "I hate the U.S." thread. This one of the most rediculous things I've ever read here. How far are you guys willing to go to bash the U.S.? I've seen some decent points made every once in a while, but damn, TeamZephyr, learn something before you speak.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-10-26 07:08:32)

Qualified Expert
+62|6779|Melbourne - Home of Football
Yeah I've heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, that was caused by the SOVIET UNION putting their missiles onto Cuba, and the Soviet Union ceased to exist almost 20 years ago, the right to free trade except in weapons and / or warhead components is something all nations should enjoy, that makes the bloackade anachronistic.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

<BoTM>J_Aero wrote:

Yeah I've heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, that was caused by the SOVIET UNION putting their missiles onto Cuba, and the Soviet Union ceased to exist almost 20 years ago, the right to free trade except in weapons and / or warhead components is something all nations should enjoy, that makes the bloackade anachronistic.

And Cuba had nothing to do with this? Castro declared Cuba a socialist republic, allied with the Soviets, and allowed the missiles to be placed.
+149|6861|USA bitches!
And, this "article" comes from the CPA - Communist Party of Australia. Fuck all you Communists cunt fucks. Worthless shit heads.

Pubic wrote:

The world is a different place now, time for it to end.

Cam, you've been there, whats your take?
My take ıs that the blockade ıs not ın the ınterests of USA. They mıss out on $1.2bn ın trade wıth Cuba every year ıt contınues. So basıcally the US are beıng vındıctıve because thıs communıst regıme on ıts doorstep refuses to go under (and from what I saw never wıll). When the Sovıet Unıon collapsed the Cuban people endured untold hardshıp known as 'El Perıodo Especıal' where the economy collapsed and food was rıdıculously scarce. No trade embargo wıll break the wıll of the Cubans havıng come through that. Belıeve me or not there IS anımosıty towards Amerıcans out there. THere are some who probably lıke the US - I mean I saw some folk wıth US bandanas and US army t-shırts on - but the fact of the matter ıs the US ıs blamed for all of theır woes between 1898 and 1956. The embargo ısn't helpıng the post-Castro ımage of Amerıca and the communıst party there mılks ıt for all ıts worth. Every headlıne and story ıs to do wıth the embargo. So ıt's backfırıng (I don't see the purpose of ıt at all myself).

It ıs US government doctrıne and polıcy not to allow alternatıve systems of government to flourısh ın theır backyard. That's why they contınue thıs stupıd embargo and blackmaıl others ınto curbıng trade wıth Cuba too. It's petty, ımmature and cruel. That's my take.

By the way I'm ın Istanbul rıght now and I'll tell you somethıng. Kemal Ataturk ıs a legend. THere ıs no reason why thıs country should not be ın the EU. He has created a very secular country for modern enlıghtened ıslam and the people here are doıng well. Serıously - way less than half the chıcks wearıng hıjabs ıs a sıgn of somethıng progressıng....

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-26 08:11:43)

To Cuban Mıssıle Crısıs shıt talkers:

Go back to your hıstory books and check the sequentıalıty of events. The US forced Cuba ınto the arms of the Sovıets by constantly threatenıng the regıme (Bay of Pıgs anyone???). I thınk ıf you were a small natıon and were beıng threatened by a large power you would ınstall some vestıge of a meanıngful means of self defence. Let's not forget that Cuba never have and IMO never wıll attack OR threaten to attack the US of A. THey have been metıculously careful not to gıve the US the pretext or moral rıght to fuck them up.

The Soviets wouldn't have put missiles in Cuba if the USA hadn't forced Turkey into allowing ballistic nuke missile bases within striking distance of Moscow.
I personally think its disgusting that a nation can subdue a smaller weaker nation over a choice of lifestyle;e that the majority of people want/ed after their country had been turned into a rich Americans playground in the years running up to the revolution. No wonder nations are struggling to get their hands on nukes.

TeamZephyr wrote:

There does the US get off thinking they can limit Cuba's trade with the rest of the world? Why do the US think they have a right to interfere with other countries because it's "in their interests."
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

CameronPoe wrote:

To Cuban Mıssıle Crısıs shıt talkers:

Go back to your hıstory books and check the sequentıalıty of events. The US forced Cuba ınto the arms of the Sovıets by constantly threatenıng the regıme (Bay of Pıgs anyone???). I thınk ıf you were a small natıon and were beıng threatened by a large power you would ınstall some vestıge of a meanıngful means of self defence. Let's not forget that Cuba never have and IMO never wıll attack OR threaten to attack the US of A. THey have been metıculously careful not to gıve the US the pretext or moral rıght to fuck them up.
Cuba doesn't have the means to directly attack the US, that's why they haven't and probably never will. They do, however, have the means to indirectly attack the US, which history has shown us. The same regime that brought the world the closest it's ever been to annihilation is still in power today. The embargo should not end until the regime ends. If Castro's bloodline wants to drive Cuba further into poverty, that's their own fault, not ours. The citizens, the culture, everything great about Cuba is irrelevant as long as the regime continues to remain in power.

CameronPoe wrote:

By the way I'm ın Istanbul rıght now and I'll tell you somethıng. Kemal Ataturk ıs a legend. THere ıs no reason why thıs country should not be ın the EU. He has created a very secular country for modern enlıghtened ıslam and the people here are doıng well. Serıously - way less than half the chıcks wearıng hıjabs ıs a sıgn of somethıng progressıng....
Pics of the women or gtfo.

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Cuba doesn't have the means to directly attack the US, that's why they haven't and probably never will. They do, however, have the means to indirectly attack the US, which history has shown us. The same regime that brought the world the closest it's ever been to annihilation is still in power today. The embargo should not end until the regime ends. If Castro's bloodline wants to drive Cuba further into poverty, that's their own fault, not ours. The citizens, the culture, everything great about Cuba is irrelevant as long as the regime continues to remain in power.
You're quıte sımply wrong here Pollux. Cuba's economy ıs actually expandıng by the way - so thıs 'further ınto poverty' lark ıs bullshıt. They are ın a pıtıful mess ın some regards but condıtıons are ımprovıng and have been ever sınce 'El Perıodo Especıal'. That regıme ıs not fuckıng stupıd. By vırtue of landmass alone Cuba would NEVER EVER consıder doıng somethıng so stupıd as to legıtımıse US actıon agaınst them.
Comment on  the on the nukes in Turkey Pollux, the US clearly provoked the USSR! Terrible idea..

I doubt the blockade affecting the elite in Cuba too much so it should be lifted!
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Jepeto87 wrote:

Comment on  the on the nukes in Turkey Pollux, the US clearly provoked the USSR! Terrible idea..

I doubt the blockade affecting the elite in Cuba too much so it should be lifted!
The nukes in Turkey can be argued to justify the USSR's actions, not Cuba's.
this is the best we can do?
You think if Cuba suddenly opened up, any of us would get to go?  hell no. it will be a playground for the rich and  famous.
+101|6989|Southern California
Cuba long represented the Soviet/Communist toe-hold/beachhead in the Western Hemisphere. Cuba operated in South America, Africa and, even SEA in the '60s, to spread communism. If they have the right to expand ideology/interests around the world that is counter to US ideology/interests then the US has the right to counter them too.

Lately the non-aligned nations movement makes the US action of 'restricting' Cuban economy a good idea. If they had surplus bucks they might be doggin' the US through proxies or active and unrestricted leadership in the  non-aligned nations movement - how many countries need to be in that group for it to become a center of gravity in it's own right?

Slow growth in Cuba is probably the best course for the USA at the moment.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-10-26 10:41:20)

Qualified Expert
+62|6779|Melbourne - Home of Football

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

And Cuba had nothing to do with this? Castro declared Cuba a socialist republic, allied with the Soviets, and allowed the missiles to be placed.
Yes, Cuba allowed the missiles to be placed, as part of the brotherhood of communist nations idea that was going around at the time, the 'us versus them' prevailing mentality. Military installations, whether shared or completely independent on another sovereign  nations territory is nothing new; look at US bases in Japan or Germany. The United States did a similar thing when it fought the North Vietnamese, it may have not moved in nuclear missiles, but the amount of troops and arms is evidence enough.

So we've established that during this era, nations that shared similar ideologies sought to reinforce and strengthen those ties, as well as threatening the USA, the nuclear missiles on Cuba guaranteed that the US wouldn't attack the island.

Now fast forward to the present, and the blockade enacted all those years ago is still in place. Unfortunately, sanctions and political pressure tend to create a feeling of solidarity within the population it is imposed upon, and a resentment of the countries imposing it. The Soviet Union changed to the Russian Federation after the period of glasnost, a period of openness when the old communist regime crumbled and was replaced by a new, and still emerging, democratic market economy. The guiding principle is that opening up a nation to the exchange of ideas and information and trade will be more beneficial than any sanctions, blockade or war.

If you want progress, lose the anachronism, US foreign policy can't afford to be hardass in every case.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
i just want some of those cuban cars
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA

kr@cker wrote:

i just want some of those cuban cigars
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
they're alright, not worth the price, the key ones are the regional Cohibas (the cohiba brand itself is pretty good, but i'm referring to the ones made with tobacco actually grown in Cohiba). They have a flavor that is made possible by a quality found specifically in that region's soil, kind of like our Vidalia onions from Vidalia, Georgia (I understand this occurs a few other places as well). Due to the soil conditions in vidalia the onions grow so sweet that some people walk around eating them like apples, but as soon as you take a vidalia onion and plant it elsewhere, it becomes the regular spicy/pungent onion.

<BoTM>J_Aero wrote:

Now fast forward to the present, and the blockade enacted all those years ago is still in place. Unfortunately, sanctions and political pressure tend to create a feeling of solidarity within the population it is imposed upon, and a resentment of the countries imposing it.

That ıs exactly the sıtuatıon ın Cuba. I brought back some newspapers from Cuba - when I get back to Ireland I'll translate and post a few artıcles: the government use the embargo as a great 'Us v Them', 'The US ıs evıl' propaganda weapon relentlessly. It just strengthens theır sıege mentalıty and sense of solıdarıty.

CameronPoe wrote:

<BoTM>J_Aero wrote:

Now fast forward to the present, and the blockade enacted all those years ago is still in place. Unfortunately, sanctions and political pressure tend to create a feeling of solidarity within the population it is imposed upon, and a resentment of the countries imposing it.

That ıs exactly the sıtuatıon ın Cuba. I brought back some newspapers from Cuba - when I get back to Ireland I'll translate and post a few artıcles: the government use the embargo as a great 'Us v Them', 'The US ıs evıl' propaganda weapon relentlessly. It just strengthens theır sıege mentalıty and sense of solıdarıty.
And both Iran and Cuba have shown that embargos actually strengthen a nation's economy in the long run, forcing them to increase domestic productivity.
GunSlinger OIF II
could it be that the economy in cuba is growing simply because instead of having the soviet union be the meal ticket, its Hugo chavez and his political adventures of today?  just a question but if thats the case then the cuban economy will only grow as long as chavez is president, which is not indefinate.

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