Exactly, we're all God's children, and if you disagree with that notion and refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your savior, you go to hell. That's right, kids. The Earth was made in 7 days, fossils are fabricated lies put into place by Satan, and the Big Bang is a misconception of creationism.Stingray24 wrote:
"Hey kids, welcome to science class. The one thing I want to impress upon you it that you're the product of an accident. There was a massive explosion of matter that no one put there and it travelled at millions of miles per hour and eventually slowed down and formed planets. On one of those tiny planets, you came from a one-celled organism that appeared out of nowhere by chance and by some stroke of evolutionary luck, happened to divide and live. Somewhere along the way it grew a tail and swam around in the primordial soup for awhile. Then it decided it needed legs because there was some interesting land that somehow got there. After that it crawled up on land and by sheer mental energy evolved to a monkey, then the monkey shaved and now we have humans like us! *brrrrriiiiiing* Oh, that's the bell, now head down the hall to Self-Esteem class. And remember, no one created you, you're an accident and your life is meaningless."
Now there's some motivation for life.
Please inform your Islamic, atheist, Hindu, Jewish, and other non-Christian students that they will face eternal damnation if they don't agree with the Bible, word for word.
How's that for motivation?