Well lets talk about when u just got teamkilled and u get the line that says for having mercy or no mercy to the guy who killed you.
in my situation:
Forgivin :
*When a player got scared of me walking around the corner too quikly and he drops a nade of his tube on me and he said sorry.. i press page up
*An airplane that drops bomb and i was thinking off caping that flag when 8 enemies where around....well he did his job bombed the shit out of that flag defenders and i was just on the wrong place and time
*when an friendly drives me over coz i was being stupid crossing the street without looking to my left/right
*or when there is a heavy gunfight and a friendly accidently hit me from behind...well shit happens just hoping for a medic to revive me
*when an friendly throws an nade but in place of going over the wall he hits the wall and just happen to be passing that place on the moment Blam i,m dead...well he said sorry so i,m forgivin
*when a AT kit or Tow user missed his target and the rocket goes straight into my vehicule well...again shit happens so i be forgivin.
*when an AA or plane shoots rockets but the rockets misses the target and the rocket have found a new target me being in a chopper...well Rockets are too dumb to be thrue not the player.
No Mercy!:
*When someones before me in a plane but he goes straight to business and is going on to speed without waiting that i cleared his way and he drives me over
*when someones kills me for a vehicule...well i just want to press page down for a bout 10 X
*when i see my chance for gettin a plane and some idiot drives me over with a buggy to get the same plane...well no mercy for that numbhead
*When a C4 hopper is being stupid and blowing the shit out of all of us...no mercy for that sort of guys
*when i,m in an enemy vehicule but my team still see as an enemy (example : Yesterday on wake i stole the BH from the beach and put it on a nice spot to rag a lot of enemies down. but and friendly gets behind the chopper and just kills me without waiting for a name to show up...or didnt look where i was shooting at. but dude this rocks put an BH on a spot nice in front of the flag and just shoot down everything that moves with the BH minigun...awesome)
*when an armor decide to shoot down an inactive Buggy,Humvee but at the moment he shoots i get in...well u just fucked up my transport to get to the other side of the map and u killed me.......use ur ammo on moving or occupied vehicules of the enemies.
*when i and 2 o 3 others are capping a flag an idiot thinks he can still kill enemies by throwing nades at the flag without looking on the god damn mini-map well No mercy for that sort of guys
*claymore dropped down from the roof and i just supposed to go around the corner blam i,m dead fuckers punished...KEEP THE DARN CLAYMORES ON THE ROOF!
*armor players that just dont look where they shoot at
and many more do you remind some of them ? Post'em and divide cases of when u Forgive or When u dont show mercy on the teamkiller
in my situation:
Forgivin :
*When a player got scared of me walking around the corner too quikly and he drops a nade of his tube on me and he said sorry.. i press page up
*An airplane that drops bomb and i was thinking off caping that flag when 8 enemies where around....well he did his job bombed the shit out of that flag defenders and i was just on the wrong place and time
*when an friendly drives me over coz i was being stupid crossing the street without looking to my left/right
*or when there is a heavy gunfight and a friendly accidently hit me from behind...well shit happens just hoping for a medic to revive me
*when an friendly throws an nade but in place of going over the wall he hits the wall and just happen to be passing that place on the moment Blam i,m dead...well he said sorry so i,m forgivin
*when a AT kit or Tow user missed his target and the rocket goes straight into my vehicule well...again shit happens so i be forgivin.
*when an AA or plane shoots rockets but the rockets misses the target and the rocket have found a new target me being in a chopper...well Rockets are too dumb to be thrue not the player.
No Mercy!:
*When someones before me in a plane but he goes straight to business and is going on to speed without waiting that i cleared his way and he drives me over
*when someones kills me for a vehicule...well i just want to press page down for a bout 10 X
*when i see my chance for gettin a plane and some idiot drives me over with a buggy to get the same plane...well no mercy for that numbhead
*When a C4 hopper is being stupid and blowing the shit out of all of us...no mercy for that sort of guys
*when i,m in an enemy vehicule but my team still see as an enemy (example : Yesterday on wake i stole the BH from the beach and put it on a nice spot to rag a lot of enemies down. but and friendly gets behind the chopper and just kills me without waiting for a name to show up...or didnt look where i was shooting at. but dude this rocks put an BH on a spot nice in front of the flag and just shoot down everything that moves with the BH minigun...awesome)
*when an armor decide to shoot down an inactive Buggy,Humvee but at the moment he shoots i get in...well u just fucked up my transport to get to the other side of the map and u killed me.......use ur ammo on moving or occupied vehicules of the enemies.
*when i and 2 o 3 others are capping a flag an idiot thinks he can still kill enemies by throwing nades at the flag without looking on the god damn mini-map well No mercy for that sort of guys
*claymore dropped down from the roof and i just supposed to go around the corner blam i,m dead fuckers punished...KEEP THE DARN CLAYMORES ON THE ROOF!
*armor players that just dont look where they shoot at
and many more do you remind some of them ? Post'em and divide cases of when u Forgive or When u dont show mercy on the teamkiller