+521|7052|Toronto | Canada

Kenny Rodgers, the Detroit Tigers pitcher of game 2 in the World Series was accused of having pine tar or some other substance on his hand.  As you can see in the photo, in the link below, his hand is covered in a brown substance that is definately not dirt.

Link to Article: … irty_col_1

Link to Picture:

What do you think will happen?
If the coach of the Cardinals does appeal the game, what do you think the outcome will be?


Last edited by Winston_Churchill (2006-10-25 19:26:29)

+183|6986|A sunburnt country
He'll get sent to Mexico in a new Chevy................

VspyVspy wrote:

He'll get sent to Mexico in a new Chevy................
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA
You guys are dumb, it was dirt and resin and sweat mixed together........there is no proof it was anything, nothing can be appealed, Tigers will win in Game 7.  Thread, over.
+149|6861|USA bitches!

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

You guys are dumb, it was dirt and resin and sweat mixed together........there is no proof it was anything, nothing can be appealed, Tigers will win in Game 7.  Thread, over.
LaRussa should've made a bigger deal than he did, if he believed it was something other than dirt. The time is gone, so they can't touch Rogers (even though he's a piece of shit).

But, I believe he was cheating. All the photos of past games, he had the same substance on his hand. It would explain why an ultra shitty pitcher suddenly becomes awesome. I watched him in Texas for made years, and while he had some good stuff in the past, his later years are horrible. I think the Cards are just over anxious and that's why they can't hit him. I mean, fuck, who CAN'T hit an 80 mph fastball? That's just pathetic, and these guys are professionals.
+385|6804|Northern California
Baseball is a piece of shit game to begin with..i was doing fine not knowing who was in the world series until you made this thread that I foolishly read...great!  Thanks!

it's not surprising that this level of blatant cheating happens.  everytime I see Bond's ugly, depressed, pathetic face on SF Bay Area TV, i just assume baseball is just a breeding ground for such blatant mockery of rules, standards, personal integrity.  that, and it's a boring, no talent sport.
Um, First off, it was GAME TWO, not game 3 (last night). Second, they're not appealing anything, and their manager wasn't upset at all. Third, he pitched the rest of his game scoreless after he cleaned his hand in the first inning.

The cards don't care, and the media is trying to overplay it.

P.S. Tigers in 7.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
The Cards (from what I've seen) are more reliable than the Tigers to win the Series. So it doesn't really matter, Rodgers didn't even play last night.
insert clever title here

jonsimon wrote:

Um, First off, it was GAME TWO, not game 3 (last night). Second, they're not appealing anything, and their manager wasn't upset at all. Third, he pitched the rest of his game scoreless after he cleaned his hand in the first inning.

The cards don't care, and the media is trying to overplay it.

P.S. Tigers in 7.
I agree, but Cards in 6.  Yes thats right Cards in 6.  IRONCHEF, You usually come to the table with really well thought out and great arguements and I respect your opinion even if I don't agree with you, but saying baseball is a piece of shit game is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.  You can't generalize about an entire game because of a few bad personalities or incidents.  There is a reason baseball is called Americas favorite pastime.


Baseball is a piece of shit game to begin with..i was doing fine not knowing who was in the world series until you made this thread that I foolishly read...great!  Thanks!

it's not surprising that this level of blatant cheating happens.  everytime I see Bond's ugly, depressed, pathetic face on SF Bay Area TV, i just assume baseball is just a breeding ground for such blatant mockery of rules, standards, personal integrity.  that, and it's a boring, no talent sport.
Pull the stick out of your butt. Baseballs a pretty cool sport, and there's really no reason to believe Rogers was cheating...
+385|6804|Northern California

d3athwi5h4 wrote:

There is a reason baseball is called Americas favorite pastime.
It's called that because it was the favorite the past.  now it's a drug infested, lawless abandon full of thugs and overpaid losers.  But then that's my position on most professional sports.  I just get ticked that "entertainment" people like "professional athletes" make the money they do and behave the way they do.  There's no "american" in the american pastime.  As long as my daughter's kindergarten teacher is paid $50k per year for thankless work doing the most important job in the world (next to parenthood), and some shitbag like Barry Bonds is making millions..there's something wrong.  Call me a communist if you want, I'm still right about that comparison though.  Oh, and I've got two friends (brothers) who've played pro ball and they know my feelings about baseball, and they know I'm right too! lol  well, they dont' think baseball sucks tho.

BTW, what is a "pastime?"  I know what most people think it is, but what is IT?


d3athwi5h4 wrote:

There is a reason baseball is called Americas favorite pastime.
It's called that because it was the favorite the past.  now it's a drug infested, lawless abandon full of thugs and overpaid losers.  But then that's my position on most professional sports.  I just get ticked that "entertainment" people like "professional athletes" make the money they do and behave the way they do.  There's no "american" in the american pastime.  As long as my daughter's kindergarten teacher is paid $50k per year for thankless work doing the most important job in the world (next to parenthood), and some shitbag like Barry Bonds is making millions..there's something wrong.  Call me a communist if you want, I'm still right about that comparison though.  Oh, and I've got two friends (brothers) who've played pro ball and they know my feelings about baseball, and they know I'm right too! lol  well, they dont' think baseball sucks tho.

BTW, what is a "pastime?"  I know what most people think it is, but what is IT?
Athletes get paid a lot because it's a difficult skillset to master, and not everyone can afford to do it. That's just the way markets work.
+385|6804|Northern California
Oh come on, you're saying they earn what they do because their "skillset" is hard to master?  NO, getting a law degree or being able to handle a classroom of teens is truly a greater, more valuable, and probably harder skill than getting a .300 average.  The pay is completely out of proportion because it is has dedicated massive stadiums to pay for, and scalpers to has national TV audiences..where as the last PTA meeting I went to had 3 people show up.

Delicate surgery?  $200k.  Hitting a baseball 1 out of 3 times..out of the park one out of 100 times? $5M?  I don't think the proportion is fair. 

You know, my wife and I were discussing this and thought "If becoming a teacher meant getting a $1 million dollar annual salary, it too would be as competative and glamorous as being a pro baseball player."  and guess what, the teaching job would produce a positive effect into the world instead of gluttony, laziness, and alcoholism! lol

Anyway, sorry for harshing baseball.  I realize there's fanatics out there who loves themselves a good ball game, so I'll chill.  But the pay, attitude of players, and overall mindset of pro sports just saddens me.


Oh come on, you're saying they earn what they do because their "skillset" is hard to master?  NO, getting a law degree or being able to handle a classroom of teens is truly a greater, more valuable, and probably harder skill than getting a .300 average.  The pay is completely out of proportion because it is has dedicated massive stadiums to pay for, and scalpers to has national TV audiences..where as the last PTA meeting I went to had 3 people show up.

Delicate surgery?  $200k.  Hitting a baseball 1 out of 3 times..out of the park one out of 100 times? $5M?  I don't think the proportion is fair. 

You know, my wife and I were discussing this and thought "If becoming a teacher meant getting a $1 million dollar annual salary, it too would be as competative and glamorous as being a pro baseball player."  and guess what, the teaching job would produce a positive effect into the world instead of gluttony, laziness, and alcoholism! lol

Anyway, sorry for harshing baseball.  I realize there's fanatics out there who loves themselves a good ball game, so I'll chill.  But the pay, attitude of players, and overall mindset of pro sports just saddens me.
You don't think it is fair, but it is. They invest the majority of their life in their sport. The risk of their investment before they make the leagues is great, most athletes spend their childhood in some sort of preparation, as well as a large portion of their time while employed. Likewise, professional athletes see relatively little job security, as well as large amounts of structural, frictional, and seasonal unemployment. The highest paid of athletes sacrifice privacy, and all professional athletes see high levels of stress, both physical and psychological. And, frankly, some people are genetically incapable of acting at the levels of professional Athletes.

Sorry, chef, but being an Athlete is costly and risky, therefore, employing one is costly as well.

Teachers don't make the small salaries they do because the oppertunity cost of attempting to become a teacher is that much smaller than that of attempting to be a professional Athlete. If you don't like it, deal with it. You won't be able to change the market.
+149|6861|USA bitches!


Baseball is a piece of shit game to begin with..i was doing fine not knowing who was in the world series until you made this thread that I foolishly read...great!  Thanks!

it's not surprising that this level of blatant cheating happens.  everytime I see Bond's ugly, depressed, pathetic face on SF Bay Area TV, i just assume baseball is just a breeding ground for such blatant mockery of rules, standards, personal integrity.  that, and it's a boring, no talent sport.
No talent sport? This is obviously coming from a man that's never played it, or did and sucked so bad, quit because he couldn't handle it.

Baseball, IMO takes the most talent of ALL sports.

  • Football: Run, tackle, dodge tackles, catch a pigskin. You have to be extremely strong to stand up in the professional scene, but there's not much above that. You just have to be tough to play it.
  • Soccer: run around and kick a ball for an hour and a half. Takes ALOT of stamina to play a game.
  • Basketball: be tall and shoot a ball in a hoop or dunk it. Enough said.
  • Golf: one rival of baseball, takes a lot of skill to play golf and hit a little ball in target the way they do.

Baseball is extreme. Take any other professional sport and have them come play pro baseball. Can they hit a 95+ mph fastball? Nope. Would they stay in the batters box when a slider was coming right at them, before breaking in as a strike? Nope. With 162 games and day games after night games, its a constant grind. Football gets a week off to rest. Fucking babies.

You have like a 20th of a second to decide to swing at the pitch in pro baseball. You have to have UNGODLY hand/eye coordination to do so as well.

Baseball isn't worthless, it's only viewed as worthless you dumb fucks such as yourself.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

Jenkinsbball wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

You guys are dumb, it was dirt and resin and sweat mixed together........there is no proof it was anything, nothing can be appealed, Tigers will win in Game 7.  Thread, over.
LaRussa should've made a bigger deal than he did, if he believed it was something other than dirt. The time is gone, so they can't touch Rogers (even though he's a piece of shit).

But, I believe he was cheating. All the photos of past games, he had the same substance on his hand. It would explain why an ultra shitty pitcher suddenly becomes awesome. I watched him in Texas for made years, and while he had some good stuff in the past, his later years are horrible. I think the Cards are just over anxious and that's why they can't hit him. I mean, fuck, who CAN'T hit an 80 mph fastball? That's just pathetic, and these guys are professionals.
You really think he would be THAT dumb to just have it showing up on his hand....come on, proof first, allegations laters.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

jonsimon wrote:

Um, First off, it was GAME TWO, not game 3 (last night). Second, they're not appealing anything, and their manager wasn't upset at all. Third, he pitched the rest of his game scoreless after he cleaned his hand in the first inning.

The cards don't care, and the media is trying to overplay it.

P.S. Tigers in 7.
Best thing you've ever written (that I've seen), agree with you whole heartedly.  And I pick the Tigers in 7 as well .  Go Detroit.

People really are trying to overplay this, Rodger's career has taken a positive turn and his numbers are amazing, but all anyone can do is whine about dirt.
+385|6804|Northern California
Ok, whatever dude.  Still the bottom line is "value" for the money.  Greed, entertainment, and marketting vs. producing educated citizens.  This world is a more pathetic place because of that scale and it's lopsidedness...regardless of skillset, job security, and "loss of privacy." lol  I can't believe you used those things as criteria.  Guess what, an injured, terminated, or retired baseball player can still get a job outside of the entertainment there's NO risk there of job security.

You know, you'd get alot further in debates if you weren't so snappy.  Your "deal with it" and that totally irrelevent "you won't be able to change the market" comments show alot about you and it's not productive debate language.  I'm no saint, but I know the difference between good debate (like we were doing until you got snappy) and irritable bowel syndrome eruptions.  It's how threads get started on that road to being closed (like that one yesterday where you lost your cool).
+385|6804|Northern California

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Baseball isn't worthless, it's only viewed as worthless you dumb fucks such as yourself.
I was ready to offer civilized debate until you had to go and attack me.  Way to go junior.  You have lost a dignified response, and I had a good one too.

Oh, and me being a systems admin for a modest $75k is actually more worthy of a job than ANY pro sports player...
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Chef, you can't argue "let's have a good debate" if you start with "baseball is a shit game anyway".
Moderator Emeritus
+76|7086|London UK

Lets keep it civilsed people.
+385|6804|Northern California
Why not?  It's a good, strong opinion.  Besides, I apologized later.  And Jonsimon and I were having a great argument debating the merits of pro sport salaries, talent comparisons, value and other considerations.  But some people just can't handle good debate and freak out..or rely on previous grudges from other arguments and let that come out.  Me?  I forget all posts I've made when i go home for the day at 5:15pm PDT.
+149|6861|USA bitches!


Jenkinsbball wrote:

Baseball isn't worthless, it's only viewed as worthless you dumb fucks such as yourself.
I was ready to offer civilized debate until you had to go and attack me.  Way to go junior.  You have lost a dignified response, and I had a good one too.

Oh, and me being a systems admin for a modest $75k is actually more worthy of a job than ANY pro sports player...
Ok, throw that immature statement out and tell me what you really think.

I agree 200000% that pro sports players are over paid (Arod), but there's nothing you can do to change it. It's pretty pathetic that some baseball players get $13 million contracts and are subpar player (Juan Encarnocian sp?). That guy gets 3 year/$13 mil and he's a career > .300 batter, has absolutely no clutch ability, no power, and a weak arm. Pretty sad.... he gets all this money when the real heros out there get shiznit for what they have to put up with everyday (people like me).
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
To Chef:

Sorry, I forgot common sense isn't a factor.

But I'll join in now:
Andre Agassi makes MILLIONS.  But he's more worthless than a teacher or a doctor, despite the fact he's opened a school which only accepts underpriviledged kids.

Tiger Woods makes MILLIONS.  He is more well-known than any teacher or doctor in the world.  He influences kids to be like him.  To have drive and determination, have goals.

These are but two individuals that have a broader reach than the common folk who have made a difference.  Athletes who bring more than their greed to the table.  The also have more impact than 20 students/year. 

Sure, there's some bad folks out there...but I'm guessing if you took the total % of jackasses in the medical and teaching field and compared it athletes...there'd be more jackasses total in the ed & med fields by far.  It's just too bad there's not a med & ed section in the daily paper right after the sports page.

It's admirable that you want to pay the common folk more, but I do not subscribe to the "teachers > athlete" therefore pay them more theory.  In some cases one superstar is worth more than entire school districts.

Plus I prefer to look at the positives.  Good teachers, good doctors, good athletes, and good people are rewarded appropriately.

Last edited by Pug (2006-10-25 11:46:35)

+149|6861|USA bitches!

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Jenkinsbball wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

You guys are dumb, it was dirt and resin and sweat mixed together........there is no proof it was anything, nothing can be appealed, Tigers will win in Game 7.  Thread, over.
LaRussa should've made a bigger deal than he did, if he believed it was something other than dirt. The time is gone, so they can't touch Rogers (even though he's a piece of shit).

But, I believe he was cheating. All the photos of past games, he had the same substance on his hand. It would explain why an ultra shitty pitcher suddenly becomes awesome. I watched him in Texas for made years, and while he had some good stuff in the past, his later years are horrible. I think the Cards are just over anxious and that's why they can't hit him. I mean, fuck, who CAN'T hit an 80 mph fastball? That's just pathetic, and these guys are professionals.
You really think he would be THAT dumb to just have it showing up on his hand....come on, proof first, allegations laters.
The proof is gone, as it was cleaned off and he'll never have something on his hand again. All I'm saying, is that Kenny Rogers is a really shitty pitcher, that has suddenly become untouchable. Something doesn't add up.

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