The Lizzard
I know who I back.


I'm curious as to how doing ads for a senator who you agree with, or who might back laws that you support or which may help you is shilling.  Further, why not go off his medication to show people what Parkinson's is like?
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7014|MoVal So-Cal
dont mind Limbaugh, he's just an asshole
I heard Rush's bit on Fox.  Not surprisingly, the liberal media missed the point.  I'm sure you've seen the Fox's ad, SO to be fair -why don't you find and listen to what Rush said, then decide with all the information -not just one sentence quoted by some hit job left nut reporter?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
The Lizzard
Because I haven't seen Fox's ad, not have I heard Limbaugh's bit.  But it's Limbaugh.  I have faith in him being a dipshit.
Quakecon Attendee
+17|6972|SLC, Utah, USA
Are you saying that showing the effects of a disease is not an appropriate way to promote a way to stop the disease?

I don't think Michael is totally blameless.  If he would come out and say that this is the result of getting off his (most likely very expensive) treatment, it'd still have the same impact and still be truthfull.
The Lizzard
That's the point: he (apparently) admits that for some situations he goes off his medication (that's half the point, anyway).
I think the point that Rush was going for was that this is nothing new in the world of politics.  Kerry used Reeve's condition, "elect me and together we'll find a cure"
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

Bubbalo wrote:

That's the point: he (apparently) admits that for some situations he goes off his medication (that's half the point, anyway).
And thats all Rush is pointing out.
He's saying that Fox may be getting used by the Left.

They are desperate ( and I'll wager a dominoes pizza that the Dems do not gain either house or senate ) and will do anything.

What are the Liberals going to say when they fail to gain a majority in these midterms?

I'm gonna say na na   na  na na
Quakecon Attendee
+17|6972|SLC, Utah, USA
Still, part of his accusation was that Fox was "acting", or exaggerating the effect of the disease.  No, Fox was just showing the true unaltered effects, but ignorant people (like I was) would assume that he's like that AFTER help, and thusly it would be worse without medication.  Still doesn't make the disease any more bearable.  If something can be done to prevent people from having to medicate themselves to be "normal" (I see nothing wrong with stem cell research, but that's just me), it should be looked into.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
funny thing is i heard that whole hour of limbaugh, and I've seen the ad, whereas many people commenting on here or in the international media have failed to do either, and the main point wasn't that fox was "acting", the main point was that they are duping ppl into thinking:
A) that it is possible to cure parkinson's with stem cell research, embryonic in particular, when in fact it is nothing more than a theory
B) republicans want to ban ALL stem cell research, when the current administration has funded more than any other, nor is there a ban at all, but merely the blocking of federal funding for embryonic research as no one yet knows when "life" begins and they decided to err on the side thinking it may qualify
C) as ATG stated, fox may be getting used
D) they are playing with people's emotions, especially those affected by parkinson's and desperate for a cure for themselves or loved one, falsely leading them to believe that there is in fact a cure and that if you vote republican people will die

Max Cleland, John McCain, Cindy Sheehan,the "Jersey Girls" (911 CT activist wives), MJ Fox, chris reeve, even ronald reagan's son ron, all part of the lib strategy of "victim infallibility", if you disagree with any of them on anything, then you are an evil monster and should have your nipples clamped, they are always right no matter what.

besides, nowhere in the constitution does it say anything about the government having the right to take money away from person A to cure person B

limbaugh did ask for clarification as to whether he (Fox) had ever been seen like this before, and stated that it was suspicious because he had always seemed fine, and upon being informed that Fox had decided to forego the meds for the commercial he did in turn inform his audience of this and went on to make his point

just another example of people trying to paint con talk radio as "evil" like when.........was it katie couric?...interviewed barak obama and asked what he thought of rush calling him barak osama bin laden, when in fact rush was quoting good ol ted kennedy who repeatedly called him just plain "osama bin laden" without the "barak" in there at all

add pat tillman's brother to the list, that one hasn't hit the main stream yet, but it's on the way, i'll bet'cha some karma

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-25 08:48:12)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

kr@cker wrote:

if you vote republican people will die
saved you the trouble
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Bubbalo wrote:

Because I haven't seen Fox's ad, not have I heard Limbaugh's bit. . .
So why not do that before making a thread about the situation?
+385|6804|Northern California
I'd accept Fox going off his meds for a liberal ad (even though this is not a partisan issue) over a LBJ "Daisy" ad or a Bush Cheney ad saying that if you don't vote for us, you'll be nuked.
Quakecon Attendee
+17|6972|SLC, Utah, USA
Good points, kr@cker.  I always assumed that our president recently signed a bill to BAN all research into it, but I think I recall now it's just they are going to stop FUNDING it.  Seems to me, though, that the research can still continue if funded enough by private interests, but it seems that the scientists are acting as if it's totally stopped, as in banned.

Though it may not have been proved that stem cell research could totally CURE (and most likely not even within any of OUR lifetimes) it,  I'm sure that stem cell research is the most likely course to look at.

I'm afraid I'm guilty of the same things I assumed republicans (really not republicans, but extremists) were like, by assuming that Limbaugh's comment about Fox was EXACTLY what he said.  I thought that Limbaugh was so condescending to Fox's action, he was obviously out of his mind.  I tried to defend Fox even though I had little or no previous experience in this topic.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
Adult stem cell research has showed more promise than embryonic from the reports I've heard.  There is no proof, only pure speculation, that embryonic stem cells will cure anything.  To criticize the administration as throwing away a cure for not funding it, when it has not been proven to help anything, is a downright lie. 

I hope there is a cure for Michael J. Fox and everyone else with a disease that will eventually kill them.  My grandma has Parkinson's as does a good friend of mine who is my Dad's age.  I want a cure for the people I love, however, to hold up embryonic stem cell research as the holy grail that will cure this or any other disease is irresponsible.  The scientists are acting as if the research is banned to get public support behind them.  Why? Money, money, money.  Period.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

That's the point: he (apparently) admits that for some situations he goes off his medication (that's half the point, anyway).
And thats all Rush is pointing out.
He's saying that Fox may be getting used by the Left.

They are desperate ( and I'll wager a dominoes pizza that the Dems do not gain either house or senate ) and will do anything.

What are the Liberals going to say when they fail to gain a majority in these midterms?

I'm gonna say na na   na  na na
While I tend to believe that the Democrats aren't going to sweep the Congress either, I think it's very sad that so many Americans would have us slip behind Canada, Europe, and East Asia in the field of medical science over some bullshit concerning stem cell research.

Stem cell research shouldn't be a political issue -- it should be common sense.  This technology has the potential to save lives -- why the hell would any rational person be against it?  Surely, the Republicans don't want to go down in history as being scientifically ignorant.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
adult stem cell research related therapies successfully developed and in use: 76
embryonic stem cell research related therapies in use and/or successfully developed: 0

in fact some of the therapies involving direct brain injections have been suspected to covtibuting to the developement of brain tumors

regardless, he was taken out of context

if i recall correctly this was done in reference to proposition or amendment 2 to the missouri state constitution to be voted on in november, which actually makes it a (state) constitutional right to clone humans, the macaskill/fox bunch aren't telling anyone that, instead they are telling you that there is undeniable proof that X amount of diseases can be cured through embryonic stem cell research despite overwhelming evidence that that field of research is a money pit.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Let me simply ask this....  In a free country, shouldn't scientists be able to conduct embryonic stem cell research without government funding or restriction?   I know Fox was advocating the allocation of government funds toward it, but my issue is this: why should the government even be part of this?

Let scientists advance our technology and lives.  Leave the government out of this.

Last edited by Turquoise (2006-10-25 18:29:01)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
it's the cloning aspect of the bill that the government has direct say in, other than that the fed gov't simply isn't funding emryonic SCR, but private institutions can still pursue it
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Kracker, if I'm not mistaken, it's also the legality of embryonic stem cell research that is at stake.  I remember several Republicans stating that they wanted to ban it.  I'll see if I can find some sources on this....
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Turquoise wrote:

Kracker, if I'm not mistaken, it's also the legality of embryonic stem cell research that is at stake.  I remember several Republicans stating that they wanted to ban it.  I'll see if I can find some sources on this....
It's the cloning involved that they want to ban.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
If that's the extent of the ban, and nothing else, then that's ok.  I just don't want them cutting us off from an entire research method.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Turquoise wrote:

If that's the extent of the ban, and nothing else, then that's ok.  I just don't want them cutting us off from an entire research method.
Read my other thread.  ESCR is worthless.  ASCR has been extremely successful.  No need for ESCR when ASCR already does everything they are trying to achieve wtih ESCR.  Period.

Bubbalo wrote:

Further, why not go off his medication to show people what Parkinson's is like?
There's a descriptive phrase for that here: "milking it for all it's worth."
The Skeptical Realist
+48|6844|Amherst, MA
Google Video link to the Micheal J Fox Ad.
Here is Clair McCaskill's site, the candidate he is supporting.

I guess stem cells reversing Parkinson's in monkeys,  back in 2005 is just a theory....  Here is some info, off Micheal J Fox's own site about Parkinson's and Parkinson's research. With billions going into defense every year, why not throw some funding to some research that may have some miraculous benefits, that would help some American citizens who are affected by these diseases. Even if Fox ADMITS to being off his medication, there are still around one MILLION Americans with Parkinson's, not all being able to pay for medications like Fox can.

Limbaugh is a Republican dick....
LIMBAUGH: "This is a script that they have written for years. Senate Democrats used to parade victims of various diseases or social concerns or poverty up before congressional committees and let them testify, and they were infallible. You couldn't criticize them. Same thing with the Jersey Girls after the 9-11 -- and in the period of time when the 9-11 Commission was meeting publicly. Victims -- infallible, whatever they say cannot be challenged. I don't follow the script anymore."

An argument for infallibilty is rediculous, whats more believeable that people like Cindy Sheehan, the Jersey Girls, and now Micheal J Fox are puppets of the Democratic party, controlled to force innocent Republicans into acting humane.. Or that these are real people, affected by real tragedies and are doing something about it for the people like them. The Jersey Girls lost their husbands in 9-11 and are constantly challanging the Republican party. Press For Truth is a documentary that they are in, that they and the Family's of the 9/11 Victim's support.

Pope John Paul II suffered from Parkinson's disease,  even amid promising research in stem cell research he never supported it, even as it brought him to his own death. Just another case of religious stubborn ignorance...

Last edited by LawJik (2006-10-25 20:54:18)

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