It's the problem with a democracy. There are too many decisions to be made to get everyone to vote and frankly most people aren't in any position to have an informed opinion about most decisions. In the UK we had a few votes on whether or not to join the EU and use the Euro. Almost nobody voting had any clue about the detailed economic repercussions of joining a single currency, the decision was largely made on the basis of xenophobia and the desire to have the queens head on our coins.Capt. Foley wrote:
Were a indirect democracy(also known as a republic). Direct democracy does not work unless your country has a small population....very very very small....less then 1,000 people if you want to get anything done. It is just not possible for 300,000,000 million people to go vote on every single little thing.
On the other hand if you let elected representatives make the decisions they make decisions that the people are utterly unaware of. For example in this months Scientific America is an article on the US defense budget spending. Apparently The US government still spend money researching Star Trek style transporters despite already being shown to be a physically impossible concept. Psychic powers are also still being researched. The crowning glory goes to the $10m spent to research making a Hafnium dirty bomb.