Typical! Lets compare supporting troops fighting islamic crazies to supporting the Nazis?Sarrk wrote:
Wait, so german civillians during WWII should've supported troops, despite what a horrid war the troops were fighting?spawnofthemist wrote:
you fail.Eugefunk84 wrote:
To start off, I know this does not fit into any topic on the forums, so dont bother moving it.
this belongs in:
Debate and Serious talk.
USMarine2005 would be proud of you, you're not one of the "america sucks! america sucks! america sucks!" crowd.
i agree with your post. support the troops, no matter whether you believe the cause they're fighting for is just or not.
GG Logic
Correct me if I am wrong but none of the western armies over there are supporitng extermination of any race or religion are they? In contrast you will find many Imams support exactly that.
Like it or not this war is coming to the west. Islam is not going to just play nice if we all give up and walk away. They are going to continue to kill every non Muslim they find and then they are going to kill each other over Shia vs. Suni. Thats all they know!