+102|7022|New York

^AgentHawk wrote:

Your a retard you sensless bastard!


But seriously, "retards" get away with everything. I have a kid at school who is retarded and at one time in his life, 7th grade, he CHASED AFTER ONE OF MY FRIENDS WITH AN EXACT-O KNIFE in art class AND NOTHING HAPPENED WITH HIM BUT A SMALL TAP ON THE WRIST! No suspension or anything, detension, nothing! All my friend asked for was one of those fancy crayons. This kid has been in numorus fights and the other kid always gets suspended.

Iam glad you brought this up because TODAY, in 11th grade...yes he is still in school...he flipped out and threw a chair at someone because they told him he was last chair and he had to move over TWO FUCKING SEATS! He stormed off crying and just stayed in the little office separating two class rooms the whole time and just sat there picking his fucking nose! The teacher did nothing because he is afarad of what the school board will do to him if he punishes this fucking mainiac!

Me and my two buddies are waiting for a chance to fucking level this kid! Every day we look for a chance to deck him. I don't care if we get expelled! We have been dealing with him for 6 LONG FUCKING YEARS. This year we have had it, if so much as touches us a little we will level him out!


To answere your question: NO FUCKING WAY!
YOUR a sick little fuck and the reason for school shootings.  On subject, I see a doctor for depression, Does that make me Mentally Ill or retarded? Should me and MY family be eradicated? WTF kind of topic is this. Even a serial Killer has some compassion and doesnt think shit like this.

BTW you own a trenchcoat you Asshat?
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6911|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Non-emotionally yeah cull them all, evolution doesn't allow weaknesses

But we don't live in a society that thinks like that, and i certainly don't think like that (unless I had no emotions)
It's not the individuals fault and most do not know they are doing wrong.
I could write an essay on this one so that is just my brief 2 cents
The Lizzard

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

YOUR a sick little fuck and the reason for school sh or retarded? Should me and MY family be eradicated?
Based on a purely logical standpoint, it would depend on how much you contribute to the community versus how much you take from it, relative to everyone else.

From the usual standpoint (which IMHO ought be compassion moderated by logic, not vice versa, although this is true either way): no.
+102|7022|New York

Bubbalo wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

YOUR a sick little fuck and the reason for school sh or retarded? Should me and MY family be eradicated?
Based on a purely logical standpoint, it would depend on how much you contribute to the community versus how much you take from it, relative to everyone else.

From the usual standpoint (which IMHO ought be compassion moderated by logic, not vice versa, although this is true either way): no.
Welp, Before the accident at work in 99, i use to be a volunteer firefighter and an EMT for 12 years Plus in the AF. So i guess i get a free pass then? LOL Depression fucking sucks when they say theres nothing we can do to ease your pain, after we fucked you up so bad with 6 surgeries.
+52|7075|Christchurch New Zealand
Supposedly non emotionally you could start to decide who has a right to live based on certain criteria, However one of the major advantages of the human species is our ability to use emotion WITH reason. How do you decide what is contributing? Is it being in full-time employment? is it earning over a set income? is it producing something tangible? What of intangibles like art? Who has the right to set the boundaries?

Surely the moment we start to impliment these sort of structures on a human society, we start to lose the essence of our humanity. Huxley springs to mind instantly reading some of these posts, do we simply decide that when one has reached the end of the usefull period of their life they are euthanised? Who would willingly walk to their own death happy that they are relieving society of a burden?

While the term "retards" carries a certain stigma & is a wide catch-all for a variety of defects, who is to define a "retard"? Is it the fat kid? the one with freckles? the ginger? glasses? one arm? cerebral palsy? downs? Does a child with downs for example not still provide joy to a parent when they learn? certainly they can be a strain but at the end you have a human being and the society that demands contributions must alsoprovide benefits to its members.

"Society" has no right to demand the contribution of a parent, yet deny that parent their child because the child is a "retard".

I know the OP wanted this thread to be emotionless, but thats just removing the most important dimension, I suspect to try to garner concurrence with his own opinions.

I belive that no-one has the right to euthanise a human being because of a defect, regardless of the severity. However, I do believe parents have a right to know about the posiblity of a birth defect prior to the birth of their child, largely due to the impact of a disabled child. The irony doesnt escape me. Dont worry.

There are certainly people that I belive society would be better off without, but they arent "retards" in the sense the OP intended. Someone who molests a child for exaple, not only will not contribute to society but has proven that they can detract from society as a whole and the victim individually, is surely a better candidate for removal than someone with diminished mental/physical capabilities.

One exception to the above post: reading my above comments I realise I am all for the euthanasia of gingers. everyone has suffered at the hands of a ginge, they offer nothing and contribute only thier filthy diseased genes to the pool, should they ever summon enough social skills and hold their temper long enough to successfully mate with another ginge, or god forbid a "normal". END GINGER TERROR NOW!!
+102|7022|New York

vedds wrote:

I belive that no-one has the right to euthanise a human being because of a defect, regardless of the severity. However, I do believe parents have a right to know about the posiblity of a birth defect prior to the birth of their child, largely due to the impact of a disabled child. The irony doesnt escape me. Dont worry.
Just quickly on that note, If you have enough money, you can manufacture your child and have it implanted in you. Just ask the filthy rich. Its cloneing, but all legal like. The Irony of Austin Powers LOL. Mini Me LOL.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6911|Scarborough Yorkshire England

vedds wrote:

One exception to the above post: reading my above comments I realise I am all for the euthanasia of gingers. everyone has suffered at the hands of a ginge, they offer nothing and contribute only thier filthy diseased genes to the pool, should they ever summon enough social skills and hold their temper long enough to successfully mate with another ginge, or god forbid a "normal". END GINGER TERROR NOW!!
No dude No
Ginger birds are the filthiest birds to go with.  I've been lucky enough to date 3 of these carrot tops and all three of them were extremely quick at getting down to business, very eager to please, and loved it up them (sorry can't think of a politer way of phrasing that bit)
So NO NO NO to the culling of gingers
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6994|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Even Robbie Williams can't help himself.

This is how sensitive this subject is.

http://uk.news.launch.yahoo.com/dyna/ar … =l_news_dm
depends on what kind of handicap you mean, theres far too types of mental handicap and its far too broad a term for you to  simply say "mentally handicapped"

Last edited by sfarrar33 (2006-10-24 05:49:22)

Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6806|"Near Det.", MI

1927 wrote:

^AgentHawk wrote:

1927 wrote:

Listen; name calling is for school playground, serious debate's arn't.

Now which one do you want? Playground or would you like to be accepted by myself and others as an adult?

Free will, or as I put it Free Speech dosen't give you the right to ask sensitive questions which will cause offence.  Freedom of speech here in the Uk isn't what it used to be.

I dare you to ask the same questions asked in the original post substatuting Retards for a particular race.  Say it here in the Uk and you'll be put into jail, it's 2006 now.

Its not just my opinion Mr Hawk that the author shouldn't of asked the question, Im not the only one saying, "who the fuck are you to ask"?

I will only accept what you have said above to be true if you can perhaps copy n paste me something out of the American Consitution saying "you may ask any question regardless of any offence due to be caused" or words to that effect.

I won't end my reply to you with a petty name call as so happens here time after time.  However, I do look forwrd to a mature reply off you.






Nice pictures, what purpose do they serve? Are they the american constitution?  It just seems to me like quotes from American Presidents or simular high ranking officals.

I may have over looked it but if it is the constitution that appears on rocks, I still cant see "you may ask questions regardless of any offence caused".

Please appricate Im UK, always have been and have little knowledge on our history regardless of USA's.

Please can you explain to me in your reply the purpose of the pictures? And help me understand them.  To me it shows perhaps how passionate you americans are, rightly so.
I'am not really replying to your statement at all. In fact it's not a reply, it's a hopefull end to this thread. We all need to jut stop talking about this subject.

I love this rock so much that I will post it again, and then maby you will be able to see what I'am talking about (not directed to you 1927).







Last edited by ^AgentHawk (2006-10-24 14:09:05)

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6811|Menlo Park, CA
I think that retards are in a special catagory. . .

On the one hand, they are people too . . .

On the other, they would die without the assistence of someone else. . .

If they were a wild animal, they most assuredly would die in the wild by a more coherent beast. . .

With that said, why is it that we waste millions of dollars on retards?? No matter what we do, they will still be retarded.  Wouldnt that money be better well spent on a poor youth with all his/her faculties in order(i.e. not in anyway mentally retarded etc) In order to give them a better shot at making it in life?? I may sound cold harted, but seriously. . . . What is the return on the investment?? Now obviously if it (the tard) was a family member you/me would want them to survive.  However, put yourselves in that position. . . I myself already have a will stating that I want to be put down if I turn into a vegetable for any reason.  I would assume that most of you in the community would do the same. . . . I know that I am too independent to want to have someone have to take care of me the rest of my life.

I am sure if the retard had the opportunity to sit back and really disect what they are, Im sure they would want to be put down too!! Being as this is a touchy subject, I know some will disagree with me.  Saying all human life is precious blah blah blah.  IMPO, ALL life is precious, just cause were humans doesnt make us any better than a gazelle running through the plains of africa. 

So my question is, should we allow retards to be born?? or if unknown at birth, euthanize them once found out to be mentally incapacitated?. . . . I have not really decided on which stance I would take, but I know lots of money could be better well spent on less privledged children than on people who dont even know what planet they are on. . .
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6994|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Agent Hawk - Those rocks I agree are special, I can't think of too much like that here in the Uk but I stand to be corrected.  Im avery proud Welsh man who finds himself asking "Whats so Great about Britian" ?

I see where your coming from regarding the end of this thread at the moment I havent too much to add.

Out of interest are the pictures just of the one rock?  Is it in Washington or anywhere significant?
The Lizzard
Hey, let's dump fadedsteve in the middle of a tropical rainforest with no clothing, weapons, or supplies and see how long he lasts!
Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6806|"Near Det.", MI

1927 wrote:

Agent Hawk - Those rocks I agree are special, I can't think of too much like that here in the Uk but I stand to be corrected.  Im avery proud Welsh man who finds himself asking "Whats so Great about Britian" ?

I see where your coming from regarding the end of this thread at the moment I havent too much to add.

Out of interest are the pictures just of the one rock?  Is it in Washington or anywhere significant?
one rock in the middle of know where painted by Ray "Bubba" SorensenII. It's on the side of highway...ahhh, I can't remmber...sorry :p

Bubbalo wrote:

Hey, let's dump fadedsteve in the middle of a tropical rainforest with no clothing, weapons, or supplies and see how long he lasts!
Looks like someone read rainbow six to many times

I fully agree with sterilizing retards (not mental illness just the handicapped) If humanity hadn't become so hung up on emotions They'd die straight away (I'm not saying we should do this though)

They contribute NOTHING ZIP ZERO ZAP
+276|6975|United States of America
Has nobody here seen the Jerry Springer show???  These people you talk of destroying are not just mere retards, they are entertainers.  They are the Fred Savages and Sean Penns of day time T.V. 

Watch Jerry Springer and you will see that they infact contribute more to society than you, Mister fat ass who lives in his mom's basement, smokes pot, surfs porn, and play's computer games because he couldn't get laid if he crawled up a chicken's ass.

Yeah, I'm talking to YOU.  (and quit picking your nose)
O Canada
+1,596|6725|North Carolina
Major Spittle, stop cursing at the mirror please.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7041|Sydney, Australia

Spark wrote:

Holy. Fuck.

I think I shall go throw up now. Seriously. People.

There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for this fucking viewpoint that you can fucking kill people on the basis that they are 'not contributing to society'.

There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for wanting to beat up or do whatever to a fucking child with a mental disorder until you have been in their position - or understood what they are suffering from and WHY they did it.

I finally found a post to summarize my disgust at this thread. Most likely I'll close it so most of you can go and see a psychiatrist about your problems.

+43|6712|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Please do.
The Lizzard

mcminty wrote:

I finally found a post to summarize my disgust at this thread. Most likely I'll close it so most of you can go and see a psychiatrist about your problems.

There appears to be only a minority supporting genocide.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6869|Southeastern USA
this is the thread that neeeveeerr eenndddsssss,
it just goes on and on my frieeeeeeeeeends,
some ppl, started posting here not knowing what it was,
and they'll just keep on posting here forever just because...............
this is the thread that neeeveeerr eenndddsssss,
it just goes on and on my frieeeeeeeeeends,
some ppl, started posting here not knowing what it was,
and they'll just keep on posting here forever just because...............
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6869|Southeastern USA
seriously though, as my first post may sound at first as if i support "genetic cleansing", all i wanted to bring up was "how do we deal with it without propogating the condition" (as most forms of mental/physical retardation are genetic)? I am surprised that the whole "kill 'em off" idea keeps surfacing.
+5,233|6849|Global Command
yes, but your asking people to think.
Thats asking a lot here.
The Lizzard

kr@cker wrote:

I am surprised that the whole "kill 'em off" idea keeps surfacing.
Why not?  It seems to be the catch all response to Muslims, immigrants, crime and idiocy.  Why not disability?

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