+5,233|6842|Global Command

Bubbalo wrote:

Those weren't terrorist attacks.

Having said that, this is the most reasonable post I've ever seen you make.  Huzzah!
Not terrorist attacks???

What, pray tell would qualify as one, if this is not.

I've made many reasonable posts, your just in a agreeable mood.
Now, back to your cage lizard!
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon

ATG wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Those weren't terrorist attacks.

Having said that, this is the most reasonable post I've ever seen you make.  Huzzah!
Not terrorist attacks???

What, pray tell would qualify as one, if this is not.

I've made many reasonable posts, your just in a agreeable mood.
Now, back to your cage lizard!
He may be implying that because we were attacked in Lebannon, it is not a "terrorist" attack.  As some think what insurgents do to US soldiers in Iraq is not Terrorism.
+129|7030|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
To first question, I don't think that we can cry foul if we give a nation democracy and they elect someone we would consider to be a terrorist to a position in their government.  That being said, if that person uses his position to attack the U.S. (literally, not politically) then, I don't see a problem if we choose to remove him.

To the second, blaming Israel for the bombings is stretching things a bit too far.

My answer to the third question ties in with my answer to the first.  If they don't use their postion to wage war on the U.S. then let them be.  However, if they choose to attack and kill Americans, then it would probably be in our best interest to at least remove him from power.
I am all that is MOD!

Here is the reason the warfare in that region will keep going on for the near future, despite anything those inhabitants do to try to stop it-

The intelligence community had good knowledge that Iranian Security Officials were helping the terrorists.  Less than two years later, the Reagan Administration OK'd a weapons for hostages trade with the Iranian government.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-10-23 23:18:10)

The Lizzard

ATG wrote:

Not terrorist attacks???

What, pray tell would qualify as one, if this is not.
It was a military target.  Therefore, it was a guerilla attack.
What I want to know is why, to most Americans, Israel = USA = Israel and they simply can't differentiate between the two....

Let me get this straight: a faction in the Lebanese civil war attacks a military target (the oh so unbiased US army) - a foreign interventionist in their country traditionally allied to Israel - and you expect the impartial audience to cry for the dead? You would have had a case had they blown up 200 US civilians but the fact of the matter is, they didn't. 

To answer your three questions:

1) WTF has USA got to do with Lebanon?

2) Yes. If Israel hadn't invaded Lebanon there would have been no need for international intervention. So, indirectly, yes.

3) Why would the US 'be dealing with them'? It isn't a US problem. Israel should be 'dealing with them'. It should be of little or no concern to USA. USA-Israel differntiation problems FTL.

PS In the interests of maintaining the credibility of your OP I think you should edit it to absolve Hamas of a crime they DID NOT COMMIT, as highlighted earlier in the thread. Palestinians do not target Americans. Although I know a few US peace campaigners shot or bulldozed by the Israelis...

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 05:31:31)

+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon


Here is the reason the warfare in that region will keep going on for the near future, despite anything those inhabitants do to try to stop it-

The intelligence community had good knowledge that Iranian Security Officials were helping the terrorists.  Less than two years later, the Reagan Administration OK'd a weapons for hostages trade with the Iranian government.
yes, the US has always been, and continues to be incredibly short sighted when it comes to dealing with the Middle East.  F-14's to Iran, WMD's to Iraq, arms and training to the Taliban.  All in the name of fighting a dying Soviet Union.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

Ikarti wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

You know, I am all for that as long as we're not paying for their equipment over here. Or we give training and weapons to the Palestinians as well to level the playing field.
I just think the Palestinians are a lost cause.  The world would probably be a better place if Israel just...  you know...  "dealt" with them.
It was something I really thought about today. The Palestinians have their own government, but what can they do? Another government controls their borders, walls them in, puts military posts along the border, makes forays into their territory, bulldozes homes...They have rights too. If Israel were to "deal" with them, then I'd like to see them "deal" with the consequences. Without our help.
Blah!  Isreal has all rights to pen in those sonsabitches.  Before Isreal kicked the shit out of lebanon there were damned near daily attacks against Isreal.  Im surprised Isreal hasn't played the big card and  wiped them off the fucking planet.  Isreal has backed down plenty of times.  You can only back down so many times, soon er or later your gonna bounce out of the corner and beat the shit out of the pushers.

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses. 
Why is it when Isreal does something everyone gets pissed off..  When Isreal was getting its ass kicked by 2 countries, no one said anything about that, But when Isreal surrounded Cairo with tanks and Infantry the world steps in and backs the jews off. 

Hell Yeah Isreal has a right to kick everyones ass.... Hell The rest of the world can go around fucking eachother up but the jews cannot?

(And Yes Im Jewish Hence the star of david in my sig)
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

Reciprocity wrote:


Here is the reason the warfare in that region will keep going on for the near future, despite anything those inhabitants do to try to stop it-

The intelligence community had good knowledge that Iranian Security Officials were helping the terrorists.  Less than two years later, the Reagan Administration OK'd a weapons for hostages trade with the Iranian government.
yes, the US has always been, and continues to be incredibly short sighted when it comes to dealing with the Middle East.  F-14's to Iran, WMD's to Iraq, arms and training to the Taliban.  All in the name of fighting a dying Soviet Union.
F14's to Iran?  Ummm you sure it was Tomcats? and not ooh I dunno the F16 that we whored out to every country that had the cash?  As far as i know the US was the only country to fly the f14's due to the High speed I can nail over 100 miles away radar system it had.  (Besides the F14 was designed for Carrier flight, not dirt merchant air strips)

Also at the time the US trained the Taliban it wasn't the Taliban, it was some oppressed people the US trained to defeat (at that time) A far from Dying Soviet Union. The Problem is what happens once the initial problem is solved. And Yes I admit it the US sticks its nose in places it really dont belong.  But so does every other country on gods green earth. Only thing is the US is considered the only true super power anymore. And when shit happens and the US does not stick its nose into the affairs of another country the world srtarts pointing fingers expecting Sammy to come out and help.  The moment we stop this world police act, watch the world get all sorts of pissed off cause we let some obscure country take over a country like France.

Last edited by CannonFodder11b (2006-10-24 05:27:41)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

I just think the Palestinians are a lost cause.  The world would probably be a better place if Israel just...  you know...  "dealt" with them.
It was something I really thought about today. The Palestinians have their own government, but what can they do? Another government controls their borders, walls them in, puts military posts along the border, makes forays into their territory, bulldozes homes...They have rights too. If Israel were to "deal" with them, then I'd like to see them "deal" with the consequences. Without our help.
Blah!  Isreal has all rights to pen in those sonsabitches.  Before Isreal kicked the shit out of lebanon there were damned near daily attacks against Isreal.  Im surprised Isreal hasn't played the big card and  wiped them off the fucking planet.  Isreal has backed down plenty of times.  You can only back down so many times, soon er or later your gonna bounce out of the corner and beat the shit out of the pushers.

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses. 
Why is it when Isreal does something everyone gets pissed off..  When Isreal was getting its ass kicked by 2 countries, no one said anything about that, But when Isreal surrounded Cairo with tanks and Infantry the world steps in and backs the jews off. 

Hell Yeah Isreal has a right to kick everyones ass.... Hell The rest of the world can go around fucking eachother up but the jews cannot?

(And Yes Im Jewish Hence the star of david in my sig)
And you've blinded yourself to the hypocrisy of Israel with your Zionist hatred. Maybe someday you'll feel differently. Probably not. If you honestly think one group can oppress another without consequences, you're pretty screwed in the head.

CannonFodder11b wrote:

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses.
Note the emboldened text. I think you have some historical sequentiality issues! LOL

You are a poster child for Israel. Keep it up you sicko zionist.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 05:36:07)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses.
Note the emboldened text. I think you have some historical sequentiality issues! LOL

You are a poster child for Israel. Keep it up you sicko zionist.
Haha Thats it? nice job trying to make a personnal attack. 
and what does that make you?

Here i was keeping it civil...not outright personnaly attacking anyone and here you come trying to personally flame me... haha

CannonFodder11b wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses.
Note the emboldened text. I think you have some historical sequentiality issues! LOL

You are a poster child for Israel. Keep it up you sicko zionist.
Haha Thats it? nice job trying to make a personnal attack. 
and what does that make you?

Here i was keeping it civil...not outright personnaly attacking anyone and here you come trying to personally flame me... haha
It's a good job there aren't any Lebanese or Palestinians on this forum because 'Fuck Palestine' and 'Fuck Lebanon' implies 'Fuck everyone in each of those countries'. Nice catch-all personal attack. Gold star.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

Ikarti wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

It was something I really thought about today. The Palestinians have their own government, but what can they do? Another government controls their borders, walls them in, puts military posts along the border, makes forays into their territory, bulldozes homes...They have rights too. If Israel were to "deal" with them, then I'd like to see them "deal" with the consequences. Without our help.
Blah!  Isreal has all rights to pen in those sonsabitches.  Before Isreal kicked the shit out of lebanon there were damned near daily attacks against Isreal.  Im surprised Isreal hasn't played the big card and  wiped them off the fucking planet.  Isreal has backed down plenty of times.  You can only back down so many times, soon er or later your gonna bounce out of the corner and beat the shit out of the pushers.

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses. 
Why is it when Isreal does something everyone gets pissed off..  When Isreal was getting its ass kicked by 2 countries, no one said anything about that, But when Isreal surrounded Cairo with tanks and Infantry the world steps in and backs the jews off. 

Hell Yeah Isreal has a right to kick everyones ass.... Hell The rest of the world can go around fucking eachother up but the jews cannot?

(And Yes Im Jewish Hence the star of david in my sig)
And you've blinded yourself to the hypocrisy of Israel with your Zionist hatred. Maybe someday you'll feel differently. Probably not. If you honestly think one group can oppress another without consequences, you're pretty screwed in the head.
Zionist Hatred?  No I wouldn't call it that.. I hate everybody with equal passion.  Some people have the balls to stand and fight others lack them and only sit watch and complain...which one are you?  the complainer or the fighter.  As for Opressing people.... what the fuck ever LOL..... Let me guess you think Jews have never been Opressed?
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Blah!  Isreal has all rights to pen in those sonsabitches.  Before Isreal kicked the shit out of lebanon there were damned near daily attacks against Isreal.  Im surprised Isreal hasn't played the big card and  wiped them off the fucking planet.  Isreal has backed down plenty of times.  You can only back down so many times, soon er or later your gonna bounce out of the corner and beat the shit out of the pushers.

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses. 
Why is it when Isreal does something everyone gets pissed off..  When Isreal was getting its ass kicked by 2 countries, no one said anything about that, But when Isreal surrounded Cairo with tanks and Infantry the world steps in and backs the jews off. 

Hell Yeah Isreal has a right to kick everyones ass.... Hell The rest of the world can go around fucking eachother up but the jews cannot?

(And Yes Im Jewish Hence the star of david in my sig)
And you've blinded yourself to the hypocrisy of Israel with your Zionist hatred. Maybe someday you'll feel differently. Probably not. If you honestly think one group can oppress another without consequences, you're pretty screwed in the head.
Zionist Hatred?  No I wouldn't call it that.. I hate everybody with equal passion.  Some people have the balls to stand and fight others lack them and only sit watch and complain...which one are you?  the complainer or the fighter.  As for Opressing people.... what the fuck ever LOL..... Let me guess you think Jews have never been Opressed?
Of course the Jews have been oppressed. That gives them the right to do it to others? Yeah man, what the fuck ever.

Last edited by Ikarti (2006-10-24 06:21:56)


CannonFodder11b wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Blah!  Isreal has all rights to pen in those sonsabitches.  Before Isreal kicked the shit out of lebanon there were damned near daily attacks against Isreal.  Im surprised Isreal hasn't played the big card and  wiped them off the fucking planet.  Isreal has backed down plenty of times.  You can only back down so many times, soon er or later your gonna bounce out of the corner and beat the shit out of the pushers.

So Isreal controls the borders...oh well, maybe if the palistinians hadn't of pissed off Isreal in the first place they would have they're own country and not land that Isreal was forced to give back.  Fuck Palistine. Fuck Lebanon.  Isreal has all the right in the world to kick they're asses. 
Why is it when Isreal does something everyone gets pissed off..  When Isreal was getting its ass kicked by 2 countries, no one said anything about that, But when Isreal surrounded Cairo with tanks and Infantry the world steps in and backs the jews off. 

Hell Yeah Isreal has a right to kick everyones ass.... Hell The rest of the world can go around fucking eachother up but the jews cannot?

(And Yes Im Jewish Hence the star of david in my sig)
And you've blinded yourself to the hypocrisy of Israel with your Zionist hatred. Maybe someday you'll feel differently. Probably not. If you honestly think one group can oppress another without consequences, you're pretty screwed in the head.
Zionist Hatred?  No I wouldn't call it that.. I hate everybody with equal passion.  Some people have the balls to stand and fight others lack them and only sit watch and complain...which one are you?  the complainer or the fighter.  As for Opressing people.... what the fuck ever LOL..... Let me guess you think Jews have never been Opressed?
Oh that's right! I forgot! Rule No. 1: "If you have been oppressed in the past then you are entitled, without let or hindrance, to oppress others." Silly me.

I think we're beginning to see the ugly face of zionism here folks: "I hate everybody with equal passion."

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 06:24:05)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Note the emboldened text. I think you have some historical sequentiality issues! LOL

You are a poster child for Israel. Keep it up you sicko zionist.
Haha Thats it? nice job trying to make a personnal attack. 
and what does that make you?

Here i was keeping it civil...not outright personnaly attacking anyone and here you come trying to personally flame me... haha
It's a good job there aren't any Lebanese or Palestinians on this forum because 'Fuck Palestine' and 'Fuck Lebanon' implies 'Fuck everyone in each of those countries'. Nice catch-all personal attack. Gold star.
what I was talking about was Isreal attacking lebanon, they deserved more then what they got.
Even if Isreal was never there that region would still be killing eachother.  Just like the Shia and Sunni, both muslim, yet both hate eachother with an extreme passion... They don't see anything Eye to Eye, Ramadan anyone? Did you know the sunni and shia have different dates for this holiday?  Kinda funny 1 religeon 2 extreme beliefs and extreme hatred towards eachother.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

And you've blinded yourself to the hypocrisy of Israel with your Zionist hatred. Maybe someday you'll feel differently. Probably not. If you honestly think one group can oppress another without consequences, you're pretty screwed in the head.
Zionist Hatred?  No I wouldn't call it that.. I hate everybody with equal passion.  Some people have the balls to stand and fight others lack them and only sit watch and complain...which one are you?  the complainer or the fighter.  As for Opressing people.... what the fuck ever LOL..... Let me guess you think Jews have never been Opressed?
Oh that's right! I forgot! Rule No. 1: "If you have been oppressed in the past then you are entitled, without let or hindrance, to oppress others." Silly me.

I think we're beginning to see the ugly face of zionism here folks: "I hate everybody with equal passion."
So funny.  I actually think you are getting mad. Yet I have not said anything towards you. Its a debate bud Chill out.  My beliefs are not yours, and never will be, its a talking point....I know your fighting the urge to call me some more names IE Jew,Heeb.... go ahead, I have yet to attack you, feel free to flame me. I dont really give a rats ass, Im in Iraq, and nothing You could do would upset me.  Unless you some how manage to cut my SGLI from 400k to nothing, I would like to think if I get smeared out here atleast my wife and kids will bve taken care of.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

CannonFodder11b wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Zionist Hatred?  No I wouldn't call it that.. I hate everybody with equal passion.  Some people have the balls to stand and fight others lack them and only sit watch and complain...which one are you?  the complainer or the fighter.  As for Opressing people.... what the fuck ever LOL..... Let me guess you think Jews have never been Opressed?
Oh that's right! I forgot! Rule No. 1: "If you have been oppressed in the past then you are entitled, without let or hindrance, to oppress others." Silly me.

I think we're beginning to see the ugly face of zionism here folks: "I hate everybody with equal passion."
So funny.  I actually think you are getting mad. Yet I have not said anything towards you. Its a debate bud Chill out.  My beliefs are not yours, and never will be, its a talking point....I know your fighting the urge to call me some more names IE Jew,Heeb.... go ahead, I have yet to attack you, feel free to flame me. I dont really give a rats ass, Im in Iraq, and nothing You could do would upset me.  Unless you some how manage to cut my SGLI from 400k to nothing, I would like to think if I get smeared out here atleast my wife and kids will bve taken care of.
You don't know Cameron very well then. He doesn't get angry, and he doesn't call groups of people ethnic slurs, which I'm sure you do, given your love of the Arabs. I can see why you'd want to go to Iraq though, kill as many as you can right?
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...
The Sunnis and Shiites are idiots. They're too busy arguing who is right to remember that they're both MUSLIMS. God, they give Islam such a bad name. So some countries celebrated Aidilfitri yesterday. So what? They're too fanatical to remember that Islam preaches tolerance. Don't use them as examples. It's like using Bush as an example for all Americans.

Selamat menyambut Aidilfitri, by the way.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA
Actually, it wasn't as if I started the war...
I was in the military and got stop lossed into it.  Im here to do a job, im doing my job...I dont Initiate the contact sometimes like lastnight (End of Shia Ramadan) it found us as we were secxuring an Iraqi Army humvee and doing advanced first aid on 3 Iraqi soldiers injured in an IED attack.  Yeah so we got shot at and shot back, Its not like we roll outside the wire to go kill someone. Not even the first time I was here did we do that, 9 out of 10 of our partols were to check on things like Daswani village (Village of Hope the Military paid for and built, then rebuilt after insurgents blew it up) Or Set up dental clinics and pull security for the medics while they treated the kurds saddam tried to starve to death and torture... you sir dont know me.  I hate Weakness and Cowards, People that quit when things get tough is another biggie, and people who cry foul when something dont go they'er way truely upsets dont like me? then Fine STFU and leave me alone.  I have yet to attack you on a personal level so dont assume you know me or why the fuck im here in Iraq.  Get off your ass and make a change dont cry about the indecency of it all while you are at home sitting in a warm room with fresh water and internet.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Actually, it wasn't as if I started the war...
I was in the military and got stop lossed into it.  Im here to do a job, im doing my job...I dont Initiate the contact sometimes like lastnight (End of Shia Ramadan) it found us as we were secxuring an Iraqi Army humvee and doing advanced first aid on 3 Iraqi soldiers injured in an IED attack.  Yeah so we got shot at and shot back, Its not like we roll outside the wire to go kill someone. Not even the first time I was here did we do that, 9 out of 10 of our partols were to check on things like Daswani village (Village of Hope the Military paid for and built, then rebuilt after insurgents blew it up) Or Set up dental clinics and pull security for the medics while they treated the kurds saddam tried to starve to death and torture... you sir dont know me.  I hate Weakness and Cowards, People that quit when things get tough is another biggie, and people who cry foul when something dont go they'er way truely upsets dont like me? then Fine STFU and leave me alone.  I have yet to attack you on a personal level so dont assume you know me or why the fuck im here in Iraq.  Get off your ass and make a change dont cry about the indecency of it all while you are at home sitting in a warm room with fresh water and internet.
Who's angry now?
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...
Come on, Ikarti, he's only human. Everyone has their breaking point.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Tetrino wrote:

Come on, Ikarti, he's only human. Everyone has their breaking point.
He thinks he can dish it but he clearly can't take it. I love that.

EDIT: BRB taking a warm shower in my house while I bitch about indecency and do nothing.

Last edited by Ikarti (2006-10-24 06:44:08)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|7003|Fort Lewis WA

Tetrino wrote:

The Sunnis and Shiites are idiots. They're too busy arguing who is right to remember that they're both MUSLIMS. God, they give Islam such a bad name. So some countries celebrated Aidilfitri yesterday. So what? They're too fanatical to remember that Islam preaches tolerance. Don't use them as examples. It's like using Bush as an example for all Americans.

Selamat menyambut Aidilfitri, by the way.
And actually many people in these forums do generalize Bush as America. 
As for Tolerance.....That might be the fact, but I dont see it over here.  I'm pretty sure Isreal doesn't see it, and Im pretty sure thew other muslim countries don't see it that way, or atleast they don't practise it towards outsiders.  And as far as Fanaticle...last time I checked isn't this the region where it all began?  Of course they are fanatical...I dont hate them or call them derogatory names.  I try and speak to them, I ask them questions, and If they lie to me about that red crescent van that just drove down the street saying they didnt see it when it passed right by them after shooting up a Sunni neighborhood, then I start to get upset and loose my cool.   But out there I dont hold any grudges, I just want to do my time and go home and hope that stop loss doesnt screw me again.

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