dose any one know of a full localization file for 2142 iv read and done the orange txt,d one but im looking for a " you killed so so +2 " kind like i had in bf2

one that lists...
kills +2
flags down +2
asist +1
team damage -1

that kind of localization files as well as colur txt
was going to make one meh self but A: would take me a month and B: im not 100% what pionts you get for what in 2142 eg: pionts for titan defend etc ....not looking for one with "you been pwnd!!" and other "leet speek" txt in it think im abit old for that :p
thanks in avance
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
kills get one point.
there you go then thats why iv nto made one meh self ;p ......but if the killer gets 1 piont wtf do you get for a kill asist then ??
1 point for everything u do, If u are in a squad inside a order radius u get 1 extra = 2 points and same if u are attacking or defending the titan!

I like the new system but i have yet to try BF2142.. Im just looking at the CD waiting for my computer, fucking graphic cards : /
+119|6569|Norway | Unkown
Here are a few ones:


HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_REVIVE_SCORE You got a revive score! (+1)

HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_GOT_HEALING_POINT You got a healing point! (+1)

HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_DRIVER_PASSENGER You got a driver kill assist! (+1)

Last edited by SAF.Phaxe (2006-10-21 08:34:40)

cool thanks keep um coming plz :p
+58|6931|Long Island
kill assits give you .5 points.  go to bf2142fever.com for more info on points

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