Well, I had said many, many times that I would not be giving EA the time of day again, but after much talking and convincing by Cyborg-Ninja, I decided to at least download the Demo and give it a fair shot.  I mean, hell, I might even like it.  I like BF2 before the patcher's got a hold of it and ran it into the ground.  Here is how it went:

Downloaded from Bf2s files:-- No problems. I thought 1.7 gigs was a bit much for an existing engine and 1 map, but whatever.

Installing Battlefield 2142: Goes smooth for about 3 minutes and then crashes.  I run the program again and my screen turns white and my mouse stops moving.  I go lay down for about 10 minutes, come back, still frozen.  Restart installation AGAIN, it finally works.

Loading game: After sitting through the stupid movies, game locks up for about 30 seconds and then lags through the last little movie.

Creating an account:  I say creating because my old account conveniently didn't work.  So I try to create -=AN=- Cougar.  Nope, taken.  Cougar84.  Nope, taken.  pitbullnixcougar1984.  Nope, too long.  cougarhatesea.  Yep, that works.

Setting up settings and controls:  Much better.  I guess they managed to find SOMETHING to work on and improve.

Connecting to server: Much to my, yellow and red lights?  Ok, wait, there is an advanced tab.  Now I'm confused, I have 3 different types of ping showing up.  -754, 34 and 42532532.  I connect to the server with a 34 ping.  Sit through 5 minutes of optimizing shaders.........aaaaannnnnd DISCONNECTED.  Awesome.  Connect to another server.  Sit through shaders again, DISCONNECTED.  Repeat process about 10 times, all DISCONNECTED.  So I go turn off my firewall, skype, xfire, and shut down as many applications as possible.  I come back in and manage to load into a map long enough to take three steps and DISCONNECTED.  So I decide to try a -743 server.  Doesn't even load in.  I try a 558725482 server.  Doesn't even load in.  I finally managed to stay in one server for about 30 seconds before getting disconnected before I said fuck this.

The Game: Well for all 30 seconds I got to see of it, I thought it was shit.  My guy ran like he had a backpack full of rocks on his back and the guns looked like tonka toys.  I jumped into what looked like a go cart and managed to spin out control and hit a big rock before I got booted.

Unistalling: Multiple errors followed by the install manager crashing.  Finally got pissed enough to go in and delete the files manually. 

Conclusion: Not worth my time, effort or frustration.  EA fails again.  I'm still kicking myself for even trying, however, I am thanking my lucky stars I didn't pay $50 for this smoldering sack of dog vomit.  If you're reading this and wondering whether or not you want to buy the game, trust me, don't.  Demo's are supposed to show you how good the game is before you buy it, so that you will WANT to buy it.  The demo showed ME what a piece of shit it was.  I suggest waiting for the modders (the REAL professional game makers) to finish the mod which meets the particular genre you are interested in, for BF2.  personally, I think I will wait for Forgotten Hope 2.

EA=Worthless, pathetic, failures.  Again.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6701|NT, like Mick Dundee

You had a run of bad luck then. I've had one disconnect in my many rounds. No crashes yet. No problems with installation.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+86|6570|Edmonton Alberta

Flecco wrote:

You had a run of bad luck then. I've had one disconnect in my many rounds. No crashes yet. No problems with installation.
yeah same here no problems at all... and i even got my demo through a torrent 3 days before official release and mine was only 1.2 gigs
+32|6662|British Columbia, Canada
hehe yeah they have been having probs with the log-in but thats about it...
Never crashed during the demo, those connection problem are usual in all games not just EA, fix your computer or buy a new one.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6701|NT, like Mick Dundee

straz_mataz wrote:

Flecco wrote:

You had a run of bad luck then. I've had one disconnect in my many rounds. No crashes yet. No problems with installation.
yeah same here no problems at all... and i even got my demo through a torrent 3 days before official release and mine was only 1.2 gigs
This is worrying me a little then. My demo was the same size as yours soo....

What the fuck was in the extra 500mb that Cougar downloaded?
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Flecco wrote:

You had a run of bad luck then. I've had one disconnect in my many rounds. No crashes yet. No problems with installation.
Here Here. The game is working perfectly for me. I played so much straight my comp overheated but my some miracle my stats from the round it froze in were saved. Thats is the most ballas $#!7 eva!

Zukabazuka wrote:

Never crashed during the demo, those connection problem are usual in all games not just EA, fix your computer or buy a new one.
Way to make stupid assumptions.

I have a 2 month old computer, running an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ Dual core processor, 2 gigs of Ram,  2 NVidia PX7600 GS 256Mb Video cards running SLI, and a gigabit ethernet NIC connected to a 8Mb down cable connection.  I assure you, it isn't a computer or a connection problem.  It's a shit software problem.

Cougar wrote:

Zukabazuka wrote:

Never crashed during the demo, those connection problem are usual in all games not just EA, fix your computer or buy a new one.
Way to make stupid assumptions.

I have a 2 month old computer, running an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ Dual core processor, 2 gigs of Ram,  2 NVidia PX7600 GS 256Mb Video cards running SLI, and a gigabit ethernet NIC connected to a 8Mb down cable connection.  I assure you, it isn't a computer or a connection problem.  It's a shit software problem.
+34|6693|Devil's Perch
Cougar, believe me: BF2142 retail makes the demo look like a pen&paper game.
I liked the basic gameplay in the demo and was quite sure to give it a try despite of numerous problems (see my sig).

All I can say is: It was worth it. The game is just awesome. Not awesome the way BF2 was, but awesome in a different way. It is a new setting with new unlocks, new story, new graphics but it's still built on the same fun system that kept BF2 alive for so long.

Also, I have not had any stability or connection issues in the full version yet and I keep doing the same stuff I did in BF2: Alt+Tab to another application every once in a while for example.

Last edited by AmbassadorofPain (2006-10-19 06:47:20)

Proud member of a dead community.
+50|6640|Cambridge UK
The specs of your computer are irrelevant, it only take a small incompatibilty with something to create problems, in all likelyhood it's a problem the software has with your computer, that neither means that your pc or the software is to blame.

You want 100% stability - go buy a console...
If you had it for 2 months then you really have messed up your computer badly. My is over 3 years old and run B2142 just fine, no install errors here. Games are always laggy at the first 30 seconds because it has to build up most of it

I think thats just too much crap to be true. I mean, I know it was popular to bash, spit and piss on bf2142 but its getting realy old realy fast. Hell dude, a patch is already out
Time to start bitching and moaning about that now !!! (if you wanna be popular).
2142th Whore
no even 1 crashes or disconnection since the patch...yet...

only the "theres is a prob with ur connection" stuff which appears for like 0.4s when the titan is blown up

and some bit of lag
+3,135|6774|The Hague, Netherlands

I have to say, I disliked the BETA's, didn't even downloaded the DEMO, but since I have played 2142 since yesterday I like it , Belgrade is a great to play + I like the things I've seen so far........

+No crashes for me
+No connection problems yet
hide your terrorists ^,^
+94|6712|Ft. Drum, NY
i get CRAZY lag in the titan. It sucks to cause thats how you get alot of points. If your in your titan and you kill a enemy you get the +1 for the kill and +1 for the titan defense score. but i cant even walk down a hallway in the titan. it took me 5 min to get through the main lobby area.
Hooray Beer!
+94|6606|United States
Basically, 2142 falls short of anything worth a shit. I feel that I've wasted $50 on nothing. The maps are WAY too big for the amount of vehicles there are, and the biggest thing about the game is everything feels like it's in slow motion. It takes FOREVER to walk anywhere and you only get about 4-5 good seconds of sprint time even if you remove your armor, and screw jumping... you get about a jump and a half with a full fatigue bar. Hell, you can't even whip out the knife and kill someone... you have to switch to the knife then wait 2 seconds for your guy to get it ready... it's retarded. They will have to seriously patch some things to get me playing this game more. EA pushed the release of this game extremely early... they could have milked BF2 for another year with some new updates and map pack releases. Bleh..
+519|6657|Gold coast, Aus.
A) i never had any probs with installation :s
B) the 'stupid' movies are annoying, but second time you can skip them. Didnt get any lag either.
C)The account name can be anything you want ti to be- Its the "Soldier name"  that people see.
D)I didnt, and neither have any of my friends, got that weird ping issue.
E)The first time it loads, it takes ages. Second time it takes litterally 20 seconds for me. and i dont have a GREAT   PC.
F)Disconnections? I didnt have any problems of the sort
G)The ghey running can be fixed ( i thought it was pretty stupid too) its an in-game option. "Camera Shake" turn it off.
H) havent un-installed yet. No comment.

You just got a LOT of bad luck. Plus EA must hate you back lmao.

ps: i accidently deleted you off my Xfire list, Im adding you again.
+86|6693|San Francisco, CA
Guess your computer just sucks, a lot.
The only things that happened to me in the beta was random disconnects (which makes sense), then in the demo more random disconnects.

Retail works absolutely fine for me. Although some servers seem to just restart every five minutes, but I've tried a handful and that only happens rarely. Other than that, 2142 works just fine.
well overall its an okay game.  I still get the connection trouble with servers.  Luckily I don't see the red name bug tag,  I only crashed once so far. 

Claymore is a little dodgy, sometimes it blows up if you are away 20feet or not at all.  I only had a couple of 'nades go unexploded.

I can see people when they have the cloaking device on.

The temporary force field for tanks, apcs and mechs last shorter than in the demo.

stats update is kinda slow.

I don't see why we need so many unlocks since it doesn't take that long to get the points to do so.

korny rank names.  e.g. corporal silver, corporal gold ect.

hate hitting laggy people.  waste of my ammo unless i'm using the mg. Those bastards are accurate. especially the unlock ones.  you can hit someone like a sniping rifle.

The "Little Helper"  robot mg is great.  That little son of a bitch can get you alot of kills.

I give this game a 6.8/10.  Okay, so, so
Sofar looks like patch 1.2 will fix the lost connection troubles (i can only hope!).laggy sometimes.Stats are all screwed up!{hurry up with patch 1.2 or is it 2.0???)

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