An 1868 Supreme Court ruling deemed a corporation a person under the American constitution, later, another Court ruling set the precedent that Corporations have every right granted any other person under the Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments. In the decades following, this has allowed investors to remain unpunished of corporate crimes as well as allowing Corporate sponsorship of Political Candidates.
Now that we've had 138 years to assess the results, what do you think about the moral and principle implications of Corporate Personage or Person Status? And, what might the future hold in store for the rights of Corporations? If precedent holds, might Corporations gain Citizenship, the vote, or run for office?
Now that we've had 138 years to assess the results, what do you think about the moral and principle implications of Corporate Personage or Person Status? And, what might the future hold in store for the rights of Corporations? If precedent holds, might Corporations gain Citizenship, the vote, or run for office?