I thought this artical was rather interesting and figured it would be a good discussion point
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What do you think?
Pages: 1
Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-10-18 17:39:57)
That still has to stand up to the supreme court because you know it will be challenged.IRONCHEF wrote:
Well, since yesterday, people in the US have lost their 4th ammendment rights and habeas corpus. yes, that law Bush signed does include us citizens, and it means that they don't need a warrant to come in your home, remove you, incarcerate you and pretty much make you a gitmo type prisoner..without habeas corpus, without charges, and without due process.
So this makes the USA a non-free nation. If the government doesn't like the way i talk, i can be called an enemy combatant, and halled away despite my constitutional protection otherwise.
So EU I'm sure has greater privacy, and greater freedoms in general.
http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/10/1 … rpus-died/ <--- source
Well, in June, the supreme court (Bush's supreme court) denied him and his unconstitutional request to allow torture. So he had his rubber stampt congress CHANGE THE LAW that the supreme court relied on so he could torture. THis is a prime example of why he is considered a empirical ruler..a friggen hitler. If he could kill opposition, he would.KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:
That still has to stand up to the supreme court because you know it will be challenged.
I'd stop posting about now in that case, if I were you...IRONCHEF wrote:
Well, since yesterday, people in the US have lost their 4th ammendment rights and habeas corpus. yes, that law Bush signed does include us citizens, and it means that they don't need a warrant to come in your home, remove you, incarcerate you and pretty much make you a gitmo type prisoner..without habeas corpus, without charges, and without due process.
So this makes the USA a non-free nation. If the government doesn't like the way i talk, i can be called an enemy combatant, and halled away despite my constitutional protection otherwise.
So EU I'm sure has greater privacy, and greater freedoms in general.
http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/10/1 … rpus-died/ <--- source
Pages: 1