
h_w_s_b wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

You're the reactionary genius who pictured me at the head of a 'mob of xenophobic redneck fucktards,' so I think I have reason to call you a peckerhead, insofar as your misunderstanding stands. I also didn't mean San Francisco in the literal sense (as in the only sanctuary), as there are plenty of other fairly liberal cities, but there are many places that would be even less welcoming of them than sex preds.
a. well.. i _did_ ask you at the end of my original post if you would be at the head of that mob, because i genuinely wasn't sure if you were asserting that or not. if you had said something like "my entire post is hyperbole" then maybe people wouldn't think

The only place in the US these people would be safe is the deepest, darkest reaches of liberal San Francisco in an armored condo.
is exactly like it sounds.. a threat.

b. and i really don't want to get into a tit-for-tat with you. if you really were saying that this country is so ass-backwards that we would still take to mob violence simply based on race then just say it.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Guess I do too much reading for my own good. So much is lost in words on the internet.
c. comic books don't count. and next time please, so i don't misunderstand you, use /sarcasm tags or something..
a. A threat, and only a threat? Only if you're a reactionary twat with a limited imagination who interprets it as such.

b/c: If you don't want to get into a tit-for-tat with me, then perhaps you shouldn't have followed up by insulting my literary spectrum. And...oh, yes! Let's ring up all the professional writers and tell them to start using emo-tags in their work, so we know exactly what they're talking about...because how else are we supposed puzzle it out?

Out of all people on these forums, you are the only one who has actually succeeded in making me frown, surpassing even the mind-numbing efficiency of Bubbalo (sorry, Bubbalo). You win a cookie.

[edit]If you really have a question about something I wrote, PM me rather than just publicly flame, so I don't feel obliged to respond in kind.[/edit]

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-17 10:12:31)


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

a. A threat, and only a threat? Only if you're a reactionary twat with a limited imagination who interprets it as such.
then by all means, educate my ignorant ass. explain what you really meant, since i obviously can't comprehend your glaring brilliance.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

b/c: If you don't want to get into a tit-for-tat with me, then perhaps you shouldn't have followed up by insulting my literary spectrum. And...oh, yes! Let's ring up all the professional writers and tell them to start using emo-tags in their work, so we know exactly what they're talking about...because how else are we supposed puzzle it out?
well, the only reason i insulted your literary spectrum is because you insinuated that you are more educated than i. (the whole 'i guess i read too much' bit) so tag, you're it. if that's also reactionary, and you were being sarcastic YET AGAIN, then holy shit you are one deep motherfucker.

and professional writers? you're on a bf2 message board. you post sarcastic messages in text, then get upset if people can't tell you're being sarcastic. which you probably weren't, since you have yet to say whether or not you would be leading the mob.

and WTF is an 'emo-tag'? you mean the </sarcasm> thing? here i figured it was to do with, you know, html...  oops forgot /sarcasm

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Out of all people on these forums, you are the only one who has actually succeeded in making me frown, surpassing even the mind-numbing efficiency of Bubbalo (sorry, Bubbalo). You win a cookie.
hooray for me. i hope it has chocolate. so am i the tit or are you?

about the edit: it was never my intention to flame you, unless you said you would be in support of the mob. i'm still hoping for an answer on that.

Last edited by h_w_s_b (2006-10-17 10:30:24)



h_w_s_b wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The only place in the US these people would be safe is the deepest, darkest reaches of liberal San Francisco in an armored condo.
YEP. after all, being found 'innocent' by a tribunal (which you would be hard-pressed to call impartial) means nothing. what REALLY matters is that our obviously above-average-intelligence citizenry can make an informed decision and use a mob to apply that decision. oh wait, i'm just describing all the xenophobic redneck fucktards that would comprise this mob. hmmm......

would you be leading that mob, newbie?
Still doesn't make sense to me. A personally non-committal statement on my part implies that I would lead people around killing innocent ex-detainees?[/recap]

h_w_s_b wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

a. A threat, and only a threat? Only if you're a reactionary twat with a limited imagination who interprets it as such.
then by all means, educate my ignorant ass. explain what you really meant, since i obviously can't comprehend your glaring brilliance.
Obviously. With the existence of sarcasm and exaggeration, it is flawed logic to jump to conclusions.

h_w_s_b wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

b/c: If you don't want to get into a tit-for-tat with me, then perhaps you shouldn't have followed up by insulting my literary spectrum. And...oh, yes! Let's ring up all the professional writers and tell them to start using emo-tags in their work, so we know exactly what they're talking about...because how else are we supposed puzzle it out?
well, the only reason i insulted your literary spectrum is because you insinuated that you are more educated than i. (the whole 'i guess i read too much' bit) so tag, you're it. if that's also reactionary, and you were being sarcastic YET AGAIN, then holy shit you are one deep motherfucker.
Damn right I am. Oops, I did it again.

h_w_s_b wrote:

a. and professional writers? you're on a bf2 message board. you post sarcastic messages in text, then get upset if people can't tell you're being sarcastic. which you probably weren't, since you have yet to say whether or not you would be leading the mob.

b. and WTF is an 'emo-tag'? you mean the </sarcasm> thing? here i figured it was to do with, you know, html...  oops forgot /sarcasm
a. Are you or are you not above the 'unwashed masses?'
b. answered yourself

h_w_s_b wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Out of all people on these forums, you are the only one who has actually succeeded in making me frown, surpassing even the mind-numbing efficiency of Bubbalo (sorry, Bubbalo). You win a cookie.
hooray for me. i hope it has chocolate. so am i the tit or are you?

about the edit: it was never my intention to flame you, unless you said you would be in support of the mob. i'm still hoping for an answer on that.
Got your answer through PM reply. If you're serious about ending the flame war, then let us close this little exchange, as suggested.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Got your answer through PM reply. If you're serious about ending the flame war, then let us close this little exchange, as suggested.
all right, all right, my bad.. i guess that's what i get for assuming.
Δ > x > ¥

arabeater wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

arabeater wrote:

What would you suggest that we do with non threatining detainees?
Slave labour in a Gulag in the Nevada desert.
As tempting as that sounds I dont think thats possible. Besides I really dont think they would be too safe in the US. You know them being accused of being Al Qaeda and all!
If they are released from Gitmo, having been found innocent of any crime, why wouldn't they be safe in the US?  Are you saying that Americans are too gung-ho to care about the truth?

Since the US Government flew them half-way across the world, imprisoned them for years and subjected them to god-knows-what, they should take responsibility for this and consider them as legal immigrants.
The Lizzard

aardfrith wrote:

This doesn't sound like support to me.
What's Blair saying?
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6833|Colorado Springs, CO

aardfrith wrote:

arabeater wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Slave labour in a Gulag in the Nevada desert.
As tempting as that sounds I dont think thats possible. Besides I really dont think they would be too safe in the US. You know them being accused of being Al Qaeda and all!
If they are released from Gitmo, having been found innocent of any crime, why wouldn't they be safe in the US?  Are you saying that Americans are too gung-ho to care about the truth?

Since the US Government flew them half-way across the world, imprisoned them for years and subjected them to god-knows-what, they should take responsibility for this and consider them as legal immigrants.
No they would not be safe. All americans dont think the same and some crazy ass group of anti-muslims would harm them. The reason why i dont want them here is that they are not American citizens. Period.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6643|Menlo Park, CA

arabeater wrote:

What would you suggest that we do with non threatining detainees?
Send em' to San Francisco, so they can pick up trash. . . .
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6833|Colorado Springs, CO

fadedsteve wrote:

arabeater wrote:

What would you suggest that we do with non threatining detainees?
Send em' to San Francisco, so they can pick up trash. . . .
Thats the best answer i've heard yet.

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