What's the sorry for? There is no rule-book on how to fight wars, I've learned that the hard way, you can bitch all you want about noob-toobin', but really no one is going to get thier rule-book out and recite paragraphs before they shoot you again with one. Or when you have your knife out and get toobed, or when you're fighting someone else and another comes from behind to tube you. Point is, It don't matter how bad you think the toob is, no one is really going to fight by your rules or care. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, after getting toobed myself bunches, and realizing that, I use it also. Tankwhorespawncamp, I've never done at a uncappable base, to me that's no fun, I'd like to see them TRY to make it to the first flag.