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- Will there be a 1.5 Patch for bf2?
guh guh guh
I hope so. I, like many others would like to see continued support for this game. I want a new expansion pack or somthing.
Last edited by daffytag (2006-10-18 04:30:31)
doubtful now that 2142 is out
We dont know for sure...
they will only fuck it up moor.... just leave it like it is and be happy whit it..
i hope so, i mean ranked servers are still bringin in alot of money for EA so i dont see why not!
Don't know, but BF 2142 not even hits the shells and theres already a Patch out for it, LOL
http://www.worthdownloading.com/downloa … mp;id=9020
http://www.worthdownloading.com/downloa … mp;id=9020
i hope they fix the j10....and the glitches.. that's all i think
I REALLY doubt it. Why would Dice/EA even think about making another patch ? They've got 2142 to worry about now and allot more other games.
Last edited by Simon (2006-10-17 09:50:21)
Maybe one more, to fuck up bf2 and advertise bf2142
I'm going to spend my savings on hiring a bunch of hackers to replace the real patch 1.5 with a rollback patch to 1.12. Permanently.

No, won't be another patch. BF2 works fine now. Unless the whiners attack again and they nerf all the rifles down to slingshot strength. I don't think there were any patches on 1942 after BF2 was released. The only reason for a patch would be a map pack or something. But with all the mods, I don't see that happening either. Do what I'm gonna do, play BF2, the BF2 mods, and 2142!
i think that they need to, to fix some easily exploitable glitches, like the one at south gas station on mashtuur city. and nerf the ass off the J10, or make the F35 the plane it should be.
daffytag wrote:
I hope so. I like many others would like to see continued support for this game. I want a new expansion pack or somthing.
The developers have to focus on screwing up 2142 now with patches
The developers have to focus on screwing up 2142 now with patches
I think there will be a new patch at some point
http://www.multigamer.no/node/141 wrote:
Battlefield 2 will have continued support after the release of Battlefield 2142
Last edited by tupla_s (2006-10-17 10:11:38)
1.4 is very, very good and I wouldn't want a 1.5 to jack it up..but i really would like bunny hopping removed (limited jumping, etc). I just get so tired of humiliating those weenies who think they can avoid my fire by looking gay.
AMENSargeV1.4 wrote:
I'm going to spend my savings on hiring a bunch of hackers to replace the real patch 1.5 with a rollback patch to 1.12. Permanently.
Um a patch to fix what?
The game seems fine to me...
The game seems fine to me...
Why would you want to remove easy kills? It's pretty anoying sometimes thoughIRONCHEF wrote:
1.4 is very, very good and I wouldn't want a 1.5 to jack it up..but i really would like bunny hopping removed (limited jumping, etc). I just get so tired of humiliating those weenies who think they can avoid my fire by looking gay.
If you don't like bunnyhopping, go play pong.
or counter strike....DeathsTouch wrote:
If you don't like bunnyhopping, go play pong.
which im installing now.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
My interest in removing bunny hopping is the same for removing other behaviors and code-allowed actions -- to have the level of reality be more present.tupla_s wrote:
Why would you want to remove easy kills? It's pretty anoying sometimes thoughIRONCHEF wrote:
1.4 is very, very good and I wouldn't want a 1.5 to jack it up..but i really would like bunny hopping removed (limited jumping, etc). I just get so tired of humiliating those weenies who think they can avoid my fire by looking gay.
Running short distances, dropping or even jumping down to a prone position, crouching, jumping a time or two, sneaking slowly, and ladder climbing are all realistic things that would be seen in a real combat environment according to what I've seen. Jumping around like an idiot, diving and rolling while firing amazing headshots are not part of reality. I've played america's army and full spectrum warrior (both made/used by us army) and their attention to reality and detail (though not perfect in the game) makes BF2 look like fantasyland.
In short, exploiting game mechanics to gain "added" advantage should be fixed in the name of approaching realism.
QUAKE!!!!!Des.Kmal wrote:
or counter strike....DeathsTouch wrote:
If you don't like bunnyhopping, go play pong.
which im installing now.
if you wanna jump around like an idiot go and play Quake there is no place for it in bf2
Last edited by manitobapaintballa (2006-10-17 11:47:00)
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- Will there be a 1.5 Patch for bf2?