I'm pretty sure I confirmed I wasn't in when I posted this:

Havazn wrote:

Well, as much as I'd like to participate in beating the Cons, there is no way i'm waking up on a saturday at 7am for it. Nevermind the fact that I have to work that morning, I would not get up that early just for this match. Cons are going to win now. Sorry.
Cowboy from Hell
Cmon jonsimon, The_ShipBuilder, PekkaA, Bubbalo, Sacula.
Today we need 16 confirmed people.
PR Only
+70|6797|United States - Illinois

We have set up on our forum an area anyone playing can go and vote for the maps to be played and whether or not you want to play IO or not.  I figured it would not be appreciated if we reposted polls on here so we set it up on the Cons forum.  I would like to make this a final decision with these polls. 

Any lib playing or con playing can go to http://oe-hq.com/neocon and vote on these to decide what will happen on Saturday. And make comments accordingly.  I am pretty sure you will have to register real quick though.  But Libs you will obviously not have full access to the forums just the voting.  This seems like the quickest and easiest way to take care of final details.

To the Cons.  Libs do not have access to the rest of our forums.

Serge any other polls that need to be voted on here can be put up.

Polls are set up to close in 4 days.  I figure by thursday it should be decided.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-10-16 08:13:16)

Cowboy from Hell

Colfax wrote:


We have set up on our forum an area anyone playing can go and vote for the maps to be played and whether or not you want to play IO or not.  I figured it would not be appreciated if we reposted polls on here so we set it up on the Cons forum.  I would like to make this a final decision with these polls. 

Any lib playing or con playing can go to http://oe-hq.com/neocon and vote on these to decide what will happen on Saturday. And make comments accordingly.  I am pretty sure you will have to register real quick though.  But Libs you will obviously not have full access to the forums just the voting.  This seems like the quickest and easiest way to take care of final details.

To the Cons.  Libs do not have access to the rest of our forums.

Serge any other polls that need to be voted on here can be put up.

Polls are set up to close in 4 days.  I figure by thursday it should be decided.
The map rotation so far is Road, Sharqi and Mashtuur with vehicles.  If people vote for other option then we can make the change.
We need to know who are the team leaders, and the commanders.  I can be commander for libs if people on lib team agree.  Do you want Darth Fleder to be commander of cons?
We don't have a server yet, that's the most important thing to fix til saturday.
PR Only
+70|6797|United States - Illinois
I am assuming team leader but we don't have commanders ironed out yet.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I still can't get over the fact they made there own website about this... Well I've played since the last game and got up to par again. I think I might practice this week so hopefully I'll be up to my standard of playing again.
PR Only
+70|6797|United States - Illinois
Its not too complicated to make a forum off of an existing website of a clan of one of the cons.
Cowboy from Hell

Colfax wrote:

I am assuming team leader but we don't have commanders ironed out yet.
Can I add Kmarion's clan server?  Then, you are the cons team leader and Darth_Fleder commander?
Libs who wants to be team leader?  The team leader must be American, anyone?
I am assuming as Commander if you have no problem, but please let me know.
Cowboy from Hell
Server: US Server (courtesy of Kmarion, karma for him, thanks Kmarion)
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Sergeriver is this going to be password protected like last time, cause I think that should be best also PM the info instead of post it..
Cowboy from Hell

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Sergeriver is this going to be password protected like last time, cause I think that should be best also PM the info instead of post it..
Yes, when I get the password I'll send a PM to all the libs.
Sorry for not responding, all the school work just overwhelmed me . But Im still in!
Map rotation suits me just fine

Last edited by Sacula (2006-10-17 07:52:06)

The English
Can't you do one on a week night? Some of us have something to do with our weekends.
PR Only
+70|6797|United States - Illinois
No because how are people going to play across the world with the time difference.  People have jobs and school.  Thats why we planned this in advance so you would make time to play and if you can't make time i'm sorry.

If it was all U.S. then we could do a week night game.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-10-18 09:20:08)

The English

Colfax wrote:

No because how are people going to play across the world with the time difference.  People have jobs and school.  Thats why we planned this in advance so you would make time to play and if you can't make time i'm sorry.

If it was all U.S. then we could do a week night game.
Fair enough.
Stay the corpse
+261|6653|Los Angeles

Colfax wrote:


We have set up on our forum an area anyone playing can go and vote for the maps to be played and whether or not you want to play IO or not.  I figured it would not be appreciated if we reposted polls on here so we set it up on the Cons forum.  I would like to make this a final decision with these polls.
Have the mods deleted other posts about this game?
Cowboy from Hell
Colfax get in contact with The_Shipbuilder, he will be lib Team Leader.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6843|Tampa Bay Florida
Sergeriver, I can make it.  Sorry for the confusion. 

My PM isn't working

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-10-18 10:39:00)

Cowboy from Hell

Spearhead wrote:

Sergeriver, I can make it.  Sorry for the confusion. 

My PM isn't working
Good.  We are ready then.
Cowboy from Hell
These are the date, time and map rotation.  You must be connected at GMT 14:30, and the match will begin at GMT 15:00.

Date: Saturday the 21st of October.
Time: GMT 15:00. 8am, Los Angeles; 9am, Denver; 10am, Chicago; 11am, New York; 12pm, Buenos Aires; 4pm, Dublin; 5pm, Berlin; 5pm, Gaza City; 7pm, Moscow; 11pm, Beijing; 1am, Sydney; 3am, Wellington.
Server: US Server (courtesy of Kmarion, karma for him, thanks Kmarion)
Number of Players: 16 vs. 16
Map Size: 64
Map Rotation: Road to Jalalabad, Sharqi, Mashtuur City.


Con Team:

Team Leader: Colfax
Commander: Darth_Fleder
  • -OE-StormSurge (In)                          Kmarion                  1st Lt.             United States of America
  • Colfax (In)                                        Colfax                     1st Sgt.           United States of America
  • yerded (In)                                       ATG                        Gunnery Sgt.    United States of America
  • InfectiousShadow (In)                        InfectiousShadow     Gunnery Sgt.   United States of America
  • MasterNe0 (In)                                  MasterNe0                Captain           United States of America
  • c0mplex1ty (In)                                 c0mplex1ty              1st Sgt.           United States of America 
  • vedds (In)                                         vedds                      1st Sgt.           New Zealand 
  • CC-Marley (In)                                 CC-Marley                2nd Lt.            United States of America
  • id.Pubic (In)                                      Pubic                       Sgt. Major       New Zealand
  • ytkracker (In)                                   kr@cker                   Gunnery Sgt.   United States of America
  • ImposedThreat (In)                           ImposedThreat         Captain           United States of America
  • Miller555 (In)                                    Miller                       2nd Lt.            United States of America 
  • Darth_Fleder (In)                              Darth_Fleder            Lt. Colonel       United States of America
  • the_anemone (In)                             terrafirma                Lt. Colonel       United States of America
  • SilverShadow (In)                             DeathsTouch            1st Sgt.           United States of America
  • rawls (In)                                          rawls2                     1st Lt.             United States of America
Lib Team:Team Leader: The_ShipBuilderCommander: LtSerge
  • LtSerge (In)                                      Sergeriver              Captain           Argentina
  • Bertster7 (In)                                    Bertster7                1st Sgt.           United Kingdom
  • Spumantiii (In)                                  Spumantiii              Lt. Colonel       Canada
  • ougat (In)                                         Oug                       1st Sgt.           Greece
  • 4x3 (In)                                            mafia996630           1st Lt.             UK
  • DoctaStrangelove (In)                  doctastrangelove1964   1st Sgt.           United States of America
  • Spearhead*91 (In)                          Spearhead              1st Sgt.           United States of America
  • cpt.fass (In)                                      cpt.fass1                1st Sgt.           United States of America
  • Easter1916 (In)                                 CameronPoe           1st Sgt.           Republic of Ireland
  • UnOriginalNuttah (In)                        UnOriginalNuttah      2nd Lt.            UK
  • The_ShipBuilder (In)                         The_ShipBuilder      Gunnery Sgt.   United States of America
  • Bubbalo (In)                                      Bubbalo                 1st Sgt.           Australia
  • JimmyBotswana (In)                          JimmyBotswana      1st Sgt.           Canada
  • MAJOR.PAIN (In)                               Sacula                    Private            Sweden
  • mofo65 (In)                                       mofo65                  Lt. Colonel       United States of America
  • Primacord (In)                                  Primacord               Lt. Colonel       Canada
Calmer than you are.
Sorry guys can't make it due to serious ping issues (around 200 constantly).
Cowboy from Hell

oug wrote:

Sorry guys can't make it due to serious ping issues (around 200 constantly).
It's not a big deal.  I get 160-170 ping.  Play with 200 ping, it's not that bad.
+6|6784|Valrico, FL USA
Hey guys looking foward to the match, thanks for having me on your team Serge.  If it's ok with every1 else I do know a teamspeak server the libs can use. Let me know.
+5,233|6682|Global Command
I think we should agree to nix teamspeak.
Its chaos, and if you have something important to say, type it.
See you Sat.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
fuck, fuck fuck, fuckity fuckfuck FUCK

i are having issueses, my ping is no higher than normal, and i haven't changed any settings, but i'm getting frame jump looking lag in combination with "there is a problem with your connection" in spite of a 30 -50 ish ping, only thing i can think of is my upgrade of norton when my scrip expired, I'm working on it

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-18 21:33:19)

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