cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:
Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Just don't forget that this news is coming from the Inq., so best take it with a grain of salt...or even an entire salt lick.
True, but most of it's news that was fake was about how good AMD was. But still in speculation, we just have to wait.
Actually Vista is a memory hog, ask anyone who used RC1.
While I personally have no doubt that Vista is going to be more of a resource hog than any previous incarnation of Windows (seriously, anyone who believes any succeeding version of Windows will have a smaller footprint than the previous version is just plain crazy), I also think that it's not entirely fair to compare a pre-release of something as complex as an OS to a very mature version of it. Yeah, it's supposed to be feature complete and recompiled without debug stuffs. Still, it was expected from performance of XP RCs, that performance would be a little worse than Win2k, but aside from the god awful UI, it wasn't that much worse, (if at all) and in some areas performance did increase a tiny amount, for whatever it's worth.
Anyway, I do not expect that DX 10 functionality will be available to XP users, because it's the single biggest motivator to get people to move to Vista they have in their arsenal. It's been said that many corporations will hold off on Vista, because they're unsure if it's going to screw them over for one reason or another... And where's the Money for MS? Businesses. Most businesses and professionals need Microsoft Office, because everyone else use it. Even if a few people are aware of the alternatives, people are still going to trade files that need Word or Excel, or Powerpoint, so anyone in a position to use those files basically needs to keep updating their Office suite. MS doesn't make a lot of cash preloading Dells or HPs with XP, but they make a killing on peripherals applications.
They're taking Archimedes on his word, I feel, however DX 10 is going to be the lever--to move people. How many titles will require DX 10 after Vista gains momentum? Crysis and Spore are going to be huge, and many gamers will need to upgrade if they can only be played on Vista We can bet that most games released after that point will need DX 10. How many people run illegal copies of windows? They'll all need to upgrade if they want to play newer titles, and MS's stock prices will go nowhere but up once the ball is rolling.
Frankly, it would be stupid of them to give XP users an excuse to not move on.