it's great!
BF2 hit a record # of players the other night---52,000 all playing at once.  I'd say this patch was a success.

Oh, and airplanes are still awesome.  They were slaughtering us the other night on Oman!
+183|6827|A sunburnt country
Love the new patch.

I'm just pist I gotta wait to unlock the L96A1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great work EA.
Having played the new patch for a while now, and I love it.

I play "ass in the grass" infantry, so I am pleased that I have a chance to shoot down flyboys now.
To many pilots whine about strong AA, I have seen plenty of good pilots doing fine with the new patch. Accept that plane/heli is no longer a free lunch.
Also glad that mines now have FF off, it was to annoying trying to figure out if you where moving into c4/claymore/at. I have seen some serious claymore spamming, but I can live with it.
Love that bunnyhopping is gone. To all those that says it take skill out of the game: Bunnyhopping is an evasive move, and there is not any skill in it, it only buys you time for your lack of aim. If you can aim, you will hit your target, even if he is prone around a corner.
This patch rewards people who play on the ground (majority, any given time), and those who have sense of tactics (teamwork, choise of weapons, use of terrain).

CanĀ“t really find anything bad about this patch, besides the hotfix, want my Night Flight
Great patch.

My K/D ratio in jets has actually increased in 1.2 and I'm liking the L96a
+0|6790|Vaudreuil, Quebec, Canada
Love the fact that the accuracy for the Machine Guns has been improved more "spray and pray"!!!

The improved accuracy and damage for the AA missiles is also great...spent a round on Kubra Dam level just playing in a Tunguska...finished with 18 kills (all against Helos and Jets) and only 1 death.
IM LOVE IT, i play sniper tons and my claymores are getting me points instead of losing me them. in the previous patch i wud end up - sumtimes because dumasses hit my claymores ) :

about the jets, i also play those tons and think it is much better. first off for all those complainers in real life u get locked on ur mincemeat, in 1.12 u get locked on, u take a hit and move on. the aa have a chance now and u actually have to use flares (if u think ur flares arent working try not using them right when u hear that EEEEEEEEEE cuz that means they jsut locked on no on e fires right then, they w8 for a good shot so w8 like 2 seconcs then release) the helos are reasonable now, the missle amount isi perfect because u can just unload them and pray u hit the enemy helo, tank etc u have to w8 till u think u got it set up then realease 3 or 4 to make sure you have some left over for an emergency

well the rest i want to say has been said and zar nike YOUR MY IDLE, never have i heard it writen so well, and do u mind if i take that post and post it around (giving u credit of course)

'nuff said!
Umbra Acciptris
I'm quite happy with this patch.  I primarly play sniper, AT, and support.  The new sniper rifle is just what the mec and PLA needed to even them selves out to the power of the M24.

The vehicle I favor is the transport helo (some times attack).  AA used to be somthing I just ignored.  just fly not quite straignt and it would always miss.  Now I actualy have to fly smart.  Using hills and buildings to keep people from getting a lock.  Avoiding areas with AA launchers, and always moving.
Mad Ad
+178|6666|England, UK
I hate to state the obvious but shouldnt this be un-stikkyd now?
Uses the TV missle too much

Mad Ad wrote:

I hate to state the obvious but shouldnt this be un-stikkyd now?

gj nub

Last edited by Trigger_Happy_92 (2006-10-15 23:31:31)

Served and Out
+642|6716|Southampton, UK

Holy crap that's a bad revive. Dnt post in old looked-over topics!!
What does a guy have to do to get that damn message into your skull!
Mad Ad
+178|6666|England, UK
well thats a nice pair of comments- only trying to help but it seems some would rather post insults than think for 2 seconds.

If they did they would realise Its stikkyd so its always 'up', doesnt need me to bring anything up, its always here on PAGE ONE tattying up the forum

my point is it should be DOWN (unstikkied) so it can die its natural death.

I need around tree fiddy.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
The 1.2 patch praise? Kwtf?
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6701|Doncaster, UK
If you feel the post should be un-stickied then don't post in it, just report it to the mods and they'll take it under consideration.
+129|6722|Bristol UK
way, just goes to say people where happier with the 1.2 patch

Way over time!

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