Your right and yet maybe-specific-timewise-wrong?Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
That's bullshit. The arty, without hacks, requires far more time than 7 seconds to regenerate. The normal arty regeneration time is about 3 minutes. Any team that can fire arty faster than that has hacks running.LeadSled wrote:
...As for Arty ever 7 secs LOL that is just a commander on the ball. This makes me laugh about re-supply drops and Arty disappearing ROFL , I for one shoot them from the jet before they hit the ground if no friendlies around and take out all enemy resoures( Coms, NAV and Arty) with few bombs drops .
It is not 7 secs - FOR SURE!
But I am not sure about the 3 minutes thingy. . . it seems a bit faster than that . . but maybe not?
1.) There is a commander HACK seen it in action - what do you do? Leave that server permanently.
He is a secret second commander even, ordering his own arty-strikes and dropping extra supplies
where and whenever he wants.
2.) Skin-type HACK, seen screen shots of it, but this is impossible to detect for PB and impossible for
you to detect as in game behavior - knowing your exact position can be due to:
The HACK (You glow red or blue)
Being spotted
The guy actually saw you go into what you think is good hiding place.
3.) There is a definetly different forms of an accuracy HACK, it I think is combined with the Skin-type HACK,
a.) It calculates your position based upon the mouse input portion + the color of opponents pixels
Glowing red or blue and replaces the coordinates you actually shot with coordinates on the
the differentiated target (based on pixel-color); therefor every shot hits.
b.) I think the random cone of error is also HACKED,
therefor every shot is accurate
4.) There are spawn/or/invisible ladder HACKS.
a.) I experienced an underground man HACK yesterday,
My whole team was dumbfounded - the UAV showed the guy right NEXT to a FLAG!
The flag would not go up! We had tanks, choppers, MG, assault-guys, everyone! shooting at
every place around the flag - no luck - for 3 minutes we did this; then the round ended.
b.) I've seen guys spawn deep in enemy territory as soon as the game began!
c.) Saw this the other day, guys in Karkand, ON TOP OF BUILDINGS, you can get on TOP OF!
I was commander and arty-striked them, they were on my team, what did they do?
Spawned on top of another building you can get on top of! Ordered their own arty-strike
& supplies! Oh well I leaft that server.
5.) There is a NO-FOG HACK.
You can't see them - they can see you - this I guess would help long distance sniping.
6.) There is an AIMBOT HACK, someone once said it is not possible in BF2, that's BS,
it's possible.
Some AT guys are pretty good - I am - but:
I witnessed an aimbot in action once - FOR SURE! An anti-tank guy killed everything
with max. damage on every tank, and any person he casually looked at, I swithed sides just to
observe - he was not that good - it was definately a HACK.
7.) I have seen insta-reload HACKS in action as well.
Are there more? I don't know I guess. . .
The solution is not PB, but excellent ADMINS and/or PASSWORD protected servers; you will eventually
need an invite to play on servers that are FUN & hack-free maybe - I guess.
Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-13 17:05:31)