Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|6923|New York
I don't revive people using unlocks.

.. and snipers.
I don't understand why anyone wouldn't revive a sniper. The objective of the game is to beat the other team, your letting down your own team by letting snipers die and losing those tickets. Snipers aren't useless, their awesome defense against infantry attacks.
sniping is gay

mr.degman wrote:

sniping is gay

Why? Because you suck with the sniper kit? or because you suck at killing them and avoiding them?

Just save the guy Marine, he might save you some day
USMARINE i dont usually care about stats but yours make me weep

usmarine2005 wrote:

... I do not revive snipers.  The way I look at it, you have a powerful scoped weapon, if you die, you deserve it.
Shame on you.

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

your a retard

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

your a r-tard lolz
Somebody who doesn't know the difference between your and you're shouldn't be making that particular accusation.

StormEye wrote:

Well I guess medics with the med pack shouldn't die since they can heal themselves. If they die, they deserve it.
This is according to your logic, and if thats the case, no one should get revived since they need to know how to defend themselves.

Disabl3d wrote:

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't revive a sniper. The objective of the game is to beat the other team, your letting down your own team by letting snipers die and losing those tickets. Snipers aren't useless, their awesome defense against infantry attacks.
+1,128|6794|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Disabl3d wrote:

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't revive a sniper. The objective of the game is to beat the other team, your letting down your own team by letting snipers die and losing those tickets. Snipers aren't useless, their awesome defense against infantry attacks.
only if that sniper has a fucking clue as to what he's doing..

and we all know there's only one good sniper in the world..
and that's me..

Nyte comes second..

but i'm royalty.
i just prefer not to.
But not all snipers fight from a distances.
Frosties > Cornflakes

Revive everything that has ceased to twitch or bunny hop!

I need to improve my stat's for a medic I suck totally, since becoming a karkand whore look at my level of heals and revive's, if a sniper dies and I am near him, he will be up and atom within seconds!  Do not really care who it is , it's a talentless two point's that improve my e-penis!

Then I switch off my computer, go out, get completley wasted and IF I feel like it, come back on, drunken medics are the best!

Am serious btw, try playing the game drunk, it's awsome lmao!

stryyker wrote:

I only play medic on knife and pistol servers.
Medic   116:32:36   7,719    3,395    2.2736

You must have been on alot of knife + pistol servers, eh ?
Papa Smurf 314
Right in the Smurfin' parking lot?
+90|6923|New York

Disabl3d wrote:

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't revive a sniper. The objective of the game is to beat the other team, your letting down your own team by letting snipers die and losing those tickets. Snipers aren't useless, their awesome defense against infantry attacks.
But pubbing is what I do whenever i'm not scrimming, so I really don't care about winning or losing.  And the only times I've been killed by snipers is when they're using an unlocked rifle.  So that's like a combination of unlocks + snipers, so I'll teabag them when they get killed.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

Disabl3d wrote:

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't revive a sniper. The objective of the game is to beat the other team, your letting down your own team by letting snipers die and losing those tickets. Snipers aren't useless, their awesome defense against infantry attacks.
But pubbing is what I do whenever i'm not scrimming, so I really don't care about winning or losing.  And the only times I've been killed by snipers is when they're using an unlocked rifle.  So that's like a combination of unlocks + snipers, so I'll teabag them when they get killed.
Unlocks and snipers,you just summed up me.

Man i love unlocks,and sniping.
To all of you antisniper fascists... First of all, other than having a large psychological effect on your enemy... (most people dont wanna run through an open field, knowing snipers contol that area), they are excellent at protecting flanks, acting as long range sentries, and not reviving means a dead soldier...  dead soldier wont help your team much.. and off course you loose a ticket when not reviving, and 2 points. Snipers may also be of good use for infantry and the commander, by spotting enemy entering the battlezones. Saying snipers is no good to the team is bullshit. Also snipers in your squad would be put to good use, if your gunner pinned the enemy, and the sniper took em out. And besides, snipers might save your asses once... although if I saw you laying facedown in the mud, I would kill the dude that killed you, use your kit to heal myself, and then leave... hows that?
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6835|The Lou

47man wrote:

L85 = scoped
F2000 = scoped
Do you find out which of the medics and assault people use these guns and not revive them either, sounds like pure douchebaggery to me.
your sig looks like pure douchebaggery to me. lol
+5|6653|Dresden, Germany
I dont understand, why so many medics are so stupid?!?!?

Their are enough sniper's, whp attacks with the squad and die in first front. Oh no, there is a medic next to you and there are only 5 metres to the flag. 15, 14, 13, 12,....What did the stupid medic's do? Nothing and then they are screaming very angry around, because they dont get the flag...if he would revive, he could get it...but NO its a sniper...ABSOLUTELY STUPID

RIVIVE ALL or go home!

And what you say about: "oh they have scoped weapons" - LOL thats why it is called SNIPER and not assault-rifle...
And the F2000 or the L85A1 are such weeeeeaaaaak weapons, that they could have a scope....WATCH OUT '!!sarcasm alert!!'

Same to support....give all ammo or let it be and to engineers repair all vehicles and not only buggy's, because tanks are "so powerfull armored" -WATCH OUT '!!sarcasm alert2!!'

Last edited by [HhB]Jonny-JX (2006-10-15 09:26:44)

Medics that don't revive everyone are fuckwits. If you don't revive everyone, what the fuck is the point in being a medic. GO HOME.

us marine2005 wrote:

... I do not revive snipers.  The way I look at it, you have a powerful scoped weapon, if you die, you deserve it.

Anybody feel the same way?
I could not agree more.  such flawless logic deserves to be awarded..

Can only hope your American.
I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|6892|Norcal, usa
so you're saying that when someone dies, you look at the little duffel bag next to their body and see if it's a sniper kit.


Spytech wrote:

us marine2005 wrote:

... I do not revive snipers.  The way I look at it, you have a powerful scoped weapon, if you die, you deserve it.

Anybody feel the same way?
I could not agree more.  such flawless logic deserves to be awarded..

Can only hope your American.
LOL! +1 for you

Papa Smurf 314 wrote:

Disabl3d wrote:

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't revive a sniper. The objective of the game is to beat the other team, your letting down your own team by letting snipers die and losing those tickets. Snipers aren't useless, their awesome defense against infantry attacks.
But pubbing is what I do whenever i'm not scrimming, so I really don't care about winning or losing.  And the only times I've been killed by snipers is when they're using an unlocked rifle.  So that's like a combination of unlocks + snipers, so I'll teabag them when they get killed.
Just wondering, how come a bunch of people here don't like unlocks?
More-so-over the Unlocks have shorter learning curves then the base guns, but the base guns have greater potential. People seem to think that getting killed by a G36E implies the other guy's a noob.

DisasterMaster wrote:

More-so-over the Unlocks have shorter learning curves then the base guns, but the base guns have greater potential. People seem to think that getting killed by a G36E implies the other guy's a noob.
Just wondering, would you explain that one?

usmarine2005 wrote:

I am not "hating" on the sniper kit.  You have a zoomed scope, and two claymores to protect yourself......if you die, you deserve it.
But medics can heal themselves, so do you revive them?.
If anything thats a better reason not to die.
As you said snipers have to relocate, they can't pick up clays and move them.

Im not a fan of the sniper kit but your comments mearly show you don't quite understand team play.

Slickfish wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I am not "hating" on the sniper kit.  You have a zoomed scope, and two claymores to protect yourself......if you die, you deserve it.
But medics can heal themselves, so do you revive them?.
If anything thats a better reason not to die.
As you said snipers have to relocate, they can't pick up clays and move them.

Im not a fan of the sniper kit but your comments mearly show you don't quite understand team play.
Yep.  You got it.  I have no idea about small unit tactics.

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