AK > L85. You get the same one headshot kill, without the ultra deviation of the l85.
Here's another tip for you guys trying to perfect their L85 skills:

-Mouse sensitivity matters. If you find that you cant accurately tap out single shots on full auto, or one of the shots becomes suddenly way off mark, you should try lowering your mouse sensitivity a bit. Remember that just like with any other setting you can overdo it with sensitivity. There is such a thing as making it too low. You want to find the perfect balance where you can look around rather quickly while scoped, but have no trouble keeping your aim stable while zoomed while tapping out shots. If you find this balance for yourself here's the sequence of things that you should practice to perfect your technique.

-pracice hitting targets at mid to long range with the scope. Tap out single shots on full auto and learn the FEEL of the gun. Once you get the hang of how much recoil you're dealing with while bursting, work on consistency. Practice the above in crouched, prone and standing positions.*(you can still get pretty good accuracy standing with this gun but the shots you tap out need alot longer pauses between them)

-next , start consciously aiming for the head. If you see a sniper or support jump prone. Direct your consistency skills at their head. A tip for using the scope at very long range, aim towards the center of the body or chest and you may be surprised with a deviated headshot.  If you notice a sniper thats next to you scoped in... don't knife them. Just scope in, find their head and hit it with one shot. They will NEVER know where to expect you after they come back. So you can just do it again

-Practice bursting triple shots uncscoped against a wall. Do a few full sprays and notice the hit distribution on the wall. Try to make the tightest burst and practice it over and over. To begin with, use crouch positing to burst unscoped, if you can be consistent with this try it standing. Start using this burst against enemies in CQC, remembering to aim for the chest area and to pull up slightly, or try to direct the burst at their neck. Learn to distinguish between situations that warrant use of the scope, and those that require you to react quickly unscoped.  Once you can effectively kill support guys that pop in front of your or drop prone at a close distance without the scope, you have the right idea.

-The last step to mastery is to use these techniques in combination with strategically sophisticated movements such as strafing, sprint/jump/prone combo, evasive jumping, drop to crouch and of course, simultaneous use of medpacks. Also consider clip economy tactics. Know how much ammo you have and what you're prepared to deal with before you engage.You will eventually be able to quickly plan out your attacks as the situations arise and be completley flexible on the battlefield.
+1,153|6941|Washington, DC

liek zomg teh L48 is teh nub lol g36e ftw i can pwn u nubs wif it
Though L85A1 is very Lethal

The only tactic I find is hitting prone when you shoot

All Assault Rifles are pretty balanced in this game

none of them really have an advantage over others in every situation

Therefor, I find L85A1 as the most All-rounded weapon

but it still is sort if handicapped in CQC

no runnin' and gunnin' with L85A1

only dropping and poppin'
+54|7063|Upper Franconia

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

liek zomg teh L48 is teh nub lol g36e ftw i can pwn u nubs wif it
If this means what I think it does, then I actually agree with it.
great post bro....good useful tips
i play with u on many occasions on when i'm on ur team...hard to get in ur squad though, always full.
and when i see u coming i already know i'm dead...haha, i even feel pretty good about myself when u kill u. even though its usually when ur not looking.
now i'll be using your tips though, so watch ur back!
Another post to hide!!! Don't tell them all the secrets......

It's also a good mid range sniping rifle (one 1 shot anyway).
Ah, Assault Rifles. In BF2, the over-all best preforming guns. Having firepower at close range, and enough accuracy to hit the snipers, basically one's usually never screwed over because of range when using an Assault Rifle. Not one Assault rifle is useless in my eyes, and I've used then all for a good amount of my BF2 experience. I'll give my opinion on each gun.

M16 - An over-all effective gun. The burst fire sometimes just wastes people incredibility fast in close ranges, and sometimes you shoot then entire 30 round clip hitting only on the first burst. The gun's single shot performance is excellent, 2nd to only the l85. (Pretty sight! Use with a pink crosshair.)

AK-101/47 - A monster in close quarters, losing little accuracy while spraying and praying. The guns have OK single shot performance, but it falls short to the other assault rifles' single shot performance. Both guns feel the same to me, although the statistics say the Ak-47 is more powerful and less accurate.  (Run and gun baby!!! No proning needed!)

G3 - Like the AK-101, but more deadly in close quarters. Has the worst single shot accuracy. This gun drops soldiers like a shotgun does! (No GL on it, so you won't be called a noob for using it.)

FN2000 - A good balance of power and accuracy, but doesn't excel at either. While it has a scope, it's single shot performance is average. (Flashbangs are muy bien, easy knifing!)

L85 - The opposite of the AK-101, only outraged by sniper rifles. Excellent single shot performance, head shot gallore! Is the worst off in close quarters. (I wish Assault got this gun with a GL on it. For "Teh-Pros")

G36E - Haven't used it a lot, only when I picked it off the ground / SF. Feels just the M16 to me with a better recoil pattern. Statistics show that this gun just over-all entirely better then the M16. (Nooby gun?)
thank you for your input! glad to see that I'm not the only one making long posts.

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