+244|6839|arica harbour
damn why does everytime i  come to this website, 50-100 more morons bash 2142 and the damn game has not even come out of the delivery trucks all around the world.

wait until the reviews come out and if the reviews are not to your liking.....go ahead and bash the damn game until your hearts desire.

here is what ruined Bf2 the most: NOOBS out there saying....O..oo.ooooo i want to have vehicle drops in the game or....OMG.... the grenade launcher is too powerful or......OMG the PKM is tooooo in accurate.

Now we got vehicle drops like snow falling from the sky, the grenade launcher has been nerfed bad...and the PKM is as accurate as an M24 sniper rifle.

now you Noobs are going to bash 2142 to the point wher EA/DICE will create one patch after the other, screwing the game up even more that it is already..

Hell whats even funny, that some people are thinking that battlefield Three ( yes three) is being made, and people are still bashing a game that does not exist.

then EA/ Dice screws up even more with their development , which quite frankly i am upset with this company.

man ronin patton was right all along. if you dont like bf2142, no one is going to shove a grenade up your ass if you dont get the game.

so i have 4 words for you guys:  S T  F U.
+72|6738|Chelmsford, UK
Amen to that. i definatley agree. +1 karma for you
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6716|Area 51
BF2142 sucks!
lol, never mind me, didn't even bother to read it, just being annoying thats all
But anyway, I do think BF2142 sucks, but that's cuz I aint used to the new game, it has some cool features.. but I hate the way in which the infantry runs and the guns feel weak, those are my problems it just needs some more gameplay tweaks, bugs fixed and its cool I think

Last edited by RDMC(2) (2006-10-14 11:58:43)

2142 Soldier: Behenaut
The game is well balanced as it is. The only patches we need is just to tweak performance and bugs. Not empowerment and nerfing. Don't worry there is no real need for change. Especially in a game which is not even out.

Also if you want to make a point, use the spell check button.

RDMC(2) wrote:

BF2142 sucks!
lol, never mind me, didn't even bother to read it, just being annoying thats all
Not smart seeing as you can get banned for that

Last edited by MuseSeeker (2006-10-14 11:58:49)

+1,153|6781|Washington, DC

topic creator's profile wrote:

From: somewhere in the North US
Unless you immigrated from Quebec or Nunavut, you have no reason to type like a 13 year old schoolgirl talking to her "boi".

EDIT: On topic, 2142 isn't bad. It's pretty fun. I just don't like the prospect of EA getting richer.

Last edited by Hurricane (2006-10-14 11:57:54)

if i knew ya i would buy ya a beer
16 more years
+877|6676|South Florida
Read museseekers title and you'll understand.

Well said specialist..
15 more years! 15 more years!

Covered in that thread and put better also in that thread, please search before posting such an appalling attempt at a serious topic .
EA released 2 beta versions of the game to get peoples oppinions, now EA release a demo to the public.
Do you really think the finished game will any different to what we've all seen so far?, no.
Many people have actively taken part in both betas and demos so maybe they know what they are talking about, maybe they just dont like it.
I admit there are a load of people bashing it without good reason, but most people by now must have played at least the demo, so they must be speaking from at least some experience.
BF2 has not been ruined by what you call 'noobs', it just got nerfed by EA for 'balance' reasons. But balance is what you wanted, right?
I dont want a balanced game, i want blackhawk whoring back!!! LOL
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6741|Reisterstown, MD

The people who bash are those who can't buy it =P
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6980|Denver colorado
"LIek omg, its a wast of moniz caus liek 50 dlleer is enuf for my car. and god ea liek blows stupid dice omg omg."

Yep. I agree with ya about the stupid posts like this
Mass Media Casualty

When 2142 was being discussed, before the Demo, before the Beta even, the #1 complaint was that "I don't want a game that's just going to be a Mod of BF2."

So guys, it's not. The infantry battles are different, the veichles arn't all instant kill-alls, and you find that you're not quite as awesome on your own as you were in BF2.
It's a DIFFERENT GAME! However, the main complaint when all boiled down is, "It's not the same as BF2."

Fucking Hell...

The complaits are gettin ridiculous. If you feel you REALLY need to complain, just remember:
- No-one sees it your way anyway
- No-one gives a shit how you find a game
and finally,
- It was people constantly picking at a game to try and get a perfect balance for them that wrecked BF2.

Live with it, adapt to it, get used to it, get over it, or piss the fuck off.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6777|Los Angeles, California, US.

Ty wrote:

When 2142 was being discussed, before the Demo, before the Beta even, the #1 complaint was that "I don't want a game that's just going to be a Mod of BF2."

So guys, it's not. The infantry battles are different, the veichles arn't all instant kill-alls, and you find that you're not quite as awesome on your own as you were in BF2.
It's a DIFFERENT GAME! However, the main complaint when all boiled down is, "It's not the same as BF2."

Fucking Hell...

The complaits are gettin ridiculous. If you feel you REALLY need to complain, just remember:
- No-one sees it your way anyway
- No-one gives a shit how you find a game
and finally,
- It was people constantly picking at a game to try and get a perfect balance for them that wrecked BF2.

Live with it, adapt to it, get used to it, get over it, or piss the fuck off.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator

Ty wrote:

When 2142 was being discussed, before the Demo, before the Beta even, the #1 complaint was that "I don't want a game that's just going to be a Mod of BF2."

So guys, it's not. The infantry battles are different, the veichles arn't all instant kill-alls, and you find that you're not quite as awesome on your own as you were in BF2.
It's a DIFFERENT GAME! However, the main complaint when all boiled down is, "It's not the same as BF2."

Fucking Hell...

The complaits are gettin ridiculous. If you feel you REALLY need to complain, just remember:
- No-one sees it your way anyway
- No-one gives a shit how you find a game
and finally,
- It was people constantly picking at a game to try and get a perfect balance for them that wrecked BF2.

Live with it, adapt to it, get used to it, get over it, or piss the fuck off.
And soon the whiners will leave to 2142 or QW and we're left with the shit they asked for.. ffs
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6741|Your attic
Nicely put Ty

As I have said, some people just can't cope with change.
Ye Ol'e Pirate Pub<3
+5|6581|#bf2s (Just next to maef)
Amen, preach on Rev.
2142 is a bunch of wizzy, bang bang pop, pop zippity zip, 12 year old crap!!!! And it FAKE AND UNREALITIC.


Ive seen screen shots, and FP videos. Hate it!
+2,382|6829|The North, beyond the wall.


2142 is a bunch of wizzy, bang bang pop, pop zippity zip, 12 year old crap!!!! And it FAKE AND UNREALITIC.


Ive seen screen shots, and FP videos. Hate it!
Educate yourself.


2142 is a bunch of wizzy, bang bang pop, pop zippity zip, 12 year old crap!!!! And it FAKE AND UNREALITIC.


Ive seen screen shots, and FP videos. Hate it!
fake and unrealistic? lol if you want realism go down to the local recruitment office and get shipped over to Iraq, or is your comment pointing towards the "realism" that bf2 gives us with reviving gunshot wound victims with defibrilators and repairing vehicles with nothing but a spanner
2142th Whore

DaReJa wrote:

Ty wrote:

When 2142 was being discussed, before the Demo, before the Beta even, the #1 complaint was that "I don't want a game that's just going to be a Mod of BF2."

So guys, it's not. The infantry battles are different, the veichles arn't all instant kill-alls, and you find that you're not quite as awesome on your own as you were in BF2.
It's a DIFFERENT GAME! However, the main complaint when all boiled down is, "It's not the same as BF2."

Fucking Hell...

The complaits are gettin ridiculous. If you feel you REALLY need to complain, just remember:
- No-one sees it your way anyway
- No-one gives a shit how you find a game
and finally,
- It was people constantly picking at a game to try and get a perfect balance for them that wrecked BF2.

Live with it, adapt to it, get used to it, get over it, or piss the fuck off.
+1,153|6781|Washington, DC


2142 is a bunch of wizzy, bang bang pop, pop zippity zip, 12 year old crap!!!! And it FAKE AND UNREALITIC.
So is BF2. You fail at having a basic intelligent thought process. Play in traffic, you are a stain on the underpants of the human race.

specialistx2324 wrote:

Damn every time I come to this website, 50-100 more morons bash 2142 and the damn game has not even come out of the delivery trucks all around the world.

Wait until the reviews come out and if the reviews are not to your liking,go ahead and bash the damn game until your hearts desire.

Here is what ruined BF2 the most: NOOBS out there saying ooh I want to have vehicle drops in the game or, OMG the grenade launcher is too powerful or, OMG the PKM is too inaccurate.

Now we got vehicle drops like snow falling from the sky, the grenade launcher has been nerfed bad, and the PKM is as accurate as an M24 sniper rifle.

Now you Noobs are going to bash 2142 to the point where EA/DICE will create one patch after the other, screwing the game up even more that it is already..

Hell whats even funny, that some people are thinking that Battlefield Three ( Yes three) is being made, and people are bashing a game that does not exist. Then EA/Dice screws up even more with their development, which quite frankly i am upset with this company.

Ronin Patton was right all along. If you don't like BF2142, no one is going to shove a grenade up your ass if you don't get the game.

So i have 4 words for you guys:  S T  F U.
Fixed spelling/some grammar for easier reading. When you complain, at least do it right.

Last edited by Simon (2006-10-15 07:19:48)

meat shield
Regardless of this patch or that, the game is still great.  Many that complain about it have well over 400 hours invested in it and continue to play.  The same will happen with 2142.  Thanks Specialist.
Ready for combat
+211|6746|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
after playing 2142 for the first time last night i found that the only thing wrong with the game is the people.
all the vehicles are well balanced, theres no one hit tank kills, the gunships are powerfull but can be grounded, the Titans can be taken down with teamwork, the walkers can be taken down the same way. infantry battles are alot more fun, the kits are balanced. the only problem i had was the people. there were 24 people on my team and only 8 of em were in squads and the commander was flying around in a aircraft. the rest were compliaining. and to them i said "maybe if you got in a squad and did some teamwork you wouldnt be complaining, this isnt fucking Karkand where you can medic whore or PKM whore, you actually have to use something called TEAMWORK!" and like a typical karkand whore would say they replied "stfu noob"

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