+85|6925|good old CA
Well Tookie's clemency has been denied and he will be executed tommorrow at exactly 12:01am.  Do you think he should've been allowed to stay in jail the rest of his life or be executed?
If you dont know him, well then he founded one of the most notorious gangs in LA, and murdered 4 people. 
He then wrote a book( while in jail for kids on how to get out of gangs),  At court he said he wasnt responsible for anything and didnt apol.    (if he did he might of got his clemency)
His two childrens books sold less than 400 copies combined!LOL He's lived 28 years too long in my opinion.
LOL this is a sorta stupid debate subject. if any government anywhere had one brain all together, they would have this as their law. "eye for an eye" kill someone the individuals family gets to kill one of your family members. if you dont got any then they get to kill you with their own hands. you beat the crap outa someone they get to beat the crap outa you. its simple as that. no need for trials or prisons.
As special ED would say YAAAAAAA YAAAAAAA .. i like to poop YAAAAAAA YAAAAAA, I like to poop on his grave YAAAAAA .. BING BONG the monster is gone YAAAAAAAAA ...
Yes, he should die.  He killed 4 people.  Also, think about how many deaths he is indirectly responsable for for creating the crips, as they have been responsible for killing quite a few people.

Just my $.02.
+3|6905|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
If he dosen't have the right to kill someone, why should anyone else have the right to do so? You guys don't see the HIPOCRACY!? Dear God, some days I just loose hope on humanity.
I agree with Nehil.
+1|6928|Nellis AFB
Punishments should fit the crime. It is blatantly obvious our current system doesn't work.

Kill you are killed, steal and then you lose a hand, etc.
So long Tookie! Ya got what ya deserved! But I will say this about the whole thing. It's hilarious how Tookie's situation was used by celebrities to be the media WHORES they are! Example: Rev Jessie Jackson, Rev Al Sharpton, Jamie Fox, ect... ect.... If the damn celebrities and media wouldn't have made such a huge deal about the whole thing he might have gotten clemency. But when the Governer is put under such a spotlight by the media and all the DAMN holywood assholes what do you think he's gonna do? Exactly what he did. Besides I'm sure the average taxpayer would rather spend $200 for a lethal injection than spend $30K a year to keep him in prison. Hell I think the fact that they waited 20 years to execute him is just damn pathetic. This gives me an idea for a book that will REALLY keep kids out of gangs. Title: "Become a Gang member, Get a Lethal injection. The Tookie Williams Story" If that doesn't keep kids out of gangs I don't know what will.
+3|6905|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
So you really think that would solve your problems? No not really, the USA has some of the hardest punishments in the world and the highest crime rates. Or could it be all the immigrants, sorry parasites in your country? Hell yea, blame it on the spics and gooks. Don't you really see that there is something rotten with your country and by saying that I mean your government. And the people who still vote for any party.
Hey Nehil, do you live in the US? Ahh no you live in Sweden. So basically  the worst crime you guys have to worry about is some Swed forcing himself on your sheep! Baaaaahhhhhhhhh means no!
+3|6905|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
Umm no we have the same crimes as you. And we don't have any sheep. Yes means no and no means fuck.
I'm quite sure that Sweden does not have nearly the crimes the US does. I've never heard of a Swedish Serial Killer, or a Swedish Terrorist. How many rapes and murders does Sweden have per year? Not too many I would imagine. So you can't expect the US to deal with crime the way Sweden does. They are different countries with different crime rates and criminals.
+3|6905|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
We had a fucked up guy called the "laserman" who shot 10 immigrants and killed another, made over 20 bank jobs. We have serious crimes. We had some terrorists who occupied an embassy. Don't really know how many rapes and murders we have. Not alot tho. But we don't have guns. Our punishments for crimes are low. We don't have any death penalties. See my point? If not jump out the nearest window. And people don't comitt crimes after they get out of jail, strange huh? I thought that the vinkings were brutes and violent. I guess something happend to us that didn't happen to some Americans. Maybe we got a brain, but no. This guy prove me wrong:

Last edited by Nehil (2005-12-13 08:57:24)


SFCCDailey wrote:

Hey Nehil, do you live in the US? Ahh no you live in Sweden. So basically  the worst crime you guys have to worry about is some Swed forcing himself on your sheep! Baaaaahhhhhhhhh means no!
I wish this was true. Get rid of all the sheeps and abolish crime. Unfortunately the reality is that we do have all the crimes you have. In case some of you actually believed SFCCDailey. And while on the subject, we DO have sheeps. No, not "have" in the sense of f**king them but some Swedes own sheep. A fact obvoiusly missed by Nehil. Then again, some Swedes probably do fuck sheeps.. Baah, whatever.
So I was right about the Sheep? I knew It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tookie dead....

Hey, maybe if he could've raised his 4 victims from the dead and give them back the 26 extra years he got, I'd feel sorry for him.

You see Snoop Dogg's dumb ass out there parading for him? He says he is a "former crip". Yet every song I've heard recently, and his last major song said...

"I keep a blue flag hanging from my backside, but only on the left side, yeah that's the crip side"

Former crip huh?

You guys see Sean Penn looking like a little bitch about to cry?

Even the socialist worker party came out for the execution. People were burning American flags. Good times.... ***end of sarchasm***

Fawkin people. I support the death penalty and think it should be expanded, and the amount of appeals reduced. Rapists and molesters get the chopping block too. And bring back the muthafawkin' guillotines.

You get a month to appeal, after that, swing swing chop chop. Family gets an option to pull the chord. And makes PSA's out of it, and show it to kids to let them know we don't fawk around.

"I'm hive member Erk, and I approve this message"
+3|6905|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
Damit, we have sheep! Just saw it on the news! Probably becuse we don't execute people, I was able to see that! Also I admit I was wrong.

SFCCDailey wrote:

So I was right about the Sheep? I knew It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was was trying to get some actual data on this using our Goverment Statistics site but I´m beeing a technical moron right now and cant negotiate it, so fuck it. But I am sure that Ohio has its fair share of sheepfuckers too. Someone from the the US but not from Ohio might confirm this perhaps?

Edit: Cant spell either.

Last edited by stoneisland (2005-12-13 09:09:10)

I'm not a native of Ohio so I couldn't say. But I would say we probably have a fair amount of sheep. Couldn't tell you if we have sheep fuckers. Probably do though! But enough about the sheep. Did you guys like my idea for the book?

Last edited by SFCCDailey (2005-12-13 09:20:22)

Member since 2005
+44|6950|Kansas, USA

Nehil wrote:

If he dosen't have the right to kill someone, why should anyone else have the right to do so? You guys don't see the HIPOCRACY!? Dear God, some days I just loose hope on humanity.
Someone made this same argument in another post about this guy's execution and I will show the flaw in that logic again. By that logic, since he doesn't have the right to imprison someone against their will, then the government should not have the right to imprison someone. So, according to that logic there is no punishment that the government could impose on anyone because citizens do not have the right to impose punishment on other citizens.

I personally support the death penalty in such cases. However, I have a great deal of respect for people that are against the death penalty because they believe the gov't shouldn't be in the business of executing people. Yet, I am conflicted because tt takes way too long to actually cary out a death sentence - this guy was sentenced a quarter century ago. But, I do realize that this is necessary to give the accused every opportunity to make their case. This incurs much, much higher costs than if the person was simply sentenced to life w/o possibility of parole. So, while I believe that the state has the right to execute the worst of humanity, I believe we would be better off by not having it.

What I do NOT respect are these people out there that stand up for this person because he wrote a couple children's books and they say he has redeemed himself - and actually nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. In all the world they felt a multiple murderer and a founder of one of the deadliest gangs ever was the most worthy of the Peace Prize.

Nehil wrote:

Dear God, some days I just loose hope on humanity.
My sentiments exactly, but not for the same reason.
+3|6905|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)
Well Psycho, I'm actually against all sort of jail punishment. So I don't see any flaw there. I belive in fines, community service and treatment. If some guy kills like 200 people in his bathroom something is obviously wrong with his way of living. I think he should be put in for psycological treatment.

Nehil wrote:

Well Psycho, I'm actually against all sort of jail punishment. So I don't see any flaw there. I belive in fines, community service and treatment. If some guy kills like 200 people in his bathroom something is obviously wrong with his way of living. I think he should be put in for psycological treatment.
Man breaks into your home to steal a television, a member of your family wakes up and winds up running into the criminal, criminal grabs a knife and stabs your family member.

Community service and fines are enough for you?

FeloniousMonk wrote:

Nehil wrote:

Well Psycho, I'm actually against all sort of jail punishment. So I don't see any flaw there. I belive in fines, community service and treatment. If some guy kills like 200 people in his bathroom something is obviously wrong with his way of living. I think he should be put in for psycological treatment.
Man breaks into your home to steal a television, a member of your family wakes up and winds up running into the criminal, criminal grabs a knife and stabs your family member.

Community service and fines are enough for you?
Since they don't have guns over there, what is he going to do use harsh language? Now over here in the US that same criminal son of a bitch would either get eaten by my dog or shot in the fucking head by me! JUSTICE SERVED!
Member since 2005
+44|6950|Kansas, USA

Nehil wrote:

Well Psycho, I'm actually against all sort of jail punishment. So I don't see any flaw there. I belive in fines, community service and treatment. If some guy kills like 200 people in his bathroom something is obviously wrong with his way of living. I think he should be put in for psycological treatment.
I can respect your opinion, but I was just pointing out the flaw in your logic which was that because citizens do not have the right to murder, then the gov't should not be able to execute people. Citizens are not allowed to fine people, or compell them to do community service or seek treatment. So, according to your logic, the gov't should not be able to do that either.

You can be for no imprisonment, but I think you must be a little naive. Some people cannot be rehabilitated (child predators). How much psychological treatment do you think a serial murderer should get? At what point are they cured? Can we have them move into your neighborhood when they are release, because I sure as hell don't want them living near me. I think you have an overly idealistic, utopian view of the world.

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