+0|7091|the motherland uk
whats going on with the race riots, hey u look arabian, dark skined not white, KILL HIM ARRRR.

take a step back in the evolutionary ladder
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7073|The Netherlands
yes what is going on down there I don't understand the Aussies are a calm people at least they don't get in the news often
I'll take two
+132|7103|Perth, Western Australia
Yeah well what happened is that some guys of middle eastern appearance (ie olive skinned) assaulted a life gaurd on cronulla beach, so a text msg went around that said something like "On sunday its national Bash a wog\leb (lebanese) day, so bring yer mates and lets f***ing kill the c**ts". By bash a wog or leb, they actually mean bash anyone that has olive skin.

Has I been in Sydney on the beach that I am fairly sure I would have been targeted, even though I am not even Lebanese and was born here.
its crap...first off u gotta understand the, i guess "aussie's" point of view with some lebanese giving sh*t to every1 they see degrading every1 around them thinkin' they're all that and the aussies just got sick of it...unfortunately alcohol came into it and all hell broke loose...out of hand...and from the lebanese persepective its unfair to discriminate against all lebanese because they are lebanese...its these particular "youngish" lebanese that make the whole culture look bad...and now its just gone tell u the truth its my opinion the certain lebanese youth responsible thinking they're top shit had it coming, but not on a huge scale...not on the scale its escalated too...
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
iv made a few other posts on here and its just stupid the whole thing, aussies bashing aussies????? smart people

iv got heaps of arabic mates in west syd and if them and their cousins and all their mates went down to cronulla the bogans would not know what hit them, but furtunatly most of them are all just laughing at the whole thing and staying out of it.
+0|7091|the motherland uk

EcLiPsE#14 wrote:

its crap...first off u gotta understand the, i guess "aussie's" point of view with some lebanese giving sh*t to every1 they see degrading every1 around them thinkin' they're all that and the aussies just got sick of it...unfortunately alcohol came into it and all hell broke loose...out of hand...and from the lebanese persepective its unfair to discriminate against all lebanese because they are lebanese...its these particular "youngish" lebanese that make the whole culture look bad...and now its just gone tell u the truth its my opinion the certain lebanese youth responsible thinking they're top shit had it coming, but not on a huge scale...not on the scale its escalated too...
ye i bet the jews got that said about em too, hmm ,.... dont and never put ppl into classes for there skin colour or religion. cos if thats the case then what u are saying is well they deserved it for the way there youth was acting, so hmm lets see what do the white austrialian youth deserve for being a mob and trying to kill anyone of colour,
  it dont matter about what scale it comes into, 1 person on his own attacking someone for his skin or belief or an entire mob hunting ppl down.

Last edited by shingara (2005-12-15 16:57:52)

+0|7026|taree aus
Probably not the best place for a first post but i had to chuck in my 2 cents worth.
Having grown up in reasonably multi-racial area i have seen these problems building up over my lifetime.  Everybody needs to feel they belong to some sought of "identity" or "culture" and for some reason people of  some racial backgrounds have failed to identify with the aussie culture. 
Its strange but in my experience the older first generation people are realy nice and feel welcome and comfortable here (possibly cause its a lot better then where they came from) but the second and third generations have felt marginalised and form into these gangs.  These gangs are the ones who identify themselves as 'lebs' not the 'aussies'.  These gangs are the ones that provoked what happened at cronulla.  Its a shame it turned into an ugly race riot where a few thugs and white supremisists became involved but from what riots ive seen here and overseas this always happens.  The irony of some of the footage i have seen is that not only were 'whites' involved, there were people from a variety of backgrounds such as pacific islander, a couple of mediterranian looking guys and asians.  I think if the police, government and lebanese community had done more to stamp out these 'leb' gangs in the first place than maybe the local community wouldn't have thought to tackle the problem themselves.
When you go to the beach you don't expect to have a bunch of guys of any race stand there and tell girls in bikinis that they deserve to be raped or for those guys to bash lifesavers in australia we just don't tolerate that (well most of us).
....more like 5 cents.
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
fuck you people dont have a clue...... how many off you are in australia (i am) not in sydney though, in brissy but still aussies are sick of the shit that these people have brought to our great land..... the arabs are BARBARIANS, they are backwards (thinking wise),  and alot of us consider them to be an infection.... If they dont like where they are, or who we aussies are i say FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO YOUR WAR RAVAGED PEICE OF SHIT OF A HOME BACK IN THE MIDDLE EAST,

they come here and gang rape our women, beat up elderly people, plan terrorist attacks, and generally fuck everything up for us decent australian citizens.

read my post on AUSSIES IN TROUBLE, in events file to get a better idea of the shit we put up with.

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

philbymaris wrote:

fuck you people dont have a clue...... how many off you are in australia (i am) not in sydney though, in brissy but still aussies are sick of the shit that these people have brought to our great land..... the arabs are BARBARIANS, they are backwards (thinking wise),  and alot of us consider them to be an infection.... If they dont like where they are, or who we aussies are i say FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO YOUR WAR RAVAGED PEICE OF SHIT OF A HOME BACK IN THE MIDDLE EAST,

they come here and gang rape our women, beat up elderly people, plan terrorist attacks, and generally fuck everything up for us decent australian citizens.

read my post on AUSSIES IN TROUBLE, in events file to get a better idea of the shit we put up with.

i agree with you some what, iv got many leb friends and they are very decent people.

but the reason they have such a bad name here is because there is a large portion of them that are trouble makers.
west syd is full of people like that, canberra is too staring to get overlaoded with trouble making arabs.
its mainly the young people though that realise this as thats the same crowd as the troublemakers are in, older people here wouldnt realy notice unless they went out on friday nights to the city.
+0|7026|taree aus
The ones causing the problems arn't from another country.  There second third maybe more generation lebanese. You can't just 'fuck them off back' they are our problem.  Maybe they end up in gaol.  Who knows but still OUR problem.  I can't beleive people still say well lets deport Australian citizens just because they look arab when they cause trouble.  Does this mean when someone who is fifth generation scottish does something bad we send them back to Scotland?
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
mate i agree it is OUR problems, These are OUR people but on then again they dont themselfs as australians, i agree that given a chance arabs can be very nice people esspecially the older generations BUT on the other hand the older generations have had the same views as what the younger arabs, thus they have taught their children the same idealistic views..... just remember terrorism has been around longer than most players have been alive....

Deporation is a just cause, you try to get into australia illegally you get sent home, if non-citizens cause shit in OUR country they should be deported (given the crime was justified for the sentence). Other countries have apodted thhose policies, and they are going fine. Sure they have their days but on the whole everything runs smootherly.

In sydney itself these Leb gangs control alot of the streets, randomly bash, rape and pillage, like sydneys south west in Campbelltown is full of arab's and maroi's and coons, Canterbury is full of arabs, paramata and cabramata is full of asians (veitnamese mainly), and our multicultural differences are showing they want to be left to practise their own traditional ways and not adopt any australian culture yet they want us to be more tolerant.

Melburne is made up 40% asains, and it has the largest greek and italian community's outside of their countries, they have gang wars down there, but its mostly underground killings, where as lebs do it in public to the public.

Brisbane has a very high asain population base aswell, and at the end of the day, we are losing OUR country its been taken from us from the inside out, rather than traditional ways of conquering....

And again if these 2-3 generation arabs dont like it here i say FUCK OFF AND GO TO THE MIDDLE EAST, see how lucky you really are in Australia.

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
i dont think its the parents that start this mentality,

its started in schools.

in canberra there is a very defined group of "wogs" that all hang out together at schools and then afterwards in town.

they just seem to have their crowd and the Skips as they call us have our crowd. its just a clear cut line between the two major social groups that has caused this.
but its hard to tell them to fuck off as they are australian like you and me.

when it comes down to it all our blood lines are from other countries, so why should they leave becasue their skin is darker?

im not taking sides here as i partialy agree with everyone, im just trying to be realistic. aussies versus aussies is never going to end well.
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
i agree bloodline we are all from other countries, some came here free, others as convicts, but before all there was the coons, who killed another minor race to get this land....

but if we are all australians why dont they want to realise that, they are the socially inferrior with narrow mined views on the world and its people.... if they dont want to be australian why are they here, ruining everything for the rest of us, they are here causing shit to innocent people....

i still say WAKE UP, IF YA DONT LIKE IT FUCK OFF, GET OVER IT and live like normal fucking people..... my tax dollars go towards their dole payments.
These aren't race riots, although there is a race issue there for some of the rioters.

Here's the problem:

A bunch of people immigrate into Australia with totally different (and as it happens, totally inferior) values to the values which the Aussies possess (ie. being chilled-out, hard working, fun loving, not raping every girl they see in a bikini, etc).

Over the last 30 years at Cronulla beach, the local Muslim immigrants have made it more and more difficult for the Australians to go to the beach and enjoy themselves in peace. Over the last two or three years it has got much worse, and recently the local Muslims have been threatening female beach-goers with rape, generally harassing people, etc. It all came to a head when some Muslims were threatening to rape a girl and a lifeguard stepped in to protect her. They beat him up.

So the local Aussies organised themselves to go and "reclaim" the beach, but it turned into a riot in which some of the Aussies went of a "Leb bashing spree". So that was the race part - ie. some of the Aussies there simply didn't like "Lebs".

But the actual problem is one of a clash of cultures.

-In Islam, it is legal to rape a non-Muslim woman unless her non-Muslim society pays protection money to the Muslims (it's called the Jizzya Tax).
-In Islamic societies, if a woman is dressed "immodestly" the men think that she wants to be raped.
-In Islam, all other religions and cultures are sub-human, and the Muslims can loot and kill at will to eradicate those cultures.
-Since Islam is the superior way of life for mankind, a Muslim MUST NOT change his culture to suit the non-Muslims.
-Muslims call non-Muslims "Kafirs", which is a derogatory term. "Kafirs" is to non-Muslims as "N*ggers" is to black people.

So, have you worked out why there is a problem yet?

If not then I'll spell it out.

It is the same problem which plagues Europe and any place in which Muslims come into contact with non-Muslims. The Muslims demand that the host society changes to accommodate them, whereas because THEY are the immigrants, it is THEIR responsibility to change to suit their new host society.

The latest from Australia is that the unrest has spread to other cities and the Muslims have begun to attack churches, beat and stab more people, and cause more damage.

Last edited by xanthpi (2005-12-16 05:30:24)

+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
OHHHHHH PREACH THAT BROTHER..................... you summed up all my views..... i still say get rid of them.

philbymaris wrote:

OHHHHHH PREACH THAT BROTHER..................... you summed up all my views..... i still say get rid of them.
I don't think I did sum up all of your views, as I read another post of yours in which you claimed to be racist.

I am not racist, at least not above the baseline of racism (which all humans possess as racism is actually an evolutionary trait which allowed early tribal communities to survive against outsiders who wished to kill them).

The "racism" word gets thrown around so much it has now lost it's meaning.

The Australian problem is not one of race; it is one of ideology. It is not possible to be racist against an ideology. One can be no more racist against a Muslim as one could be racist against a Christian, a socialist or a faith healer. Islam is an ideology, not a race. There are only three "races" and then many "racial groups". Islam is not one of them.

Lebanese people are caucasian, as are all true Arabs. Muhammad himself had white skin.

With a possible exception of Chinese and Japanese (in general), Arabs are the most racist people on the planet (in general). It's no wonder than the Arabic word for "black" is also the same as for "slave" (the Arabic word is "abd").

This "clash of cultures/ ideologies" is one which could have been avoided, were it not for political correctness. Since Western countries are now full of an Islamic "fifth column", the problem has reached a stage in which something must be done. The solution is to say to these Muslims, "either you adopt the values of your host country or you go somewhere else". John Howard said something similar recently.

Us Europeans have (as usual) made a complete pig's ear of our own Muslim problem, so it is up to you Aussies to show us how it should be done. Don't give any ground to the Islamists. Every time you change to suit them, they will demand more and more changes, until before you know it you will have to cover up on the beach, alcohol sales will be banned, Christmas will be banned, etc, etc, etc. Then you won't be Aussies any more. And hey, I like Aussies!
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
Mate im reading ya loud and clear, it is an attack on the social fabric of australia, and trust us well sort these muslims out.... we in australia are slow to anger but when we do we dont stop until there is no-one leaft to oppose us.

This is a problem that is affecting the entire world, its just prevailent in australia at the moment, like france, america, a whole heap of places that the citizens are getting sick of arab shit....

I say NUKE MECCA, that will sort them out, no more Muhammad to go and worship, thus bringing a end to the islamic beliefs. I hope......

Xanthpi you are a smart person, and if i ever start my empire up, ill seek your knowlegde to help me....

The Great Aussie Empire, what do u think?


philbymaris wrote:

fuck you people dont have a clue...... how many off you are in australia (i am) not in sydney though, in brissy but still aussies are sick of the shit that these people have brought to our great land..... the arabs are BARBARIANS, they are backwards (thinking wise),  and alot of us consider them to be an infection.... If they dont like where they are, or who we aussies are i say FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO YOUR WAR RAVAGED PEICE OF SHIT OF A HOME BACK IN THE MIDDLE EAST,

they come here and gang rape our women, beat up elderly people, plan terrorist attacks, and generally fuck everything up for us decent australian citizens.

read my post on AUSSIES IN TROUBLE, in events file to get a better idea of the shit we put up with.

There are a lot of arabs at my school and they really fuck everything up. No disicpline whatsoever and sometimes i am seriously thinking about going home to their houses and have a lill campfire
However, i am actually a foreigner too, im from denmark, its like 15 minutes by boat, whatevaaah
I guess that the arabs have been targeted by native swedes for so long, so its like their time to be the rascists...
Just let them do that.

BTW, arent aussies supposed to sit in their bars, wearing trucker caps and drinking beer from their stubby holders and yelling ; bugger off to eachother? Wazzup down under. Lets nuke it just like the mideast
+0|7026|taree aus
In my dealings with all immigrants i have never come across one that supports the ideology's that exsist where they come from.  There's a reason they came here and that is obviously to escape from somewhere they didn't enjoy being.  However their children and grand-children seem to be adopting these old ideology's as an excuse to behave the way they do.
A bloke i went to school with was the son of pakastani immigrants.  He was born here had only ever been to pakistan once(for a couple of weeks).  His parents were really nice.  The father was a orthodontist the mother had something to do with the uni i don't even know what relegion they practiced as they didn't come across with any specific views.  However the son was an absolout fuckwit.  The most racist, sexist homophobe i have ever met.  He advocated rape on scantly clad women said hitler was the saviour of the world and drew up plans to take a high powered rifle to the gay mardi-gras.  We only had one jewish kid and the way he spoke and what he advocated in relation to him was revolting.  Now I know he didn't get these ideas from his parents.  He didn't bring them from pakistan.  He developed them here.
Use to love the look on his face when i offered him a bite of my pork sandwich!
I cheat.
+-6|7119|Sydney, Australia
im an aussie and live about 15 miles away from where it happened and i say KILL THE FUCKING LEBONESE!!
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia
My post on another thread.

I was wondering how long it would take before this is discussed. I was thinking about starting a thread myself.

For all the information go to Sydney Morning Herald.

I live in Sydney (northern) and am disgusted at the events that are occuring in south east sydney. This type of (as heart attack put it) "true blue" aussie patriotism is bullshit.

On the weekend over 5000 "aussies" took the the streets in a "street party". but due to the nice work of Mr. Alcohol, those 5000 people started a rampage through the streets targeting anyone of middle eastern appearance. In a SMS campaign by the organisers of the mob (to get more people), they called it "leb and wog bashing day".

Lebanese groups then retaliated on monday night. Over 400 took to the streets with cars and drag racing and that sort of crap. It turned ugly with them writing off hundreds of cars in "aussie" neighbourhoods.

I will draw particular attention to this article … 63919.html as an example of the chaos caused by the monday night riots.

The NSW (new south wales, sydney is its capital) Premier Morris Iemma hes recalled the NSW Government from its christmas recess to pass new legislation that will hopefully crack down on the hooligans.

Also in an attempt to cull the violance, the courts have done some "rapid justice" with the 1st person to be arrested in relation to the riots. Here is the article … 00385.html

And if you haven't had enough to read, here is an article sighting fears that this is spreading to other parts of the country. … 63916.html

There are a lot of arabs at my school and they really fuck everything up. No disicpline whatsoever...
Lol, about 5-6 weeks ago before sitting the School Certificate out history teacher said the 2 ethnic groups that do worst are Korean males and Arab males.

Last edited by mcminty (2005-12-16 22:29:22)

Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

But I'm wondering why the wogs are being targeted, I aint seen them do anything wrong.
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
In my opinion the wogs (which are considered mainly to be greek and italians) haven't done anything wrong, its the lebs, and other general arabic young people that are causing all the unrest in sydney and now other capital cities like Perth and Adelaide, even on the gold coast (south of Brisbane) they have been having problems..... but i tells ya, us aussies cant let them have any ground to play with, they demand under muslim culture that host countries must accomdate for their needs, problem being that it should be reversed, they should be accomdating to our need, THEY ARE ON OUR TURF, why should we change what we have been doing for 200 years when they are the ones who came to us. We let them in, i think thats good enough, we got them away from the oppession of their own homelands, the lest they could do is accomdate and conform to how we live, play and run our lifestyles.... at the end of the day its only fair.


Last edited by philbymaris (2005-12-16 23:21:52)

+0|7026|taree aus

Jestar12345 wrote:

But I'm wondering why the wogs are being targeted, I aint seen them do anything wrong.
From what i understand no "wogs" have been targeted (excuse me if im wrong).  In fact i think a few have been joining in.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

philbymaris wrote:

THEY ARE ON OUR TURF, why should we change what we have been doing for 200 years when they are the ones who came to us. We let them in, i think thats good enough, we got them away from the oppession of their own homelands, the lest they could do is accomdate and conform to how we live, play and run our lifestyles....
Funny that... weren't the aboriginals in Australia for an odd 40,000 years before we invaded *i mean colonised* this country?

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