
Todd_Angelo wrote:

Abstinuous wrote:

do u guys need arabic spelling in english letters? just give me the radio command u want
Serious? All of them would be nice!
I'm at work now, will do when I get home, later tonight

A'malun jayyid ayyu hal rijal!  (good work squad)
Grammar Nazi level 4
Here are some translations(?) that I *cough* acquired from some unnamed site. Apologies for the format, long post, and the lack of distinction between PLA and MEC, but I'm sure you'll figure it out...

(( ahtaaj ela thakheera )) meaning (( I need ammo ))

Hather (ok)

affirmative =Asma3ok--meaning ( I hear ya )
Sorry, My bad =  Asef Jedan--- meaning--(( I'm really sorry )

sniper = qanas

enemy troops = tahrokat el aadaa ---> meaning (( enemy movement )) as well..

okay USMC say UAV..MEC says ( al taera bedoon tayar ) meaning the airplane is without pilot!!!

qonmbula.... GRENADE!

ghair-momken... meaning ( Impossible )

MEC medic says ( hasanan laqad taafayet tahrak al aan ) meaning OK your recovered move now.

ahtaaj ela mos'ef    I need a medic!!

USMC: thanks, I owe you one  MEC: shokran, Odeen laka bewaaheda / Shookran Oqadura laka thalik

Ainal Moseef: Wheres the medic! (SL)
Grunt: Ahdirul Mosef: Ready/Bring the medic!
Grunt: Saqata Aheda Rejal (Calling for a medic) = Man down!

Ahdir El Asaafat Awallia Ella Hunaa: First Aid Here! Ahdir means ready, but it sounds wierd if i translate it word for word.
Nahtaj Esaafatul Awallia Hunna: Need First Aid Here!

Oulema = Roger That

Commander's Negative = Ghair Momkin/Kala

SL's negative = Mustaheal

"hamila jonood musalaha takhoss el a'daa" meaning literally word by word "carrier infantry armed spoted ennemy" but you translate it into "we spoted an enemy armed infantry carrier!"

mn qiyadat firqat Al-Nidaa2 .. saytarna 3ala el mawqi3 wa nata7arrak lil mohimma al taliya, intaha ! " this is Nidaa2 division command ... we have secured the outpost and are moving to the next objective

" al tayara min doen tayyaar gheer motawaffira laqad dommirat minassat al itlaaq "  the UAV is not available because the launching facility is destroyed

Jary el bath el hay min el taïra bidoen tayyaar ( the live transmission from the UAV has started )

Hal Tasmaaoni ) yes that means : do you hear me?


ahtaj ila mos'if hona = I need a medic here
nahtajo fariq alislah bisr'ah = we need repairs quick
ahtaj ila mos'if bisor'ah = I need a medic here quick
Konbola = grenade (Same as frag out)
wahadat ela'ada tataharrak = enemy units on the move
nahtajo fariq al-islah hona = we need repairs here
ahdir mazidan min al-thakirah ila hona = ammo here (wrong translation!)
ahdir al-is'afat ala'waleih ila hona = first aid here (wrong translation)
intadir kalilan nafadat minni aldakirah = wait! I need ammo!
konbolah dokaneih ala altarik = smoke grenade
la saidi = negative!
hader = roger!
asif zamil = sorry!
na'tadir lakad akta't = sorry! I screwed up!
shokran ayoha albatal = thanks champ
irkab bisorah = get in
adkil alarabah = get in (wrong translation)
satanfod aldakerah minna nahtajo almazeed = I am bingo on ammo
atlob elawamir hawwil = requesting orders, over!
ahtaj ila tawsilah = i need a ride
akrijoni min hona = get me out of here
nahtaj ila da'm hal tasma'oni = requesing reinforcement do you copy
nahtaj ila ba'd almosa'adah hona = we need support here do you copy
lakad dommira aljisr ya saidi = brdige destroyed
athart ala battayat a'daa modadah li-ta'yrat = enemy aa spotted
modadat tayarat takos al'adaa = enemy aa spotted
hamilat jonod mosallah takos al'adaa = enemy apc spotted
dahar karib lil a'daa = enemy boat spotted
arabat adaa = enemy car
aladaa ala altarik = enemy units on the move/spotted
wahadat al adaa tataharrak = enemy units on the move/spotted
tam alta'arrof ala marwaheih lil adaa = enemy chopper spotted
marwaheih lil adaa fil mintakah hawwil = hostile slick inboud, over!
sareih lil adaa =enemy infantry spotted
jonod al adaa ala al'ard = enemy infantry spotted
ta'irah lil adaa = enemy jet spotted
ta'irat al adaa fawkana hawwil = enemy jet spotted, over!
algam takos al adaa = enemy mines spotted
kannas = sniper
wasalatna modarra'ah lil adaa = enemy tank spotted
orkodo = bail out (wrong translation!)
ikfizo ba'idan = bail out
itba'ni = follow me
okrojo biso'ah = get out, quick!
falnataharrak = go go go (or let's move)
hayya intalik = go go go
thalik gair momkin = no way!
awkif itlak annar = cease fire! (for friendly fire)
sata'ish ayoha aljondi, od ilan ila alkital = you will live buddy! now get back to the fight!
laka dalika = roger!
-lakad istawla al adaa ala ihda annikat = the enemy has taken an outpost

-tamakkanna min assaytarah ala al adaa, tabi'o bijohd akbar ayoha al jonood = the enemy is in control work harder solders (your team is bleeding tickets) (wrong translation! means exactly the oppisite!)

-innana naksaro al ma'rakah, ibda alkital wa illa idtararto li ijad shakain gaderin ala al kital = we are losing this battle, start fighting or I will find someone who can

-ista'adna alsaytarah, ahsantom = control restored, well done!

-ista'adna alsaytarah mojaddadan, amalon jaeid ayoha rijal = we regained control, good work men! (ticket bleeding stopped)

-innana naksar alkatheer min alrijal yomnatan wa yosrah, hal tasma'oni = we are losing men left and right, do you copy?

-tazizatona ala washak annafad = we are running low on reinforcements

-ladaina kasaeir katherah, 7awwil = we are taking casualities, over!

-ad'afa al adaa mawaqi mohimmah, 7awwil = enemy weakening keep positions, over

-tamma masih al mantikah wa hia tahta assaytarah = position cleard and under control

-tamma masih jamee'i almanatik, almawki tahata alsaytarah, intaha = all clear, position under control

-fakadna alsaytarah ala ihda annikat = we've lost control of an outpost

-tamma al istila ala ihda annikat = that post is being overrun

Dabbaba lil adaa fil mantiqa, hawwel : enemy tank inbound, over !

Qannaas ! : Sniper !

wahadaat al adaa... natlob tadakhol al midfaeyya ! : enemy forces , requesting artilery !

innana nakhsar al kathier min al rijaal yomnatan wa yosra , hal tasmaoni ? : we are losing too many men left and right, do you copy ?

Al midfaeyya totliq al nieraan ! : artilery firing !

sayyidi ... ahtaaj hona ila daam al midfaeyya ! : i need artilery support over here sir !

kalla ! : negative !

tamma itlaak al saroekh !! : missile released !

Al Saroekh otlik ! okarrir .. Al saroekh otlik !! : fox one .. FOX ONE !

atbakna ala al hadaf wahowa fil marma ! : i got lock on a target !

jari al shahn : recharging !

antom aswa firqa shahadtoha hatta al aan ! : ur the worst squad i've ever seen !

3olima ! = understood ! ( btw .. this is how they realy say it in arabian armies .. )

innana nakhsar al maaraka !! Ibda al qitaal wa illa ittararto li iejadi shakhsin qadir ala al qitaal !! : we are losing the battle !! Start foghting or i will find some one who can !!

taaziezatona ala washk al nafaad !! : our reinforcments are almost .... ( dunno the english word ... its like : finished , done, used .. )

sa nanqol ila al difaa hona ! : we are going over to defence here !

taharrak bisor3a ! ohjom hona ! : move quick ! attack here !

tamma tadmier al jisir ! : bridge is destroyed !

tamma islaah al jisir ! : bridge has been repaired !

tamma itlaaq konbola ! : granade !!

asif zamiel ! sorry chief !

asif jidan ! : very sorry !

a3tathir ! ana al mokhti ! : sorry ! my fault !

shokran ! okaddiro laka thalik ! : thnx , much appreciated !

istaadna al saytara mojaddadan ! amalon jayyid ayoha al rijaal ! : we are back in buisnis again ! good work men !


Message: I need a pickup!

Original: Hey, Wo Xu Yao Ye Ge Jiao Tong Gong Ju!

Translation: Hey, I need a form of transportation!

Made a mistake, it wasn't public transport. Public would be 'Gong Gong Jiao Tong'. Mixed up there.


Message: I need a medic!

Original: Wo Xu Yao Yi Ming Yi Sheng!

Translation: I need a doctor!

Wow, the PLA can afford to hire doctors to send into the battlefield


Message: Hit it!

Original: Gan Diao Ta!

Translation: Finish it off!


Message: Alright, you're good to go!

Original: (something), ne hao hao qu zuo ba!

Translation: (something), go work on it nicely!


Message: Go! Go! Go!

Original: Kuai! Kuai! Kuai!

Translation: Fast! Fast! Fast!

Edit:----This is the end of my spam/post. Apologies to everybody. And I guess there's hardly any chinese in here at all. Any help with Zhong when would be appreciated. Ganbatte! (not chinese )

Last edited by Deety (2006-10-13 13:02:14)

Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6819|Houston, Texas

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

So I'm curious. All of that giberish that I hear when I play as MEC or Chinese, is that authentic arabic and chinese or not?

Either way, I think it's a slightly unfair advantage toward the USMC players. Unless you speak fluent chinese/arabic, you will always have to watch the messages and the map to be sure of important stuff. With the Marines, you know when the arty is coming near, you know when an enemy tank is approaching, you know if your base is under attack and you know without ever having to read a thing.

I know that they can't do English with arabic/chinese accents for legal reasons, but there has to be a better solution.
Why can't they do English with accents for legal reasons? Joint Operations has a bunch of diffrent voices, all with diffrent accents.
I Hate Claymores
I just learned to understand one word in MEC after playing lots of Gator. If you hera UMPULA (something like that) run like hell their nade spamming you.

Deety wrote:

a3tathir ! ana al mokhti ! : sorry ! my fault !
yeah that's pretty much it, thanks for saving me my time

Deety wrote:

Ganbatte! (not chinese )
Thats Japanese BTW for those who didn't know.

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