
Would you consider/have engaged in premarital sex?

Yes, already been there and done that.66%66% - 209
Yes, I will if I get the chance to/grow up.18%18% - 59
Undecided, need to learn more.5%5% - 17
Definitely not, it's wrong.9%9% - 29
Total: 314
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

sergeriver wrote:

"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying: We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, take away our reproach." - Isaias 4:1

Bible is all about sex.
The Bible 2: Bigger, Badder and Uncut!
+385|6804|Northern California

sergeriver wrote:

"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying: We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, take away our reproach." - Isaias 4:1

Bible is all about sex.
Ah yes, Isaiah saw how in this day, (1844-1890) that plural marriage would be restored to the earth, which complies with the new testament scripture (acts...2? i think) saying "all things" will be restored meaning that ALL of God's practices/laws will be restored, even if for a small time. 

And as usual, there was an actual (not just for sex) version of it practiced, and unfortunately there was a (for sex only) version practiced..and it's still practiced by some fools in Utah and other places.

And the quote you're using is referencing the god commanded one, hence the part saying we will eat our own bread, wear our own clothes, and let us carry your name so that we are spoken for...etc, etc.  In concubines and whoredoms, they were much like slaves wearing what they were told to wear, and they had no surname given them.
+4|6946|Vancouver, BC
life's about sex...even in stories ie Lord of the Flies (symbolism ofcourse)...o yea i'm a atheist (sp?) too
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker


Well I'm saying that having seen it many times, and having done it countless times over 15 years.
As have I, it's great!  I love talking to other committed Christians about what God has done in their lives in big and small ways.  I've had the pleasure of seeing doctors amazed when tumors they just saw disappear after prayer.  They have no medical explanation and rightly credit God.  I personally saw my sister miraculously missed by a speeding semi when she ran right in front of it at 8 years old.  She started to run across, my mom screamed at her to stop, but she kept running and the semi who was doing the road speed limit stopped in less than 100 feet without slamming on its brakes.  The semi should've easily crushed her.  She told us afterward that she heard someone whisper, "Keep running" and she did.  Whether is was her guardian angel or God himself, I don't know.  Deny it if you want, atheists, I saw it with my own eyes.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-10-11 17:01:45)

+385|6804|Northern California

Bertster7 wrote:


Bertster7 wrote:

I doubt that very much.
Well I'm saying that having seen it many times, and having done it countless times over 15 years.
So, why do you believe the bible is a work of god? (Not just a collection of myths and stories that have been edited and re-edited over 1000s of years)
Not a chance pal.  I won't share my sacred experiences with you in this public forum just like you'd never tell me what your most intimate experience was.  Besides, I've already done so before against my better judgment.  Sorry.
+385|6804|Northern California

Stingray24 wrote:


Well I'm saying that having seen it many times, and having done it countless times over 15 years.
As have I, it's great!  I love talking to other committed Christians about what God has done in their lives in big and small ways.  I've had the pleasure of seeing doctors amazed when tumors they just saw disappear after prayer.  They have no medical explanation and rightly credit God.  I personally saw my sister miraculously missed by a speeding semi when she ran right in front of it at 8 years old.  She started to run across, my mom screamed at her to stop, but she kept running and the semi who was doing the road speed limit stopped in less than 100 feet without slamming on its brakes.  The semi should've easily crushed her.  She told us afterward that she heard someone whisper, "Keep running" and she did.  Whether is was her guardian angel or God himself, I don't know.  Deny it if you want, atheists, I saw it with my own eyes.
Word.  This is a good point.  If any of you atheists out there dismiss healings as poor medical practice, or flukes, or other phenomenons, just go visit some surgeons and doctors.  I've seen too many miracles myself (having performed healing ordinances) to ever doubt.  But again, if you don't want to understand how you can prove things that are spiritual, you will just continue to say it isn't real or true..ignorantly...sadly.

And this is also an example of how religious people have a better handle on life (to jonsimon).  If we aren't living in fear because we have the big picture, i fail to see how we'd not understand life better.  Is it more of a benefit to have goals to shoot for because you know you'll continue to live after this life?  To tell you the truth, I don't see how I could live without knowing what I know.  If I didn't know what I know, then I'd be scared to death everytime Bush spoke of impending doom, or I would have gone out and purchased thyroid blocking pills in case we get nuked!  I'd have gone and purchased guns after 9/11!  I'd not know how to best serve my family, care for my children...endless things would change if I didn't know what I know.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-10-11 17:12:56)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Vub wrote:

By its definition, fornication means sex outside of marriage, which can be understood as sex when you're not married. To a Christian, premarital sex is not allowed because sex is sacred, but to some non-Christians, premarital sex is unethical.

From reading certain posts on this forum, it seems like the ritual of going to a bar, meeting someone and then having a one night stand, after which the two people would once again become strangers is a club of which some people are members. From this I gather it is quite common in the different parts of the world (mostly advanced nations and the newly industrialised nations) for this to occur, and people no longer look at it in disdain. Perhaps a shift of the social paradigm had occurred some time over the past 20 years led by American popular culture to have warranted this previously prohibited display of salaciousness.

I would like to pose this question to the BF2s community: Would you have pre-marital sex? If yes, what do you feel about it? If not, what do you think stops you from doing it?
If you want to get technical, its not premarital if you dont marry her. So therefore all of those spring breaks I went to in college dont count.
Malloy must go
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America

.|microphage wrote:

life's about sex...even in stories ie Lord of the Flies (symbolism ofcourse)...o yea i'm a atheist (sp?) too
I don't recall any sex symbolism in LotF, it's also a bunch of young boys for that matter...
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

DesertFox423 wrote:

.|microphage wrote:

life's about sex...even in stories ie Lord of the Flies (symbolism ofcourse)...o yea i'm a atheist (sp?) too
I don't recall any sex symbolism in LotF, it's also a bunch of young boys for that matter...
Was Congressman foley in it too then?
Bring a Towel

I'm going to HELL.
feeding the BF2S community since 2005.....
ID HIT THAT.........................twice
The Power of Two
+188|6808|Sydney, Australia

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Vub wrote:

By its definition, fornication means sex outside of marriage, which can be understood as sex when you're not married. To a Christian, premarital sex is not allowed because sex is sacred, but to some non-Christians, premarital sex is unethical.

From reading certain posts on this forum, it seems like the ritual of going to a bar, meeting someone and then having a one night stand, after which the two people would once again become strangers is a club of which some people are members. From this I gather it is quite common in the different parts of the world (mostly advanced nations and the newly industrialised nations) for this to occur, and people no longer look at it in disdain. Perhaps a shift of the social paradigm had occurred some time over the past 20 years led by American popular culture to have warranted this previously prohibited display of salaciousness.

I would like to pose this question to the BF2s community: Would you have pre-marital sex? If yes, what do you feel about it? If not, what do you think stops you from doing it?
If you want to get technical, its not premarital if you dont marry her. So therefore all of those spring breaks I went to in college dont count.
Really! I thought pre-marital sex just means having sex before you get married, to anyone, even people you don't intend to marry anyway. OK, I stand corrected.
2 old & slow to pwnd U
+5|6761|Alice Springs
I was a virgin on my wedding day. I always looked at it as a trust & respect issue - but I am now a born again Christian, and have discovered that this is God's way all along.

I was an atheist for most of my teen years and got right into the stuff pushed by Eric von Daniken (UFO's and space men stuff). but I kept an open mind - and after investigating Christianity I made a decision to accept Jesus and Repented.

Please don't flame me - I don't engage in tit for tat name calling - or debates with closed minded "atheists".
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

I_SUCK_999 wrote:

I was a virgin on my wedding day. I always looked at it as a trust & respect issue - but I am now a born again Christian, and have discovered that this is God's way all along.

I was an atheist for most of my teen years and got right into the stuff pushed by Eric von Daniken (UFO's and space men stuff). but I kept an open mind - and after investigating Christianity I made a decision to accept Jesus and Repented.

Please don't flame me - I don't engage in tit for tat name calling - or debates with closed minded "atheists".
Well since you already have a disdain for atheists you can screw off somewhere else.
Ah, pre-marital sex, reason I'm going to hell #2176.

This topic reminds me of an awesome episode of Dispatches on Channel 4 in the UK. They documented attempts in a town in the US to get kids to take a vow of abstinance and avoid sex education. The result was I think around 90% failed and, as they didn't have and condoms, one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy and STD infections in the entire US.


Stingray24 wrote:


Well I'm saying that having seen it many times, and having done it countless times over 15 years.
As have I, it's great!  I love talking to other committed Christians about what God has done in their lives in big and small ways.  I've had the pleasure of seeing doctors amazed when tumors they just saw disappear after prayer.  They have no medical explanation and rightly credit God.  I personally saw my sister miraculously missed by a speeding semi when she ran right in front of it at 8 years old.  She started to run across, my mom screamed at her to stop, but she kept running and the semi who was doing the road speed limit stopped in less than 100 feet without slamming on its brakes.  The semi should've easily crushed her.  She told us afterward that she heard someone whisper, "Keep running" and she did.  Whether is was her guardian angel or God himself, I don't know.  Deny it if you want, atheists, I saw it with my own eyes.
Word.  This is a good point.  If any of you atheists out there dismiss healings as poor medical practice, or flukes, or other phenomenons, just go visit some surgeons and doctors.  I've seen too many miracles myself (having performed healing ordinances) to ever doubt.  But again, if you don't want to understand how you can prove things that are spiritual, you will just continue to say it isn't real or true..ignorantly...sadly.
A few questions.

Why doesn't God cure amputees?

Why would God cure a very small portion, but leave the rest to pain, suffering and death?

Do you really believe that if nobody is praying for you, God lets you die, but if a couple of people pray then you get to live?

Why is it that when people try experiments to prove this they always turn out the same?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Oh great. Now ^^^ this guy warped it into does God exist again. I'm not even going to dignify these questions with an answer.

Bernadictus wrote:

Vub wrote:

By its definition, fornication means sex outside of marriage, which can be understood as sex when you're not married. To a Christian, premarital sex is not allowed because sex is sacred, but to some non-Christians, premarital sex is unethical.

From reading certain posts on this forum, it seems like the ritual of going to a bar, meeting someone and then having a one night stand, after which the two people would once again become strangers is a club of which some people are members. From this I gather it is quite common in the different parts of the world (mostly advanced nations and the newly industrialised nations) for this to occur, and people no longer look at it in disdain. Perhaps a shift of the social paradigm had occurred some time over the past 20 years led by American popular culture to have warranted this previously prohibited display of salaciousness.

I would like to pose this question to the BF2s community: Would you have pre-marital sex? If yes, what do you feel about it? If not, what do you think stops you from doing it?
You really need to come into the 21st century... That is all I am going to say...
agreed my answer HELL YE

Stingray24 wrote:


Well I'm saying that having seen it many times, and having done it countless times over 15 years.
As have I, it's great!  I love talking to other committed Christians about what God has done in their lives in big and small ways.  I've had the pleasure of seeing doctors amazed when tumors they just saw disappear after prayer.  They have no medical explanation and rightly credit God.  I personally saw my sister miraculously missed by a speeding semi when she ran right in front of it at 8 years old.  She started to run across, my mom screamed at her to stop, but she kept running and the semi who was doing the road speed limit stopped in less than 100 feet without slamming on its brakes.  The semi should've easily crushed her.  She told us afterward that she heard someone whisper, "Keep running" and she did.  Whether is was her guardian angel or God himself, I don't know.  Deny it if you want, atheists, I saw it with my own eyes.
What if someone really did say keep running, and sometimes peoples tumors are cured because their bodies are physically capable and they have really healthy bodies that can kill tumors.
The Power of Two
+188|6808|Sydney, Australia

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:


Well I'm saying that having seen it many times, and having done it countless times over 15 years.
As have I, it's great!  I love talking to other committed Christians about what God has done in their lives in big and small ways.  I've had the pleasure of seeing doctors amazed when tumors they just saw disappear after prayer.  They have no medical explanation and rightly credit God.  I personally saw my sister miraculously missed by a speeding semi when she ran right in front of it at 8 years old.  She started to run across, my mom screamed at her to stop, but she kept running and the semi who was doing the road speed limit stopped in less than 100 feet without slamming on its brakes.  The semi should've easily crushed her.  She told us afterward that she heard someone whisper, "Keep running" and she did.  Whether is was her guardian angel or God himself, I don't know.  Deny it if you want, atheists, I saw it with my own eyes.
What if someone really did say keep running, and sometimes peoples tumors are cured because their bodies are physically capable and they have really healthy bodies that can kill tumors.
But then how did the semi stop?

Vub wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

As have I, it's great!  I love talking to other committed Christians about what God has done in their lives in big and small ways.  I've had the pleasure of seeing doctors amazed when tumors they just saw disappear after prayer.  They have no medical explanation and rightly credit God.  I personally saw my sister miraculously missed by a speeding semi when she ran right in front of it at 8 years old.  She started to run across, my mom screamed at her to stop, but she kept running and the semi who was doing the road speed limit stopped in less than 100 feet without slamming on its brakes.  The semi should've easily crushed her.  She told us afterward that she heard someone whisper, "Keep running" and she did.  Whether is was her guardian angel or God himself, I don't know.  Deny it if you want, atheists, I saw it with my own eyes.
What if someone really did say keep running, and sometimes peoples tumors are cured because their bodies are physically capable and they have really healthy bodies that can kill tumors.
But then how did the semi stop?

DesertFox423 wrote:

Oh great. Now ^^^ this guy warped it into does God exist again. I'm not even going to dignify these questions with an answer.
Firstly, I never said God doesn't exist, I just asked a few sensible questions about God's `healing people who pray` system. It seems strange that if you sever your spinal column and can't walk you can get healed by God but if your legs get removed you can't.
Secondly, he threw the word ignorant out there so I figured I should return the favour.



the point of this forum is for serious debate and talk.  if you can't abide, please show  yourself the way out.
QFT- if you're going to be a dickhead about it get the fuck out

Bertster7 wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Point taken. My main problem though is that prositution is unnatural whereas sexual attraction leading to sex between two consenting adults is natural and Vub appears to be misguidedly equating the two.
I'm not going to draw a comparison between the following and sexual urges, but I'd like to issue another point:

Violent urges are natural, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is good for civilized society to outright engage in murderous anarchy with abandon.
Acting on violent urges hurts other people. Acting on sexual urges doesn't necessarily hurt anyone, it could do if you were to go out and rape someone, but that's not what is under discussion. Sex between two consenting adults is no ones business but their own and doesn't harm anyone - in fact two people get to have a good time.

James-m wrote:

Vub wrote:

By its definition, fornication means sex outside of marriage, which can be understood as sex when you're not married. To a Christian, premarital sex is not allowed because sex is sacred, but to some non-Christians, premarital sex is unethical.

I would like to pose this question to the BF2s community: Would you have pre-marital sex? If yes, what do you feel about it? If not, what do you think stops you from doing it?
i believe you need to get out more...
I agree.



the point of this forum is for serious debate and talk.  if you can't abide, please show  yourself the way out.
Leave him alone, he made a perfectly valid point.
no he didnt

Mr.H@x0r wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

Vub wrote:

By its definition, fornication means sex outside of marriage, which can be understood as sex when you're not married. To a Christian, premarital sex is not allowed because sex is sacred, but to some non-Christians, premarital sex is unethical.

From reading certain posts on this forum, it seems like the ritual of going to a bar, meeting someone and then having a one night stand, after which the two people would once again become strangers is a club of which some people are members. From this I gather it is quite common in the different parts of the world (mostly advanced nations and the newly industrialised nations) for this to occur, and people no longer look at it in disdain. Perhaps a shift of the social paradigm had occurred some time over the past 20 years led by American popular culture to have warranted this previously prohibited display of salaciousness.

I would like to pose this question to the BF2s community: Would you have pre-marital sex? If yes, what do you feel about it? If not, what do you think stops you from doing it?
You really need to come into the 21st century... That is all I am going to say...
agreed my answer HELL YE
Get over it, you guys say this cos you've got nothing meaningful to say


Stingray24 wrote:


Well I'm saying that having seen it many times, and having done it countless times over 15 years.
As have I, it's great!  I love talking to other committed Christians about what God has done in their lives in big and small ways.  I've had the pleasure of seeing doctors amazed when tumors they just saw disappear after prayer.  They have no medical explanation and rightly credit God.  I personally saw my sister miraculously missed by a speeding semi when she ran right in front of it at 8 years old.  She started to run across, my mom screamed at her to stop, but she kept running and the semi who was doing the road speed limit stopped in less than 100 feet without slamming on its brakes.  The semi should've easily crushed her.  She told us afterward that she heard someone whisper, "Keep running" and she did.  Whether is was her guardian angel or God himself, I don't know.  Deny it if you want, atheists, I saw it with my own eyes.
Word.  This is a good point.  If any of you atheists out there dismiss healings as poor medical practice, or flukes, or other phenomenons, just go visit some surgeons and doctors.  I've seen too many miracles myself (having performed healing ordinances) to ever doubt.  But again, if you don't want to understand how you can prove things that are spiritual, you will just continue to say it isn't real or true..ignorantly...sadly.

And this is also an example of how religious people have a better handle on life (to jonsimon).  If we aren't living in fear because we have the big picture, i fail to see how we'd not understand life better.  Is it more of a benefit to have goals to shoot for because you know you'll continue to live after this life?  To tell you the truth, I don't see how I could live without knowing what I know.  If I didn't know what I know, then I'd be scared to death everytime Bush spoke of impending doom, or I would have gone out and purchased thyroid blocking pills in case we get nuked!  I'd have gone and purchased guns after 9/11!  I'd not know how to best serve my family, care for my children...endless things would change if I didn't know what I know.
Thanks for implying I'm ignorant for not being religious. You can't prove "miracles", sorry. If I see something miraclulous, I would rather be humble and assume I don't understand what I saw than be found guilty of the sin of pride. Yes, I just implied you are doomed to hell.

Better handle than what? How can you say you have a "better handle on life" than I do, if you do not know how I live mine? I don't live in fear. I have one goal, to do what is right, and I am my own validation.

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