ATG wrote:
It all is coming back because of;
1) the Clinton robots claim to have done what they could to stop OBL
2) democrats using war as politics when they fail at the helm
3) the wicked Hillary Clinton will likely make a serious bid for the whitehouse, and she was there and had a say in his policies.
If she is to be taken seriously as a polititian because of what...being the presidents wife, and be credited as being the smartest woman alive, and credit for trying to change our health care system, then she must also take the heat for the bad things that happened when they were in power.
If she gets to run on his record then we get to call her on his record, and Sandy Burgler destroyed the evidence, so once again, democrats get a free pass.
1) Clinton himself responded to that POS made for TV drama "Path to 9/11" which was nothing more than a political smear to shift blame from Bush to CLinton. Clinton responded by raping chris wallace and telling the truth...undisputed truths.
2) dems are using war as politics? who runs the three branches of government? how did dems fail at the helm when frist and hastert are at the helm? dems are pointing out failed policies left and right (pelosi specifically) and offering solutions that are falling on deaf ears..
3) hehe, wicked hillary clinton.. please, tell me something she's wicked for. and how do you gather she's making a serious bid for the white house? is it because right wing blogs are going nuts trying to research everything they can to smear her with cuz they fear her most? nah, i doubt she'd win. there's much better candidates out there. Ihope she doesn't win actually, but not because she's evil. and what's with calling people evil? is she an 'evil-doer?' hehe
Oh, what's the free pass dems will get? Are they free passes like repubs have been getting for 6 years as they waste their free pass on crap like flag burning, gay marriage, and other useless measures when there's war to oversight, 49 million without healthcare, insane debt because they can't stop spending (which is what they say dems do), poverty in the so-called greatest, freeest nation on earth?