
How good is POE2? Give your score to it.

10-952%52% - 124
8-734%34% - 81
6-55%5% - 13
Less than 58%8% - 20
Total: 238
8/10. Just wait till the mod is finished, then do this poll again. I can't wait for USA and Russia to be added
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6909|California U.S.A

it's just for the facts that the graphics aren't as tight as Bf2.

The sounds:
weapons, helos, aircraft are great better than bf2

It's refreshing:
the caliber of players without the points/ranking system is great, I've always been on great teamwork squads when I play. When compaired to bf2 this might happen 10-15% of the time with POE it seems to happen 80%of the time

In conclusion, if the graphics were better if would be a 10
All in all the mod is OK.
Only drawback is the idiots who dont know how to play the 'cap the flag infront of  you first' version. It really sucks tryin to defend a flag when half your dam team is at the farthest end of the map tryin to take a flag that will never move. And to top it off these noobs dont even notice the flag not moving so they just sit there waiting.
Germans did 911
+427|7001|Disaster Free Zone
Very disapointed. Less then 5 more like 3.
Too many vehicles. And I mean Way too many vehicles, like 5 times too many.
The maps look nice and all but theres basically afew buildings then nothing, then a few buildings then nothing... get rid of the nothing and have a few buildings then a few more buldings.
Maps too big. Look above.
Guns to inacurate except the snipers which are deadly accurate every shot.
It was just boring to play. As someone already said if your not in a tank you die. And tanks are boring.
Commander job is just Right click spot but you don't get even a 'scan' so you either have to zoom everywhere or just random spot and get '?''enemy forces spotted' everywhere.
I don't know what all this 'extra' teamwork people are talking about because I saw none of it, Infact there was probably even less with people just doing there own thing.

I'll give it another try but atm am very dissapointed in what looked like a really good mod. I love the idea of the artillary but when no one spots whats the fucking point...
+1|6746|just north of hell
Well , I give it a 12, yeah  a freakin TWELVE... You just have to play and get used to it, it was the same with the first POE.. Like DC was totally different than 1942.  The gameplay is more thought out. You must play with a squad, or you will get pwned..  Sure , most of the maps are wide open, and FULL of vehicles.. But how can you complain about AA that works, and ARTI that takes a little skill..  Well , anyway, the best part of the game is that it is NOT ranked(even though they are working on bringing ranks to it)... there are "secret weapons" all over the place

And if you want Infantry firefights... Fallen cant be beat... Orel is great also... and if you want a Karkand replacement on a infantry level..Dnister River Valley 16 is absolutely freakin crazy.. alley fire fights that make the hotel alley look like a cakewalk :0

13 maps right now, and many more in the works, more game modes and AA THAT WORKS, what else can you ask for??

Awe, the graphics are not as tight as Vanilla.. I turned my settings down anyway for better gameplay... sure it is a beautiful game, but really, do you care what the skin on the APC that just pwned the whole squad looks like?.. just one mans opinion.. rant over   
Germans did 911
+427|7001|Disaster Free Zone

theeANGELofDEATH wrote:

And if you want Infantry firefights... Fallen cant be beat... Orel is great also... and if you want a Karkand replacement on a infantry level..Dnister River Valley 16 is absolutely freakin crazy.. alley fire fights that make the hotel alley look like a cakewalk :0
karkand shits me.
I havent played fallen or Orel yet but 2 good maps doesn't make for a good mod, and its not worth spending hours playing 11 shit maps to get to the good ones when I could go play SF and only ahve to put up with 2 bad maps (which really arnt that bad).
I like maps like Sharqi (with no helis), Masshtuur, surge, ghost town, Iron gator (when MEC get on the carrier) warlord (unless theres whores playing), night flight and devils perch. I'd also like to point out I hate IO but POE has gone in the exact oposite way and put in way way way to many tanks/apcs. It eliminates the need for 4 of the 7 kits.
Sniper: you can spot tanks but thats about it.
Medic: Everyone who dies is in a tank so cant be revived/healed plus you cant dmg tanks.
Support: no one needs ammo because there in tanks and the gun can't dmg enemy tanks
assualt: was always usless but now even more so with no infantry to kill

Which leaves:
Spec-Ops: you can use yor C4 but nothing else is any good
Anti Tank: Mines are great and you have your AT rockets to but other then that your usless
Engineer: repairs things, has mines and has a shoty for any infantry... looks like everyone should play engineer in POE to be successful.

Shrink the maps by 30% and change three quarters of the armor to transports, get rid of half the planes/choppers and you may get an interesting game but as it is now its just plain boring and shit.
Your Favorite Whiny Liberal
+8|6825|Alabama, United States

sergeriver wrote:

I think one of POE2 great things is it is unranked.  Things to fix: the weapons accuracy, the endurance of the vehicles, the tickets are a lot to finish the match, the graphics aren't as smooth as BF2.
First off, ticket count is server determined...
Second, what is this "weapon accuracy problem" you are having? The only thing I can think of would be that PoE2's weapons don't handle the same way BF2's weapons do, I.E. Don't spray and pray, or fire at long range while standing.
And I don't know what you mean by "Endurance of the vehicles"
If you mean that tanks can take multiple AT rockets, or that it takes multiple tank shells to destroy tanks, remember that the tank's armor can EASILY reflect shells not fired at good angles to the armor, and take reduced damage from rounds not fired at a straight on angle.
+1|6746|just north of hell
well drunkface. for some one who plays alot in vehicles, you seem to not like others having them... Or is it you just like the game?? and three rounds? which maps? .. let me guess Snow bound.. or Highway to hell? as they are popular with the public already.. maybe not
Yeah some of the maps are big and spread out.. which demands some teamwork , not for the lone wolf rambo type player
maybe that is why I am partial to it.. as I am getting sick of the lonewolf attitude of the pubbers in BF2
maybe it is cuz I have been playing in leagues with teamplayers, it has made me expect more from others
+100|6819|State of RETOXification
Great MOD.

Great maps, best I've seen for a battlefield game.  Apart from one or two small gripes I really like this MOD.  If EA would rank it it would be all I would play... besides Jalalabad.
rapes face
9 out of 10, one of the most memoreable and impressive mods I've played in a while.
UD-6 Talon Whore
+14|6877|Ellisville, MS
only thing i don't like about it,, if you just touch a tree with a helo your dead, if it wasn't for that i'd give it a 10, but 9 for me

Books_DCDF wrote:

As the name implies, they fire a high explosive fragmentation round that explodes outward in a 365 degree radius, ripping up surrounding targets with shrapnel and the explosive shock wave (much like a hand grenade does).
... in what dimension does the extra 5 degrees go to? I've alway tot the maximum is 360 degrees...... i do know we have 365 days in a year....
+252|7024|Sextupling in Empire

Some of the maps are good. The sound effects rock!

But everything else is FUBAR!
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6909|California U.S.A

Seal 3 wrote:


it's just for the facts that the graphics aren't as tight as Bf2.

The sounds:
weapons, helos, aircraft are great better than bf2

It's refreshing:
the caliber of players without the points/ranking system is great, I've always been on great teamwork squads when I play. When compaired to bf2 this might happen 10-15% of the time with POE it seems to happen 80%of the time

In conclusion, if the graphics were better if would be a 10
Hmm after playing more POE maps I am giving it a 9.5 instead of my original score of 8... the graphics are fine upon further review I noticed I had turned down my video settings and forgot to turn them back up.

If you'll excuse me I need to go and catch the ShortBus.
+1,153|6950|Washington, DC

I give it a 7.

-Great graphics

-Great sounds

-Maps are pretty

-Maps are also kinda huge =/ except for Orel and Fallen

-Tanks are boring

-Infantry can be fun and boring

-There IS a bit more teamwork than in BF2, but I still manage to stumble on badly organized teams

It's pretty good for a debut but it just needs tweaking to make it better. It didn't meet my expectations though; I was following the mod for a while and I expected to be blown away to Saturn. After playing it though, it blew me to the Moon =/ but if they address all the gameplay issues then no doubt I'll get shot off to Saturn =p
+-2|7020|England, UK
6. Graphics put me off. I run at max graphics settings, even 4 sample AA. POE doesn't look as good as BF2. Spoils it for me.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6982|Groningen, The Netherlands
It sure is a good mod, ill give it an 8.
However I like other mods to, the far simpler sandbox also gets an 8 and the racing mod...well ill rate it a 7
I give it a 6, thats compared w all bf2 games.. Think its an 8 if only mods considered. Vanilla is between 8 and 9 in my opinion.

plus: music, many maps
minus: That heat-seeking missile in the heli. Its just like the bomber in vanilla too; just wait till u hear sound and see the square and press button and "u killed, u killed, u killed"... Its much cooler with the tvguided I think.
PS n00b & proud vista user

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

6. Graphics put me off. I run at max graphics settings, even 4 sample AA. POE doesn't look as good as BF2. Spoils it for me.
graphics worse?? technically not possible, made using same/similar programs same engine and base code, POE2 should at lets = BF2. in fact for most it supersedes it because POE2 has 2 times as detailed skins as bf2 has and  runs at he same speed. this is due to one half of the vehicle/object/ w/e, is twice as detailed then mirrored on to the other side.
sergeriver..y do u care most of your points are from being a commander
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7114|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Those that are saying that it isn't very good.   They can jump off a cliff.  The game is by far much better then BF2.   I still like BF2 of course don't get me wrong.  But, this mod has it beat hands down.  Try the Anti-material sniper rifle for while or the Shilka or even the the Arty PZH2000 Germany Arty.  Then go back to BF2 and play and see what you think.
POE2 Addict For Life
+21|6904|Vic, Australia

PFCStenzel wrote:

Those that are saying that it isn't very good.   They can jump off a cliff.  The game is by far much better then BF2.   I still like BF2 of course don't get me wrong.  But, this mod has it beat hands down.  Try the Anti-material sniper rifle for while or the Shilka or even the the Arty PZH2000 Germany Arty.  Then go back to BF2 and play and see what you think.
My thoughts exactly, most of the disappointment came with the lack of city maps but they are being added in the future. You have to play this mod for a while and get used to the kits and realise that the  A.T in A.T mines stands for ANTI-TANK  and that stealth is usable since there is no UAV or scan. The large ammount of tanks increases the realism bar a little but it can get tiresome. I have posted before that you can no longer run and gun like in BF2 vanilla because the accuracy is reduced while moving and it has been increased while kneeling. You have to be a lot more cautious than in vanilla because all of the guns have more realistic accuracy and if you get ambushed you will usually die because you can't turn and put a 3 bullet burst into them before you die.

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