+28|7058|Germany, Berlin
Im posting this topic to discuss the racial unrests last night in Australia.

As far as i understood it (correct me if Im wrong), two foreigners from the middle-east attacked two local lifeguards (at the beach). In return, a couple of thousand australians took justice in their own hands and beat up a couple of people from the middle-east.

Living in germany, i cannot say that what the australians did is good or bad, cuz its their country and they need to know that for themselves. Nervertheless, i can understand why the australians got so pissed off. I mean, it is similar to the situation here in germany. We, both australians, germans and several other countries, let alot of foreigners from the middle east trying into our countries to give them a better life. Nevertheless, alot of them are very disrespectful and dont even want to be part of society. here in germany, many of those people refuse to learn german and live by the german laws. It even goes so far that some Islamic leader in germany said that "all german women are bitches". Whenever i hear stuff like that, im seriously in a mood to execute those fuckers. i mean, we give them a better life and they spit in our faces. in conclusion, i can understand why the australians acted that way and i can only say i support them.

dont get me wrong, im not a racist. all of my friends are korean, american, canadien or only half german and half soemthing else. however, all my friends are from the western world and they dont run around stealing and beating up people. therfore, belive we should not let these idiots into our countries anymore. also, i start to believe that the Iraq war was not such a bad thing, since it reduces the numbers of people hating what they actually all want: FREEDOM AND PEACE!!!!!!!!

But if they cant beahve, let them eat sand and starve to death!!!!!!!!!!

Now, if ya feel like calling me names and flame me, well, go ahead............

Last edited by [S.P.S]1on1killa (2005-12-12 12:28:01)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
this is my post from another thread

the_heart_attack wrote:

Kung Jew wrote:

So the news has in it that there are racial riots in the Down Under.  Any of our forum friends caught in it?
(Caringbah and Cronulla)  Hope you guys are alright over there.

Any updates from closer than stateside news and AP releases?
well im in canberra but i have heaps of mates in syd.

my old boss is lebonese and alot of my mates are and i think its stupid whats going on.

it started from a life gaurd getting beat up in cronulla by a gang of middle eastern youths.
now what happened next is thousands of (true blue) aussies converged on this part of south sydney on sunday and just drank like fish and beat up anyone they could find that was arab looking.
so that night 50 car loads of arab youths went on a rampage with baseball bats!!smashing cars and what not.

now let me just say that west syd has thousands of arab people that would casue absolute chaos down in cronulla if this to much out of hand.
worst part is most people here over that age of 30 with an arab background were born here so they are no less aussie than myself.

arab people have a hard enough time here as it is since 9/11 and this is just making it worse.

visit this link fo rmore info http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/ … 03072.html
You know, I say I'm not racist but I think I really am deep down. I really dislike that part of myself becuase I don't like to pass judgement for any reason on anybody but... it is really hard for me to understand why some cultures act the way they do. Maybe those lifeguards molested one of those middle eastern boys' sister or something. Who knows ! But I really do dislike the way all other cultures come to my country ( Canada ) and tell us people how to love god or follow there religion. I don't follow any religion. That's how much that sht pisses me off ! What arrogant mofos to come here and push there shit on others. To bad things are getting ugly down there. I hope you all get it sorted out becuase that kind of stuff will have them bombing you next.

I'll say it again, I hate no one race or religion but I really dislike it when they come to MY home and try to tell us how to live. They even try to get our govenment to change laws on how to mistreat women....

I got so many nice names to call them right about now but I'll leave it at that.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7049|Peoria, Illinois
Gee, we (USA Republicans) say that about illegal aliens who want to change our laws to better fit them and their culture and spit in our face, but every liberal out there whines about it and calls us racists for defending our homeland and our culture. "Give them driver's licenses and pay for their medical expenses" they say! What?!!!

Some muslim woman wanted to get a driver's license in Florida wearing her burka in her photo. What the hell good does idetification do if your face is covered with a mask?! Of course the ACLU liberals went right to her defense.
+28|7058|Germany, Berlin
i agree with you guys. too many muslims are disrespectful and dont appreciate what we give them: a better life!!!!!! i hate it when i drive through my home town and i see so many foreigners........if foreigners from the US, canada, australia or asia come to germany, i welcome them because they are friendly and respectful. however, many muslims seem to forget that without our money they wouldnt be shit. seriously, we should kick them out of our countries and never let them come back........
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

i agree with you guys. too many muslims are disrespectful and dont appreciate what we give them: a better life!!!!!! i hate it when i drive through my home town and i see so many foreigners........if foreigners from the US, canada, australia or asia come to germany, i welcome them because they are friendly and respectful. however, many muslims seem to forget that without our money they wouldnt be shit. seriously, we should kick them out of our countries and never let them come back........
in syd they are targeting anyone of middle eastern apearence, not just muslims.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7049|Peoria, Illinois
In the middle east they are targeting anyone of foriegn appearance, not just westerners. What comes around, goes around. God bless Australia.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

M1-Lightning wrote:

In the middle east they are targeting anyone of foriegn appearance, not just westerners. What comes around, goes around. God bless Australia.
yeh but as i said in my first post, the people they are targeting are aussies too. i was just watching the morning news here and they went at it gain last night!! its full mayhem!

M1-Lightning wrote:

Gee, we (USA Republicans) say that about illegal aliens who want to change our laws to better fit them and their culture and spit in our face, but every liberal out there whines about it and calls us racists for defending our homeland and our culture. "Give them driver's licenses and pay for their medical expenses" they say! What?!!!

Some muslim woman wanted to get a driver's license in Florida wearing her burka in her photo. What the hell good does idetification do if your face is covered with a mask?! Of course the ACLU liberals went right to her defense.
Want world peace?  Kill Islam first.  Once their religion is dead we will have peace on earth.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7049|Peoria, Illinois

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

Gee, we (USA Republicans) say that about illegal aliens who want to change our laws to better fit them and their culture and spit in our face, but every liberal out there whines about it and calls us racists for defending our homeland and our culture. "Give them driver's licenses and pay for their medical expenses" they say! What?!!!

Some muslim woman wanted to get a driver's license in Florida wearing her burka in her photo. What the hell good does idetification do if your face is covered with a mask?! Of course the ACLU liberals went right to her defense.
Want world peace?  Kill Islam first.  Once their religion is dead we will have peace on earth.
I can't say Islam is the problem. THe majority of muslims are peaceful people. They just have large factions of preverse teachings... much llike the KKK claiming to be christian and they seem to be the ones getting all of the media attention. What the world really needs is nations in the middle east that allow more freedoms like us westerners. I have a few muslim friends that live here and are way cool. They live like any other American would and certainly don't agree with the evil side of Islam.

There is a lot of muslim on muslim violence in the middle east becasue of these differences in opinion of the religion. Take Iran for example with the difference of opinion between the younger college kids and the older abusive government officials. They are always at each others throats.

So I can't say it's Islam as a whole, but it's definitley a large faction of them. Killing Islam is not an option but removing their abusive one sided dictatorial governments is an option. Once the people have the power to speak up for themselves then their world will straighten out soon enough.

By the way, world peace is a myth. It's never existed and never will no matter what god or hippie liberal thinks says it will.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

But the Aussies are saying that kind of attitude towards the Aussies has been going on for around ten years, and that when they bashed the lifesavers, which is a true "Aussie" Icon, they took it too far.
Then they went nuts and they sent SMS's telling people there would be another fight.
It's all gone nuts.
Glad I'm safe in Melbourne.

Jeepers Creepers
+136|7049|Peoria, Illinois

the_heart_attack wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

In the middle east they are targeting anyone of foriegn appearance, not just westerners. What comes around, goes around. God bless Australia.
yeh but as i said in my first post, the people they are targeting are aussies too. i was just watching the morning news here and they went at it gain last night!! its full mayhem!
Yep. That's the result of what happens when riots occur. It's simply unfortunate. You can't blame the whole mob for what a handfull of drunks or hateful people did. The mob is a good thing though otherwise. It shows the solidarity of the Australian people to show the world that they will not be succumbed to the same crap the France has recently allowed. While the people of France hide in their homes and allow this violence, the people of Australia put a stop to it before it ever started.

Last edited by M1-Lightning (2005-12-12 14:13:29)

+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

here in germany, many of those people refuse to learn german and live by the german laws.
Yeah that stuff goes on in the US as well.  It really irritates me when people move to your country but expect you to go out of your way to be able to speak to them.  Excuse me, but we're in America, where people speak ENGLISH!  I lived in Homburg, Germany for three years, and, you know what, my family and I learned enough German to get by.  Since I was still a kid, I learned it in school, so a lot of the time I would translate for my mother.  Granted, a lot of Germans speak English, but, in my opinion, you shouldn't just walk around expecting everyone to speak your native language when you are in a foreign country.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

M1-Lightning wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

In the middle east they are targeting anyone of foriegn appearance, not just westerners. What comes around, goes around. God bless Australia.
yeh but as i said in my first post, the people they are targeting are aussies too. i was just watching the morning news here and they went at it gain last night!! its full mayhem!
Yep. That's the result of what happens when riots occur. It's simply unfortunate. You can't blame the whole mob for what a handfull of drunks or hateful people did. The mob is a good thing though otherwise. It shows the solidarity of the Australian people to show the world that they will not be succumbed to the same crap the France has recently allowed. While the people of France hide in their homes and allow this violence, the people of Australia put a stop to it before it ever started.
yeh but the whole mob was drinking!!!!

nah not the whole mob but a tv show here slowed down the vid footage and counts 657 people go past the camera with beer in their hands!!!
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7049|Peoria, Illinois

the_heart_attack wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

yeh but as i said in my first post, the people they are targeting are aussies too. i was just watching the morning news here and they went at it gain last night!! its full mayhem!
Yep. That's the result of what happens when riots occur. It's simply unfortunate. You can't blame the whole mob for what a handfull of drunks or hateful people did. The mob is a good thing though otherwise. It shows the solidarity of the Australian people to show the world that they will not be succumbed to the same crap the France has recently allowed. While the people of France hide in their homes and allow this violence, the people of Australia put a stop to it before it ever started.
yeh but the whole mob was drinking!!!!

nah not the whole mob but a tv show here slowed down the vid footage and counts 657 people go past the camera with beer in their hands!!!
Sounds like a typical post-college football bowl game.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

it is likely that a lot of those "racial tensions" were growing for a long time in australia and just vented right now. This would explain why a small isolated incident got so out of control.

integration is always a difficult issue. Personally, I think some of those coming to western countries are simply looking for the social benefits ( health care, job situation, welfare, public safety ) but are unwilling to integrate "themselves" into the culture they come to. They refuse to learn the language, and form "parallel societies" ( for lack of a better term, the german term I am refering to is "Parallelgesellschaften" ). for example, here in cologne we have the largest turkish community outside of turkey ( or the second largest, just after Berlin, cannot really recall ). A lot of them live only in two areas of the city. they have their own banks, supermarkets, doctors, pharmacies, schools, etc. A lot of the married women there don't even bother to learn any german any more.

then again, integration isn't something the government can order. It needs to be embedded in the culture.
If we want those people to feel at home here, we need to actively make them part of our community.

again, proper education is the key here. It is rarely the college graduates that tend to cause ethnic unrest ( goes for both sides, btw...). But if you want people to have a good education, you need them to learn the language first, etc....

just an example from my personal experience. when I graduated from high school and went to university, out of 120 people in my class 2 ( in words: two !! ) were of turkish origin. the rest of the turkish youth didn't even attend high school. and there were a lot of them.

it's a vicious circle. you come here, looking for a better life. But you don't bother to learn the language, or the community has no will to actively integrate you. accordingly, you never get a proper job and you will live of social welfare. same goes for your children, and their children, etc...

what I mean to say is that integration is a two-sided issue.
I cheat.
+-6|7119|Sydney, Australia
i actually am from sydney australia i live about 20 KM or 35 Miles away frm where it happened in cronull maroubra pretty crazy they did it 2 nights in a row about lebonese racissm yeh go fuck urselvs lebs
+28|7058|Germany, Berlin

atlvolunteer wrote:

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

here in germany, many of those people refuse to learn german and live by the german laws.
Yeah that stuff goes on in the US as well.  It really irritates me when people move to your country but expect you to go out of your way to be able to speak to them.  Excuse me, but we're in America, where people speak ENGLISH!  I lived in Homburg, Germany for three years, and, you know what, my family and I learned enough German to get by.  Since I was still a kid, I learned it in school, so a lot of the time I would translate for my mother.  Granted, a lot of Germans speak English, but, in my opinion, you shouldn't just walk around expecting everyone to speak your native language when you are in a foreign country.
i agree. however, i didnt say that i want them to speak perfect german after one week of living here. i appreciate what you and your family did, you are definetly role models when it comes to that. nevertheless, some of them cant even say "i'd like a coffee" after living here for 25 years!!!

also, if they would at least speak english, we could get along, but they cannot expect us to learn their language.
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

here in germany, many of those people refuse to learn german and live by the german laws.
Yeah that stuff goes on in the US as well.  It really irritates me when people move to your country but expect you to go out of your way to be able to speak to them.  Excuse me, but we're in America, where people speak ENGLISH!  I lived in Homburg, Germany for three years, and, you know what, my family and I learned enough German to get by.  Since I was still a kid, I learned it in school, so a lot of the time I would translate for my mother.  Granted, a lot of Germans speak English, but, in my opinion, you shouldn't just walk around expecting everyone to speak your native language when you are in a foreign country.
i agree. however, i didnt say that i want them to speak perfect german after one week of living here. i appreciate what you and your family did, you are definetly role models when it comes to that. nevertheless, some of them cant even say "i'd like a coffee" after living here for 25 years!!!

also, if they would at least speak english, we could get along, but they cannot expect us to learn their language.
I don't expect them to speak English (or, in your case, German) perfectly, either.  I just want them to make the effort.  Its not that hard to pick up enough words to allow you to get by.  Like being able to say "Ein Kaffee, bitte."
+28|7058|Germany, Berlin
LOL, nice one dude..........i agree with you.

I'm extremely liberal,  don't overgeneralize please. I think everyone has the right to live socially and culturally however the heck they want to, but not necessarily wherever they want to. I have a real problem with how easy it is to come to the United States and the illegals bother me as much as they bother you.

I got news for you guys... if a gang of Arab youths ran around smashing things with baseball bats here in the US, you'd have more than some alcohol fuelled riots. This country has had just about its fill in my opinion. I dont  usually try to learn the ways of the world through TV, but there was a great episode of the 'West Wing' once which had an amazing quote... an arab was being questioned for a crime, and was told "this is the price you pay for sharing physical features with criminals." call that racism, call it whatever you want, I call it unavoidable given the current social climate.

Cut them some slack on the German guys... I'm trying to learn a little for my visit for the World Cup this June... DAMN you guys use a lot of letters...

Last edited by dshak (2005-12-13 15:00:22)

Jeepers Creepers
+136|7049|Peoria, Illinois

dshak wrote:


I'm extremely liberal,  don't overgeneralize please. I think everyone has the right to live socially and culturally however the heck they want to, but not necessarily wherever they want to. I have a real problem with how easy it is to come to the United States and the illegals bother me as much as they bother you.

I got news for you guys... if a gang of Arab youths ran around smashing things with baseball bats here in the US, you'd have more than some alcohol fuelled riots. This country has had just about its fill in my opinion. I dont  usually try to learn the ways of the world through TV, but there was a great episode of the 'West Wing' once which had an amazing quote... an arab was being questioned for a crime, and was told "this is the price you pay for sharing physical features with criminals." call that racism, call it whatever you want, I call it unavoidable given the current social climate.

Cut them some slack on the German guys... I'm trying to learn a little for my visit for the World Cup this June... DAMN you guys use a lot of letters...
It's not a generalization. If you think it's a generalization then EVERYTHING is a generalization. The liberal agenda supports letting all of the illegal immigrants have American freedoms. Bush is pushing some these liberal issues and is the main reason many Republicans have turned their backs on him. It's much like the conservative agenda is to make everything christian. So I don't consider myself a conservative. I'm a moderate for that and many other reasons.

You may support many or most liberal issues, but you're no liberal by today's definition if you support arresting and shipping illegals home.

I thought.... I was..... a liberal....

can I get my nametag and membership card back if I spend some time hugging trees or don't wash my feet for a week???? I'll do it! I promise!

Mass Media Casualty

There has been racial tension in Australia for bloody ages. John Howard can deny it all he wants, but Australia has a problem. I talk to some of my Aussie mates who truly believe that "all Abos are dumb jobless drunks." true there is a lot of unemployment, and alcohol related problems in mostly the north east of Australia, but hell, that's generalising a bit much. In New Zealand, there are always jokes about the "Bloody Mah-ries" but very little of it is serious.

I think it's probably a good thing that this happened as it brings the issue out in the open so Australia can confront it and fix it.

Edit: Yes I know the violence was aimed not as Aboriginies but Middle Easteners. I'm talking about racism as a whole here.

Edit x2: And yes, I know I'm gerneralising about Australia an awful lot too.

Last edited by Tyferra (2005-12-13 15:31:41)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7049|Peoria, Illinois
Geez man. My best friend is a pot smokin, tree huggin'. hippie that hates the war and supports abortion. But he supports conservatives for issues like lower taxes, right to prayer in school, right to own firearms, right to own an SUV. Talk about an issue disoriented dude. He calls himself a libertarian and I'd say he's pretty darn close.

Really, you're right. Liberal and conservative get over generalized. The definition of those terms in accordance with the mass media has changed dramatically from dictionaries and from what I learned in political science.

I've yet to find a single politician from any party that supports every issue that I support. The biggest generalization out there is that Democrats are liberals and Republcians are conservatives.... so not true. When I look at all of the issues that all of the parties support, I find myself darn near the center and is why I call myself a moderate Republican.

Last edited by M1-Lightning (2005-12-13 15:45:29)

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