I heard Russia was positive it was a big blast, but everyone is ignoring them.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US
Could be, but I'd use as little of my nuclear goodness as I possibly could for a test run.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6676|Little blue planet, milky way
Sounds like fun. Anyone wanna go ask NK which of the options is the truth ?

jonsimon wrote:

I heard Russia was positive it was a big blast, but everyone is ignoring them.
Well I would hope this guy is positive; I doubt he wants to make an ass of himself to the worlds media...
U.S. > Iran
I think NK is all talk......they may have actually done it, but I think they will just make threats, but I think their all talk.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

I think NK is all talk......they may have actually done it, but I think they will just make threats, but I think their all talk.
But do you think they're all talk?
this is the best we can do?
i personally hope it was a very large conventional weapon the set off.  like we need any other additions to the nuclear weapons club.  good or bad.
+76|6929|Antwerp, Flanders

Ikarti wrote:

Could be, but I'd use as little of my nuclear goodness as I possibly could for a test run.
I agree, although N. Korea likely has the ability to build nuclear weapons, I don't think they will be able to do so in large quantity (at least not for a while). They would be total retards if they were to waste precious weapons grade material on a big test.
The Magnetic Bullet Attractor
though you have to remember, Kim Jong-Il (or however you spell it) is not quite ... shall we say stable?  I wouldn't put it past him to go and try and bomb something
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6676|Little blue planet, milky way

PitViper401 wrote:

though you have to remember, Kim Jong-Il (or however you spell it) is not quite ... shall we say stable?  I wouldn't put it past him to go and try and bomb something
Well, that WOULD provide a good test, wouldn't it ?
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6642|Gogledd Cymru

Twist wrote:

PitViper401 wrote:

though you have to remember, Kim Jong-Il (or however you spell it) is not quite ... shall we say stable?  I wouldn't put it past him to go and try and bomb something
Well, that WOULD provide a good test, wouldn't it ?
hes probably gonna bomb matt stone and trey parker, creators of team america for all their nasty wittle worwds
The Lizzard

PitViper401 wrote:

Kim Jong-Il (or however you spell it) is not quite ... shall we say stable?
You base this assesment on?
Scratch where it itches
Our news agencies listed another possible reason for the 'smallness'. They theorized that since we dont know how deep it was detonated, we cant precisely estimate the yield. If the detonation was deep enough, then the vibrations from a 20 kiloton bomb - (witch is an expectable yield for a 'modern first test') - would seem like the ones that were recorded. Im not saying that this is the case, just listing one more theory about the event.

Furthermore, one reason to think it was indeed an atom bomb (whether it was 0,5-2 kt or 20 kt, makes no difference) is the reaction of China. They probably have the best intel about the North Koreans.
The Lizzard

SpaceApollyon wrote:

Our news agencies listed another possible reason for the 'smallness'. They theorized that since we dont know how deep it was detonated, we cant precisely estimate the yield. If the detonation was deep enough, then the vibrations from a 20 kiloton bomb - (witch is an expectable yield for a 'modern first test') - would seem like the ones that were recorded. Im not saying that this is the case, just listing one more theory about the event.
It would have to be pretty deep.  Besides which, they probably have a rough idea of how deep the facility is.

SpaceApollyon wrote:

Furthermore, one reason to think it was indeed an atom bomb (whether it was 0,5-2 kt or 20 kt, makes no difference) is the reaction of China. They probably have the best intel about the North Koreans.
Yes, because the North Koreans are all about sharing.
Cowboy from Hell
Nobody made a big deal when France did several Nuke tests last decade.

sergeriver wrote:

Nobody made a big deal when France did several Nuke tests last decade.
Because everyone would know, that they would surrender before using nukes.
+20|6653|Canberra, Australia

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Nobody made a big deal when France did several Nuke tests last decade.
Because everyone would know, that they would surrender before using nukes.
So True.

It's all speculation untill they drop the bomb or they don't
Cowboy from Hell

Arkhon wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Nobody made a big deal when France did several Nuke tests last decade.
Because everyone would know, that they would surrender before using nukes.
So True.

It's all speculation untill they drop the bomb or they don't
But why is a big deal if NK does it and it's not a problem at all when France did it?
+20|6653|Canberra, Australia

sergeriver wrote:

Arkhon wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Because everyone would know, that they would surrender before using nukes.
So True.

It's all speculation untill they drop the bomb or they don't
But why is a big deal if NK does it and it's not a problem at all when France did it?
Because last time I checked France wasn't similar to a military dictatorship and they didn't have a man who thought he was god running the place.

sergeriver wrote:

Arkhon wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Because everyone would know, that they would surrender before using nukes.
So True.

It's all speculation untill they drop the bomb or they don't
But why is a big deal if NK does it and it's not a problem at all when France did it?
North Korea has a higher chance of using nukes than france....
Cowboy from Hell

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Arkhon wrote:

So True.

It's all speculation untill they drop the bomb or they don't
But why is a big deal if NK does it and it's not a problem at all when France did it?
North Korea has a higher chance of using nukes than france....
Cmon, be real, using a nuke is using it against yourself.  NK is only showing the World their stuff.
The Lizzard

Arkhon wrote:

Because last time I checked France wasn't similar to a military dictatorship and they didn't have a man who thought he was god running the place.
Oh, yes, because you have a direct line to his house .

The NK leadership cult is based around Kim Jong-Il's father, Kim Il-Sung.
+305|6751|Cheshire. UK
Can I ask why everyone seems to try to Jump all over sergeriver ...the last few posts Ive read all end up with people having a go at him and not the topic.... why do so many people come in to flame the people or the topic...If you have nothing interesting to add STFU and Get out!!

joker3327 wrote:

Can I ask why everyone seems to try to Jump all over sergeriver ...the last few posts Ive read all end up with people having a go at him and not the topic.... why do so many people come in to flame the people or the topic...If you have nothing interesting to add STFU and Get out!!
I like seregiver. He is nice. Even though he calls me names like "asshead".

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