+1|7019|Kettering, Ohio
Here is my list of wild and crazt shit people pull in the game. 

1.  Teamkilling you for a damn plane.
2.  Or if you get into a jet, someone rolls there Rolls Royce (buggy, humvee, etc.) into the middle of the runway causing you to die because they couldnt get into the jet quicker than you. 
3.  Artillery strikes on a neutral flag, when your whole squad is there already taking it. 
4.  Spawning on the carrier, then you have two choices of getting off the boat.  Get on a inflatable boat and take the 2 minute drive to land or wait in line like you are in line at Disneyland for a helicopter of jet.
5.  Medics that throw grenades near you to take some of your health then try to heal you to get  healing points. 
6.  Commanders that cant command.
7.  Punishment for teamkills.  If it was an accident then let it go.  If you charge a building with the enemey in it and the guy behind is chucking grenades into the building at the same time, let it go.  Accidents happen.  Use common sense when punishing. 
8.  People who hop into a blackhawk and fly off wby themselves while there is still 5 people on the ground calling for a ride.

Is it ever appropriate to teamkill someone because they wont stop killing you?
+0|7038|Long Island
Why team kill them if they keep killing you? Spawn somewhere else or just let them kill you and punish them each time so an admin or auto kick takes action, simple as that.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7033|Uhh... erm...
There's already a thread kinda like this, The Scientific laws of BF2. It's stickied at the BF2: Chatter forum.
+1|7019|Kettering, Ohio
I dont TK back, I was just wondering if anyone has ever had that urged to just knife someone or C4 them, I always punish if the case deserves it.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7046|Malaga, España
9. People who wont alow you to be in a vehicule and start shooting at you with a Rocket or GL.
10. People who wanted to have your tank and starting to hit you with a buggy or humvee that causes u to have vehicule damage!
11. Black hawk pilots who doesnt give shit about the crew and bail out and let the BH crash in to a building or tree.
12. GL users who just shoot blind in to a area without looking on the damn map to see if there is a teammate there .
13. C4 hoppers that just are blowing for the badge and dont care where he is throwing at
14. (this is my favorite) victim of a knifing stat padder....they shoot you down. a clanmate is on your team as a medic and start reviving you so the enemy can knife you for ever...this happend to me twice
+3,135|7041|The Hague, Netherlands

Well Said Torro
+1|7019|Kettering, Ohio
I forgot one.  Your a sniper in Karkland.  Your poised to make a long range snipe from on top of a building near the bridge flag.  Just as you lock on and are about to pull the trigger, you hear an xplosion, then you see you are being punished for a TK.  Some douche bag couldnt see the skull an crossbones on screen signifying your claymore covering your flank and rear.
My favourite is in Karkand at the right USMC spawn point.

I give suppressing fire to the advancing marines with the mounted MG - in a quite thin spread towards the "maze" entry - then a guy jumps through your head from behind you, straight into the MG bullet rain. If he's lucky he doesn't die just get an injury...but you get team damage...worst, he may come back and TK you.

That's just stupid.

Trobow wrote:

I forgot one.  Your a sniper in Karkland.  Your poised to make a long range snipe from on top of a building near the bridge flag.  Just as you lock on and are about to pull the trigger, you hear an xplosion, then you see you are being punished for a TK.  Some douche bag couldnt see the skull an crossbones on screen signifying your claymore covering your flank and rear.
Oh he saw your claymore alright, but he is pissed off at you for blocking the ladder and screws you over.

I hate it too when snipers camp the top of a building and block it off for their fellow teammembers.
As a sniper you should move from spot to spot, thus no need for claimores. (fortunately I have only screwed the person in question over 2 times.)

Do not block access for your teammembers... on the other hand... EA should make it so snipers can pick up their claimores again (just as the engineer can with mines) so you can unblock a passage for teammembers and block it again.
+1|7019|Kettering, Ohio
Claymores are meant to cover your flanks and blindspots.  So if you want to climb up a ladder and blow yourself up and punish that person and you think that proves your point, then by all means keep it up.  It isnt my purpose to keep my squad from the top of a building.  Most of the time, snipers should be lone wolves.

Trobow wrote:

Claymores are meant to cover your flanks and blindspots.  So if you want to climb up a ladder and blow yourself up and punish that person and you think that proves your point, then by all means keep it up.  It isnt my purpose to keep my squad from the top of a building.  Most of the time, snipers should be lone wolves.
I agree, claymores are for the blind spots... A ladder is not a blind spot.

There is nothing more demotiveting than climbing up a ladder, noticing that your dear sniper teammate blocked it off with a claymore... choices are up into certain death + punish or climb down and probably be killed in the process anyway (climbing up the ladder unharmed is hard these days, climbing down again is almost impossible). I can see where the frustration makes you take the first choice and get the satisfaction of pissing off the sniper with your punish... maybe he gets the point.
. . .

On these specific REASONS (and I don’t CARE, if you DON'T LIKE IT):

Because you don’t like it - that’s why I am doing it:

1.) An IDIOT medic that REVIVES ME next to a TANK or other KILL ZONE if I see him I TK him;
if I don’t SEE HIM oh well its only BECAUSE he got me killed 3 times in row in 10 seconds.

Hey MORON medic - KILL the enemy first then revive me; if you can't don’t bother. . . most of all:

Unless I am in YOUR SQUAD - then you’re not an IDIOT; it’s TEAMWORK.

2.) If I see you TK anybody that isn't an IDIOT medic (or ME!), I will TK you, OVER and OVER again
until I get kicked for team killing - if the server doesn't have a limit I will do it until you leave the server.

3.) If you TK me or anyone else for a vehicle and/or I see it - SEE #2.

4.) I might(?) TK you if you’re a stupid-jerk who enters the middle of a round and spawns at a base
and tries to get into a vehicle someone else is using THAT ROUND ALREADY!

Hey jerk-f%$Ks NEXT ROUND it's all YOURS; you just joined the GAME; stick with THE SERVER and
get your jerkey vehicle NEED-FIX next round; BUT & JUST let the guy finish his round out already!
HE MIGHT even be better than you at USING the VEHICLE!

And if you and 10 other guys spawn at plane; tank; or chopper site; FIRST ONES in - it’s THEIRS;
. . . and be magnanimous - let others use the vehicle NEXT ROUND! Just because you have a faster
Computer with a 10k rpm-15k rpm super-fast hard drive  - DON’T HORDE!

I have a fast computer - I am sometimes first one in; do I always go for the tank NO; unless I see they (noobs)
that simply wont use it out fear of being C4-ed/AT-ed over and over again.

5.) If I see an engineer fixing his (THAT-ROUND!) tank and you steal it and get it
BLOWN up immediately thereafter; or HELL your a JERK just for taking it! = I will TK you.

6.) If you type obscene remarks to me; and I remember your P.I.D.
I will type back: "LOL, your a funny guy" - then I will TK you.

7.) If I can't see you - and OH WELL? It was an accident I don't care if you "punish" for your
stupidity- so dot it! . . . and hey, why did you think you could dolphin-dive in front of a tank anyways?

8.) I you're on my side; I am commander; and I see you spawn some place that's impossible!  You have
a hack - ARTILLARY STRIKE YOUR AREA! But then again you don’t get TK’s for ARTY-STRIKES.

ENEMY BOAT SPOTTED; ENEMY BOAT SPOTTED; ENEMY BOAT SPOTTED; ETC - ETC - ETC - And holy-crap! your in map that doesn't have boats! Doubly annoying!). . . I WANT to TK you but I have YET to FIND you and actually TK you! . . . Damn!

What’s funny is I SHOULD have more TK’s than I actually do; I am usually playing to hard to get caught In the jerk/noob sphere of stupidity - most of my TK’s are tank accidents; or  friendly fire accidents; but I have CHASED a FEW jerks of SERVERS and that’s why I do it.

And since its just a game to me - I think 90% just want have fun (like me) too - chasing the jerks off with TK’s is
actually as much fun as playing BF2 - and it helps the ground-grunts who actually want to have fun - have more fun.
+1|7019|Kettering, Ohio
I give peole the courtesy of using a vehicle if I spawn and they are obviously waiting on it to spawn, then it is theirs.  People arent assigned vehicles, I hate it when people act like they are.
+0|7031|Winnipeg, Manitoba
1. If you spot an enemy before he sees you, chances are you will die.
2. The probability of killing someone is inversely proportional to how much you want to kill him.
3. For every good thing done, something bad happens.
4. If you see a bunch of easy targets in front of you, you will miss all of them and die.
5.You have a better chance of throwing a handfull of sniper rifle bullets and killing the enemy, than shooting them at him.
6.For every one enemy you kill with mines, you will kill 2 friendlies and they will both punish the TK.
7.Idiots have a unique pheromone receptor which can sense a friendlyarty strike. Once initiated they run to the center of the strike likemoths to a flame, thrust their noses in the air and put there finger onthe PgDn button ready for the climax!
8.Thou shalt always respawn into an arty strike or a massive unfriendly assault and die before you can do anything.
9.A dune buggy slowly slipping down a gentle slope is the most brutaland deadly thing in the game if you’re standing in its path.
10.When fleeing from an enemy, you will be shot to death, inches away from your cover.
11.when a gunner in a helo, chances are u got the worst pilot u can think of
12.When you have no money chances are your joystick will go funny.
13.If someone with an ak101 happens to glance at you, you will instantly die of fear.
14.No matter what weapon you carry, it will take over half a magazineto attempt to kill the guy that take you out with a three round burstor less.
15.Holding right mouse button when throwing a grenade changes throw length from feet to inches.
16.Even with the dexterity to balance the blade of his knife on hisfinger, a soldier will constantly miss when lunging to stab astationary enemy.
17.Somehow, a man can take a sniper round to the chest WITHOUT DYING.
18.Your pistol is a much better sniper rifle than your .50cal rifle
19.A crescent wrench can fix anything
20.You can raise a flag in a tank.
21.Seconds before you get your hard-earned Flag-Capture Point, an Enemywill pop up and kill you, giving the Capture Point to your Team-Mate.
22.After shooting an enemy Tank to low Health with your APC, your Gunwill overheat and a Team-Mate will grab the kill, leaving you with noteven a Kill-Assist.
23.You will never be able to swim away fast enough from an accidently drowned Jeep.
24.Claymores only kill foolish teammates.
25.If you want an enemy to abandon an armoured vehicle, run at it from the rear and let them see you doing it, they’ll jump out.
26.No matter what, dephibulators cure all
27.the pinnacle of aviation technology cannot help a bomb hit its target
28.all vehicles have electrical armour plating, as when u touch it, ur dead
29.The more you press the 9 key to deploy a chute, the less likley the chute will deploy
30.You spawn right next to the enemy tank.
31.If you want to be a sniper you should choose Anti-Tank Class.
32.Just as you detonate the C4 on the UAV trailer, two to threeteammates will drive up in a jeep right next to the detonation site.
33.No matter how much you shoot a guy parachuting down, he will nevertake any damage. And, when he gets down you are out of ammo and hekills you.
34.You are killed after a 10 minute run to an enemy flag, right before you reach it.
35.Water is extremely flamable and will cause vehicles to explode.
36.If your in a group and run into a single enemy, you WILL die first.
37.Confucious say: When commander drop supply crate from sky, look up or you will endure headache until next spawn
38.Confucious say: Man with handful of wheat will hit enemy more than with M229 SAW.
39.Spawning is more like a race to the heli.
40.A tank that’s motionless while capturing a flag will wait until yourun up behind it to plant C4 before the drivers cat steps on the S keyand kills you.
41.Just after you found a great Spot to snipe from, while takingcareful Aim at a Group of Enemies - you will be knifed from behind.
42.After taking a few well-aimed Shots at an Enemy, he will spin around and kill you with a single round from his MP5.
43.You must be the fattest person in the army as you cannot fit through a 3 foot wide gap between the bamboo
44.After throwing a pack of C4 on top of a smoking tank, and pullingout detonator, the remaining C4 (in your pocket) will magicallyexplode…every time.
45.If you are capping a flag alone in a tank the one enemy that manages to spawn in time will be a spec op…
46.If you are capping a flag and once it goes neutral you hear arty guns firing in the distance, run like #@$%!!!
47.If you need tank support, drop a mine on the road and a friendly tank will show up in no time…
48.If you respawn as an anti-tank the tank will have either disappeared or magically spawned many enemies who know exactly where you respawned
49.When in need of medical aide call for a supply drop, the crate willbe there in no time to crush you to death, thus ending your need formedical aide
50. Asking a Commander for ammo means he will send Artillery with the assumption you catch them and throw them at the enemy.
Hey, THATS RIGHT!!! I know all those things!!!!

Dudes, relax!

I try to keep cool at those situations. I jumped up so many times because of n00bs, b00ns, bunnyhoppers, tankwhores, planewhores or n00btubers, that I realized, that this may become unhealthy some time!

I don't TK, cause I'm the one, whose stats ar crappy then, I'll just let them run to their deaths...

But I agree, those n00btubers really suck ass! And bunnyhoppers are even worse!

Last edited by Earthquake23 (2005-12-12 10:29:59)

+51|7028|Twente, The Netherlands
Topal63, your arrogance irritates me. How can a medic that revives you know how much ammo you had left in your clip, for example.
Besides that, even the best medics make mistakes sometimes. You are a really sick bastard if you teamkill them for that.

Also, many of your other points don't make any sense.

Hope I don't meet you on the battlefield. You're one of the players who ruin the game for the people who are trying to play a normal game.

Just take your calming pills now, and try to relax. Maybe one day you'll be able to play bf2 without almost getting a heart attack of frustration. Your solution to stupid behaviour only make things worse.
Yeah, the medic is only doing his job, ok sometimes they revive you at bad times but remember you're the dumbass who got himself killed in the first place...

I've been tked for reviving people who didn't want to be revived. Not only are you being a complete prick when you do this, but now I can't revive the other guys who just got killed beside you. They have to suffer because you wanted to spawn elsewhere.

I have a way of dealing with people like that, I throw first aid bags on their corpses or just ignore you when they scream for first aid. End of the day people generally pick medic for one reason and one reason alone. You stop them from doing their job and the team suffers.

Last edited by Esker (2005-12-12 11:12:54)

. . .

Dr_3V|L wrote:

Topal63, your arrogance irritates me. How can a medic that revives you know how much ammo you had left in your clip, for example.
Besides that, even the best medics make mistakes sometimes. You are a really sick bastard if you teamkill them for that.

Also, many of your other points don't make any sense.

Hope I don't meet you on the battlefield. You're one of the players who ruin the game for the people who are trying to play a normal game.

Just take your calming pills now, and try to relax. Maybe one day you'll be able to play bf2 without almost getting a heart attack of frustration. Your solution to stupid behaviour only make things worse.
You over estimate a zealous nature that isn't there - LOL, you should take the pill!
Nor do you reckognize the absurd comedy in IDIOTIC BF2 medic-player behavior; nor my
sarcastic comments against - framed in the form of the irrelevant TK idea.


If I am not in your sqaud; you are not doing me a FAVOR. . .  and you are certainly not
doing ANY PLAYER a FAVOR; nor your JOB? [LOL what  a joke]; if you're reviving some anonymous
player in a HOT KILL ZONE.

If you get TK-ed by a PLAYER ON-LINE for doing this - you're not getting the POINT!

If WE get sniped in a NON HOT ZONE - WHO CARES REVIVE AWAY! IF you are brainlessly looking for
red circles with an eletric sign in the MIDDLE you are an IDIOT medic.

And the number 1 complaint about/against IDIOT medics is WHY can't you KILL something instead of REVIVING ME/US - its almost always a HOT ZONE & I/we get killed immediately AGAIN?


You might be an IDIOT medic? Or aspire to that type of player. I don't care . . .


If you go onto a server stuffed with IDIOT medics - you will find them playing in no relation to the map
objectice; to actually win the round. They play for points. They will sit there on the first base at Karkand while not a single one of them helps to defend or retake the main base in the BACK.

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-12 13:51:10)

+51|7028|Twente, The Netherlands
Why shouldn't I be doing you a favor if I revive you when I'm not in your squad? I think that saves the team from losing one point, and it will put you back into action without even dying for it.
Reviving in a "Hot kill zone" as you call it, can be a sign of certain stupidity or even a sign of people only thinking about their points. But dont forget mistakes can be maken, as we are all human. Teamkilling for one bad revive is extremely stupid behaviour. Teamkilling itself is one of the stupidest things you can do.

I also don't understand why you're calling me an idiot medic, only for having criticism on your post.

Your last note makes some sense, since there really are a lot of people who only think about making POINTS POINTS POINTS, and forget this game is all about GOOD TEAMWORK. Mostly these rounds end quickly, for the enemy can easily cap all the back flags because of a lack of defence.

I've played medic for over 200 hours now, and I've learned to use the medic kit well. Playing as medic is all about helping your teammates out when you need them, and supporting them in combat. If you only use medic kit for combat, you're a bad medic player. If you only use medic for massive heals/revives, your k/d will suck like BlazinUK's, not doing yourself a big favour. You'll have to use the medic kit wisely, supporting your team to victory. Sadly enough, many medic players are 'idiots'.
So what you're saying is medics should refrain from reviving people because it doesn't help the team? Christ are you really that stupid? A medic's main objective IS to heal and revive his team mates. That's why they are actually in the hot zones. Having them all throwing first aid in the middle of nowhere for the rabbits and foxes isn't helping the team now is it lol.

Admittedly there are some people who just run out and revive you when there's a tank there. Yes I understand that's annoying but again, you were in the open, you got killed so it's your own dumb fault, don't just lie there screaming medic when you don't want one and then complain because you got killed again.

There's a simple rule if you don't want to be revived.

Don't die.
. . .

Dr_3V|L wrote:

Why shouldn't I be doing you a favor if I revive you when I'm not in your squad? I think that saves the team from losing one point, and it will put you back into action without even dying for it.
Reviving in a "Hot kill zone" as you call it, can be a sign of certain stupidity or even a sign of people only thinking about their points. But dont forget mistakes can be maken, as we are all human. Teamkilling for one bad revive is extremely stupid behaviour. Teamkilling itself is one of the stupidest things you can do.

I also don't understand why you're calling me an idiot medic, only for having criticism on your post.

Your last note makes some sense, since there really are a lot of people who only think about making POINTS POINTS POINTS, and forget this game is all about GOOD TEAMWORK. Mostly these rounds end quickly, for the enemy can easily cap all the back flags because of a lack of defence.

I've played medic for over 200 hours now, and I've learned to use the medic kit well. Playing as medic is all about helping your teammates out when you need them, and supporting them in combat. If you only use medic kit for combat, you're a bad medic player. If you only use medic for massive heals/revives, your k/d will suck like BlazinUK's, not doing yourself a big favour. You'll have to use the medic kit wisely, supporting your team to victory. Sadly enough, many medic players are 'idiots'.
See you've lightened-up a little and now you see my point to somewhat of a degree. . .

Now think about this. . .

You are on-line and you revive me;

I type: "PLEASE don't do that AGAIN in a HOT ZONE; this is to all MEDICS - THANX"

Well I am not in you're SQUAD; so I couldn't say this to you. . . thats why I typed it.
. . . and FLASH what I typed is replaced by 4 lines of:

LOL - the only way I/anyone can make the POINT to you on-line is by TK-ing you for REVIVING me in a HOT
ZONE. (TK you IF I can - usually its a major effort to TK you. I am usually BLAMMOED by another grenade;
grenade laucher; tank shot; or bullet-frenzy; and/or I might have little AMMO left).

Also you may not realize this but when you revive a player the are disabled from shooting for
a brief time and cannot defend themselves against the opposing players descending upon them.


When someone shoots a few rounds at a mostly empty vehicle - it means: HEY I NEED a RIDE! Don't
take the only jeep and drive away. Most player now know this but . . .

I shot at a new player in an APC the other day - he TK-ed me. I typed what it means; to pick the player up
but of course it was FLASH replaced by a series of irrelevant things:
Enemy spotted;
blah blah blah.


Being - killed - revived - killed - revived killed is annoying as HELL!

Then the tick counts down, you will spawn in: 15, 10, 9, 8 . . . 2

. . . and then you're revived - then you're BLAMMOED! LOL

Then the tick counts down, you will spawn in: 15, 10, 9, 8 . . . 4

. . . and then you're revived - then you're BLAMMOED! LOL

We are just returning the annoyance - but you don't get that. (if we are not BLAMMOED AGAIN! LOL)


My player attitude consists mainly to (1) win the match,
(2) Kill other enemy vehicles - so ground grunts can enjoy the FPS Glory BF2 is!
I love when another guy is in the tank/chopper/whatevers and his main target is other
tank/chopper/whatevers; it is more fun for the people/me! playing FPS ground & pound.

(3) Points don't matter to me - and I honestly I sometimes drive a tank to-deep into a
an opposing teams posistion; just so the other side can see & enjoy me getting C4-ed,
but I always know better.

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-12 13:52:54)

{504th}T/4.Stryker you made me laugh dude, many thanks for it:)
+51|7028|Twente, The Netherlands
I understand your annoyance topal63 but teamkilling is no solution for your communication problem.

As for your revive problem, there are 3 things a good medic should do:

1) first check for enemy units in the enviroment, good chance there are some because that's why you got killed.
2) After checking and killing the enemy, revive.
3) Never revive more than twice, because it sucks for the guy constantly being revived and killed. Let him respawn at a safe place so he can play the game again.

BUT if you teamkill medics for making clear to them they shouldn't revive you, it's one of the stupidest things you can do. No excuses. Teamkilling is only accepted used as self-defence, such as a teamkiller trying to tk you. Even then, it's sometimes better to punish him off the server.
. . .

Esker wrote:

So what you're saying is medics should refrain from reviving people because it doesn't help the team? Christ are you really that stupid? A medic's main objective IS to heal and revive his team mates. That's why they are actually in the hot zones. Having them all throwing first aid in the middle of nowhere for the rabbits and foxes isn't helping the team now is it lol.

Admittedly there are some people who just run out and revive you when there's a tank there. Yes I understand that's annoying but again, you were in the open, you got killed so it's your own dumb fault, don't just lie there screaming medic when you don't want one and then complain because you got killed again.

There's a simple rule if you don't want to be revived.

Don't die.
Everone gets killed in BF2; LOL, its hardly dumb; as a rule; its part of the game.

No it doesn't help the team; if the objective is to RE-TAKE a back base I cannot run to on foot;
Honestly - I have to run as DEEP into eneny territory hoping they will blow me away; or I run into the out
zone and hit suicide - so you wont/cant revive me.

Tickets count count down faster the more bases you loose - a single death doesn't make a difference - nor
does 20 - the loosing commander sometimes has 20-30 more artillary kills than the winning-one
/ which you can't revive/ and their team looses anyways by a large margin. Bases + strategic equipment
are what the game is about; + sqaud communication (if there is any?).

Honestly when I show restraint - and don't fire at the enemy - to avoid a TK - and let my
teamate overcome the melee - going on right in front of me - I often end up DEAD! Oh well.
But one round can finish a teamate off who is in melee - right in the thick of it - so I don't do it.
Its a balance that works - I would rather run over a medic pack - then get revived.
Support, medics, assault, AT, Spec.-ops; defending strategic bases; that's balanced play.

To many medics and you've SEEN-IT: the MEC side looses every base and its over QUICK!

You are not getting the point. . . medics are not showing any restraint and reviving anything they see;
and some servers are loaded with them; a tank roles down the street; I choose an AT-KIT and get off
a couple rounds; but the tank backs up to a supply-box; and no on else is AT. I get revived while the tank
watches you revive me/someone and BLAMMO! The both US! I see this over and over and over again. . .
You're telling me you haven't?

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-12 13:43:52)

. . .

Dr_3V|L wrote:

I understand your annoyance topal63 but teamkilling is no solution for your communication problem.

As for your revive problem, there are 3 things a good medic should do:

1) first check for enemy units in the enviroment, good chance there are some because that's why you got killed.
2) After checking and killing the enemy, revive.
3) Never revive more than twice, because it sucks for the guy constantly being revived and killed. Let him respawn at a safe place so he can play the game again.

BUT if you teamkill medics for making clear to them they shouldn't revive you, it's one of the stupidest things you can do. No excuses. Teamkilling is only accepted used as self-defence, such as a teamkiller trying to tk you. Even then, it's sometimes better to punish him off the server.
Punishing off or even being banned wouldn't bother me; but I have never been kicked for
TK-ing medics (like I said its rare when I get the chance to make the point - MANY DON'T GET)
- but I have been kicked for this type of TK-ing: accidents & TK-ing those vehicle-whore-hording-jerks.
It usually only TAKES 3 or 4 on many auto-kick servers.

You take the points system to seriously - its not a real kill - this TK thing - it's just a game. . .

If someone TK's you for reviving them - have they? - figure it out. There is not always a way to
communicate during on-line play; no voip; or to many usless commments flash by in a second.
And Like I said almost all the time me/we can't TK you to make the point (we get blammoed again);
thats what this forum is for; so you know.

Honestly if the play sucks so bad - who wants to stay in a server loaded with medics only - I don't.

But your points:
(#1) makes sense - but few do it.
(#2) makes sense - even fewer do this!
(#3) makes sense - and this one happens WAY to OFTEN!

When in/with a squad it always makes sense to revive; unless in a kill-zone; flag-caps happen faster.
In most other situations there is an excessive amout of stupidity when medics revive players.

In fact as a game option, this would be nice player option now that I think about it,
I would like these options (2) added as a players choice:

Medic in squad REVIVE: Automatic
Prompt: YES/NO

Medic not in squad REVIVE: Automatic
Prompt: YES/NO

But I doubt this will be added.

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-12 14:08:28)

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