I have been playing Battlefield2 since it came out, and have had a couple of servers for that same time period.  Occasionally I go to other people's servers and play if ours are slow.  I ran across the Crow Clan servers and joined the CROW 24/7 WAKE.  The IP is  I played almost a complete round and started doing pretty well but not great, I was barely in the to half of my team.  I managed to shoot down a couple of choppers and finally a jet with the IGLA at North Base.  As soon as I shot down the jet I noticed it was one of their clan people just like the chopper I shot down.  They wasted no time in kicking me for the following:

"Kicking =BXR= -=M@RTY=- for attacking the USS Essex carrier"

Now I am no genius, but how can I attack the carrier from way over at North Base?  I waited my 2 minutes and joined again but the round was ending.  At the beginning of the next round I quickly asked if there was an admin playing and got a sarcastic answer.  I asked why I was kicked for attacking the carrier.  I was told by the admin that "the answer is in the question".  My how intelligent these people must be.  I explained the situation and that I could have not done that and was told to "F$%K off".  At this point I knew it was no use in trying to get any rounds in there and told them that was no way to run a server and that the kick was not right.  I was then banned for the following:

"Banning =BXR= -=M@RTY=- for attacking the USS Essex carrier"

I was on the U.S. team at the time of ban...

I am sorry for being long winded on this but I had to share it with the forum.  These are the type of admins that give admins a bad name in general.  I hope one day there is a way to control people like that and allow gameplay to be more fun and enjoyable for all.

=BXR= -=M@RTY=-
Yea.  In Wake I got banned because I ran in front of an Admin who was about to grab a jet and took it for myself.  He ran in front of me when I took off and punished me for the "teamkill".  Next jet to pop up he took and I committed my first non-accidental teamkill by by puting a 50cal into his head and taking the jet for myself.  Seconds later I got banned from the server.  The name was somthing like 24/7 Wake California.
+416|6529|United States
same thing with me i got banned in their warlord server i had 100+ points and was owning them and got banned suddenly for no reason.
i played on their server, it sucks, they suck.
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6658|Camp XRay

find the appropriate thread to post this in

by the way deal with it and move on, no one really gives a shit

Marlboroman82 wrote:

find the appropriate thread to post this in

by the way deal with it and move on, no one really gives a shit
i care.
This is the appropriate forum to post this in.  I did deal with it, but at the same time people need to be aware of abusive admins and poorly ran servers.  Anyone who plays this game should care.
Yep. So thay can avoid it.
+53|6774|Omaha, Nebraska
Easy thing to do is not play on their servers. After playing against them last night I never heard so many excuses to why I would be kicked and what rules I had not read. They are just sore losers.
Dex Luther
Don't forget to report them to BFROE

The only way to have a more enjoyable experience in the game is everyone report people like this when they encounter them. That way BFROE and do their job and look into it and report it to EA who can then deal with then by taking away their server... well the ranked rights at least.

Last edited by Dex Luther (2006-10-08 22:59:47)


mshifflett wrote:

I have been playing Battlefield2 since it came out, and have had a couple of servers for that same time period.  Occasionally I go to other people's servers and play if ours are slow.  I ran across the Crow Clan servers and joined the CROW 24/7 WAKE.  The IP is  I played almost a complete round and started doing pretty well but not great, I was barely in the to half of my team.  I managed to shoot down a couple of choppers and finally a jet with the IGLA at North Base.  As soon as I shot down the jet I noticed it was one of their clan people just like the chopper I shot down.  They wasted no time in kicking me for the following:

"Kicking =BXR= -=M@RTY=- for attacking the USS Essex carrier"

Now I am no genius, but how can I attack the carrier from way over at North Base?  I waited my 2 minutes and joined again but the round was ending.  At the beginning of the next round I quickly asked if there was an admin playing and got a sarcastic answer.  I asked why I was kicked for attacking the carrier.  I was told by the admin that "the answer is in the question".  My how intelligent these people must be.  I explained the situation and that I could have not done that and was told to "F$%K off".  At this point I knew it was no use in trying to get any rounds in there and told them that was no way to run a server and that the kick was not right.  I was then banned for the following:

"Banning =BXR= -=M@RTY=- for attacking the USS Essex carrier"

I was on the U.S. team at the time of ban...

I am sorry for being long winded on this but I had to share it with the forum.  These are the type of admins that give admins a bad name in general.  I hope one day there is a way to control people like that and allow gameplay to be more fun and enjoyable for all.

=BXR= -=M@RTY=-
Oh hey m@rty, its [SF] bombardier9999, i don't think that you remember me, but you were playing with me on my clan server not too long ago, drop by sometime.

Server IP:
Server Port: 16567
We now play, i think it is: Road to Jalalabad, Gulf of Oman, Strike at Karkand, and Wake Island 2007. But im not certain, we changed map rotation recently.
+383|6754|The Netherlands
Just play on other servers that are adminned properly. Like the EU Ranked Server.

We ve got a 64 slots 1000 mbit ranked bf2 server located in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. there's 13 server admins to keep it asshate free and we re playing everynight around 1900 cet. We re not a clan, we re just a bunch of forum members playing together and its all about teamwork and having fun.


If you re interested in playing with us, why dont you check out the BF2s EU Basecamp in Wiki.



mshifflett wrote:

"Kicking =BXR= -=M@RTY=- for attacking the USS Essex carrier"
"Banning =BXR= -=M@RTY=- for attacking the USS Essex carrier"

I was on the U.S. team at the time of ban...
Oh that's the icing on the cake! Jesus that's lame.

Thanks for the headsup.

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Yep. So thay can avoid it.
For those that don't think this thread was worth posting, in all honestly why are you reading the Complain forum in the first place? This is a complaint, not a whiny "waaah waaah they suck waaah waaah" one either, and I want to know this as I play Crow servers every now and then (laughing at the rule about not jumping to avoid enemy fire every time they load) and it's potentially useful to know this kind of thing might happen.

I was playing Ghost Town the other day, some server I'm pretty sure I've never been on before and the resident clan had about six or seven guys on both teams. My team capped all the flags but the one island closest to the Brit spawn and I zipped to a roof to cover the advance over the bridge, along with three or four other guys on the ground; the rest of the team was shooting at the island. After a minute or so we get a message not to shoot into the uncap (which we weren't really, I think I was the only sniper there and I was shooting them on the bridge, and on the slope to the west of it, as none of them were shooting at us from the uncap itself).

So I ask the obvious question, "So they're allowed to shoot at us but we can't shoot back?"

Told not to baserape and, how about you attack the one base they have (tactically shortsighted much???)

"What are we supposed to do then? Just let them take another base?"

Some sarcastic reply.

I asked for clarification on what they meant by baserape. Told to stop shit stirring.

I told them the truth, that I'd seen about 50 different definitions of baserape and I wanted to know what exactly the limits were. The admin said something like, you fucking know what baserape means.

Repeated that I'd seen about 50 definitions of baserape. Admin replies, what part of our no-baserape rule do you want clarified?

I answered, "Where the uncap ends". Now at this point I was already shooting at the island spawn but interestingly I didn't get an answer to this last question.

The admin was playing on the SAS team. Tell me you're surprised.

I didn't get kicked or banned, although I was expecting it after the third or fourth exchange, which is why this isn't worth a thread of its own.

Now I can't remember the clan's initials but wouldn't you want to know that they can be this moronic, just in case you fight the opposition down to one other spawn spot? I sure would.
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Arent many clan servers in Aus, so not many dickhead admins to put up with.  Hope the BF2s AU server has decent admins.
Thanks for all of the helpful replies.  I will report them to the BFROE, although I am not really sure how to do that but I can probably figure it out.

I need to add something to my post.  To their (Crow Clan Admin) defense, it is tough sometimes dealing with people when you are an admin.  I try to be as fair and friendly as possible, but stern and enforce the rules at the same time.  I have been very aggravated by people and I know how that feels, but I don't just bully people with my rights.  Nor do I try and get even with them for out playing me by abusing my privileges either.
Imagine not having people in their server, kicking their own clan people so they can use their admin rights lol.....
+11|6767|The Hague, Netherlands

Masterstyle wrote:

same thing with me i got banned in their warlord server i had 100+ points and was owning them and got banned suddenly for no reason.
Same here, i played Warlord tonight and was on the UK site.
Before i got 100 points, i shot a guy =CROW=Trekker on the rooftop, next i was banned.

"Banning [MIT] Buffnuggles for Bull Kill" WTF, he was throwing nades and i climed the ladder and shot him.
This sounds like a completely pointless thread. You have someone who openly admits to breaking one of their rules and whines about it when he is kicked. If you break rules on a clan server you can expect to be kicked for doing so. Players say "i got banned for no reason waaaaaaaaa" the reality is they got banned for a perfectly good reason. breaking one of their rules.
What's a bull kill?

(ZI)42_15E wrote:

This sounds like a completely pointless thread. You have someone who openly admits to breaking one of their rules and whines about it when he is kicked. If you break rules on a clan server you can expect to be kicked for doing so. Players say "i got banned for no reason waaaaaaaaa" the reality is they got banned for a perfectly good reason. breaking one of their rules.
Sounds to me that we have someone who wasn't breaking any rules, and was kicked by an admin who was having a bad day. Remember that admins sometimes kick based upon info gathered from other trusted regulars. That means that it may not be the admin that was being a smacktard, it may have been someone else. Go to the 702 Recon server. The rules are detailed, and while some visitors say they are too many rules, the game is always fun for everyone, and the admins who abuse their privileges are booted.
+1|6459|New Jersey
Something happened to me on 24/7 TeamKOK  - Wake Island , the US only had the north base and i kept bombin them and i got it for "US CARRIER SPAWN/BASERAPIN"
Yes. Some of the other regulars not the clan may have complained about the chopper and the admin may have kicked the player because of this.

Eminem344 wrote:

Something happened to me on 24/7 TeamKOK  - Wake Island , the US only had the north base and i kept bombin them and i got it for "US CARRIER SPAWN/BASERAPIN"
Well, technically, attacking a spawn point over and over again without trying to take the flag is baseraping. Usually admins have shortcut phrases so that they don't have to type everything out at one time, so the second part of the admonition is probably the one you were kicked for.

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