Its not hard at all, Just use your knife when they aint looking! Hunt Snipers! Learn where people hide!
a gaurdian of life
+112|6612|behind my rifle

Cactusfist wrote:

I got it by running directly at people with no attempt to hide.
thats wat i did, i have liek 20 deaths but o well i got it
Thank you all for the tips, I also needed this badge to make First Sergeant and had about 1500 points to go.

From all your tips I took these:

- Sharqi, 40 to 50 players on a 64 map (lots of tickets, relatively long round)
- bring a mate as medic so you don't have to look at the spawn screen too often
- be slippery (get behind them) or use flashbangs

and behold: one knife badge! And since I had accumulated more than 100 knife kills, I got the expert knife badge!

So, once again, thank you all and good luck to those who are still struggling.....

Happy Hunting,

+540|6656|Shanghai, ethnicity=German
I did it like this:

I told my friend which server. Then he took his pistol and always shot at the enemy and I go in with the knife.. and so that is how I got basic and my veteran and expert I did by myself... No statpad.
Congrats Whiskey.  You earned them the legit way.  +1 for actually working to earn it legit.

djjaass1 wrote:

i just got the badge.. i was in a KNIVES-ONLY server, 47 kills in 15 minutes isnt that bad..
Fail.  I'd give you a negative Karma but chuy took that away from us because of people being stupid about it.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-08-23 04:23:49)


leetkyle wrote:

.. is too damn hard to get! I've taken most people's advice for going 64 man Karkand with about 20 people in it so the rounds last for really long, and a 64 Kark with 64 players in it! Best I have ever got is 6.. In which, I got awarded the Purple Heart for the SECOND time lol ^__^ had like 30 deaths because even the snipers saw me a'comin'!

How'd you get yours? I mean, vet and ex. will be easy, as there is no IAR requirements..

edit// reason why I need this is because I don't want to become a Master Gunnery It's the only thing left that I don't have in basic.. also need it for Combat Infantry as I've done about 100 hours already..
I tried a few times to get this before i finally managed it, when i finally did get the badge i did it in the first 15 minutes of a round! Karkand 64 on 64 and If possible try to make sure you are on the better side of the two. Play as MEC and sprint straigth to the first gap in the fence the USMC guys run through, there should be a pile of pipes in the area, Hide behind that and wait. After a few minutes around 3 - 4 USMC guys will be there nade spamming. The reason you should wait and not hit them as they come through is that no-one really expects you to pop up there, they wont realise your enemy 9 time out of 10 and even if they do it's hard to hit someone so close without getting tk's!

This works and you dont have to suffer the humiliation of knowing you spawn raped to get it.

Good luck
+540|6656|Shanghai, ethnicity=German
Practice makes perfect
Thank you DSRTurtle,

I was getting pretty desperate but decided against the "spawnkilling / knife-pistol server-method" because it felt really cheap.

On my 'award-winning run' I eventually managed to get a 1.0 KDR (23 kills / 23 deaths) and assisted in 4 flag-captures so I also helped my team without really hurting my stats. Unfortunately we lost the round 5-0.

Thanks for the karma!

Happy hunting,

Nice one!

+1 for you.
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Well, going to go fight the perils and try again today. I'm already up to gunnery and earning around 700+ a day now, so..
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Sorry for the double post, but meh..

I managed to get 6/7 kills AGAIN in a round ;( The seventh guy was going to be the enemy commander - I could see him on the UAV but didn't get there in time ;(

leetkyle wrote:

Sorry for the double post, but meh..

I managed to get 6/7 kills AGAIN in a round ;( The seventh guy was going to be the enemy commander - I could see him on the UAV but didn't get there in time ;(
Your getting there.  You will get it soon.  Be patient with it.  You have to work at it, but don't let it distract from everything else.
Most people don't even know that Knives and Pistol servers are "illegal".

I consider myself a stand-up player, and I never ever cheat or exploit.. HOWEVER one day I played on a K&P server because I thought "oh this will be interesting".  So I played 16 vs 16 on Karkand and after a very boring round I ended up scoring 109 points and getting both a pistol and knife badge.   I didn't even know it was unethical or whatever, I was just looking for some fun.  So, I ended up with a B.R. score of 109 and a couple badges. 

Now that I've been reading these forums and know how they are looked upon by others, I certainly wish I hadn't done that.
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
I won't go to a K&P server but thanks for all the helpful advice. More karma given!
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Well time for an update.. or not

After almost 2 months, something must be wrong with me! I've accumulated over 55 knife kills now.. but still I can't 7/7
Back from the Dead.
I've posted a strategy before, It got me my knife badges.

BigmacK wrote:

Kits do not matter here! I say personal preference.

Play what ever map you want, no matter how many players are there. Try to be stealthy. When you approach an enemy, try to do so slowly. Then observe him. If you think you have at least five seconds to attack without retalliation, pull out the knife and go-a-stabbin! If not, however, just shoot him and wait for another oppurtunity. I speak with experience, as noted above. Trust me, if done effectivley, it WILL work.
Try it kyle, you'll get the badge. Best of luck.
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Thanks BigMacK, you've really put some confidence in me Will try again later and just shoot if it doesn't work.
+250|6565|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Ok, knife badge can be incredibly hard to get at basic but fighting in Karkand definitely is the way to go. Especially big rounds. Probably the best time to go for it is at the beginning of the round when the MEC is defending the hotel like mad. The commander will usually UAV the place and if he doesn't just request one and pray:P.

Before you make your mad dash and go out in a blaze of glory, check for claymores. I hope you know what to do when you see those... So, lets suppose you have a UAV in the air but they probably do too so what you want to do is go as an Assault and chuck a Flashbang or Gas grenade where the enemy is hiding and rush in after it goes off, knifing any fools standing around. If someone notices you, either sprint after him and attempt to knife him, run away, dolphin dive and knife his legs or reciprocate and reply  with your own rifle.

My other personal tactic is to sneak up on snipers who camp the rooftops and didn't claymore the area, go prone and insert the knife into their backsides, with ensuing laughter as his corpse falls off the roof.

Hope this helps... let me know about it
A low population high ticket server that doesn't have a lot of vehicles is a good bet.  You must be sneaky.  I don't think an Infantry Only server would the be way to go.  Too many snipers and probably too much ticket bleed.  If you have special forces and are good with the night maps, you might try one of them.  If you get lucky you can't catch a lot of people off guard on those maps.

You might try 32 player maps with about 20 people.  I wish you the best of luck.  You should get it because your trying to get it legit.  If you see me on line let me know.  I will try to help you if I can.
Press 1, aimwith mouse, and click.
Repeat until dead.
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Thanks Turtle and Strike. I do have SF and will try it out later Thanks.
I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|6893|Norcal, usa
haha hey leetkyle, just wondering how you got so much parachute time.

leetkyle wrote:

.. is too damn hard to get! I've taken most people's advice for going 64 man Karkand with about 20 people in it so the rounds last for really long, and a 64 Kark with 64 players in it! Best I have ever got is 6.. In which, I got awarded the Purple Heart for the SECOND time lol ^__^ had like 30 deaths because even the snipers saw me a'comin'!

How'd you get yours? I mean, vet and ex. will be easy, as there is no IAR requirements..

edit// reason why I need this is because I don't want to become a Master Gunnery It's the only thing left that I don't have in basic.. also need it for Combat Infantry as I've done about 100 hours already..
Ok since im too tired and have a life, i didnt read any other posts on this topic other than this one. so basically its very easy to get basic, vertern, expert knife. The easiest way is to go to a pistol and knife or knife only server. (holy fuck the voice that says "member joined" on team speak just scared the fucking shit out of me, whoeee) ok well when you get in one of those servers, just go around and knifin people. and thats about it.

bombardier9999 wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

.. is too damn hard to get! I've taken most people's advice for going 64 man Karkand with about 20 people in it so the rounds last for really long, and a 64 Kark with 64 players in it! Best I have ever got is 6.. In which, I got awarded the Purple Heart for the SECOND time lol ^__^ had like 30 deaths because even the snipers saw me a'comin'!

How'd you get yours? I mean, vet and ex. will be easy, as there is no IAR requirements..

edit// reason why I need this is because I don't want to become a Master Gunnery It's the only thing left that I don't have in basic.. also need it for Combat Infantry as I've done about 100 hours already..
Ok since im too tired and have a life, i didnt read any other posts on this topic other than this one. so basically its very easy to get basic, vertern, expert knife. The easiest way is to go to a pistol and knife or knife only server. (holy fuck the voice that says "member joined" on team speak just scared the fucking shit out of me, whoeee) ok well when you get in one of those servers, just go around and knifin people. and thats about it.
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland

DSRTurtle wrote:


I won't lower myself to KP Severs.

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