International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

I was referring to YOUR police Succumbing to the Muslim Board in the fact that the police cant wear shoes when entering a suspected terrorists house because it might offend them. I was also pointing it out because you so Nicely Slammed our country by calling it a police state. Understand now?
Wow, someone's pissed. I'm not even from the UK. And for the record, I didn't call your country a police state. And no one's forcing the police to freakin take off their shoes. Hell, it's supposed to be a police raid! They're supposed to barge in and get the suspect! If the police take the time to take off their shoes, the suspect'll have plenty of time to jump out a window or something. That's not succumbing to whatever, that's just plain stupidity.
+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

OuTLaW667 wrote:

Scotland Yard has launched an urgent review after a Muslim police officer was excused from guarding London's Israeli Embassy on moral grounds.

PC Alexander Omar Basha, who is attached to the Metropolitan Police's Diplomatic Protection Group, asked for special dispensation because of his objection to Israel's bombing of Lebanon.

Former Flying Squad commander John O'Connor criticised the decision and warned: "This is the beginning of the end for British policing. When you join the police, you do so to provide a service to the public. If you cannot perform those duties, you leave."

^^^You couldn't make this shit up^^^

Where does it end??? Will he refuse to arrest terrorist's next cos he sympathises with them??

This country is fast becoming a joke!!!!!! 

Mod edit: using [b] in the title has no use.
How about this viewpoint:


Yes we know we murder your people on a daily basis, but that gives you NO RIGHT to deny us protection. 


We are not protecting those murderers.


How dare the Muslims not protect the Israelis so they can continue to commit genocide. 

That about sums it up...
Goto school, If you don't see the problem with this then you better hit the books son. Its not as black and white as you make it. Enough of the PC Hate mongering bullshit thats already ruining the world.
First of all, I'm an educated MAN, son. 

Second of all, I can guarantee that I'm older than you.

Third, you need to get a clue.  Israel is what's wrong with the Middle-East.  They are murderers, rapists, thieves, occupationists, and terrorists.  So what if they are the U.S' ally? They are only because they control our media, government, and have no other allies.

Did you ever wonder why the world hates them?  Read your history books and quit claiming that it is "hate mongering bullshit" when in fact it is "fact based hate mongering truth".
The Lizzard

Bertster7 wrote:

If anyone is to blame for anything it is the MET for accepting his request.
I disagree.  As an organisation it is their duty to protect their members from undue danger.  Due to his situation he would have been at more risk than another officer and, as such, it is perfectly appropriate for him to be replaced.
Junglist Massive

Bubbalo wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

If anyone is to blame for anything it is the MET for accepting his request.
I disagree.  As an organisation it is their duty to protect their members from undue danger.  Due to his situation he would have been at more risk than another officer and, as such, it is perfectly appropriate for him to be replaced.
But if it hadn't been appropriate, the MET should be blamed, not the individual who made the request.
+102|7015|New York

HM1{N} wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

How about this viewpoint:


Yes we know we murder your people on a daily basis, but that gives you NO RIGHT to deny us protection. 


We are not protecting those murderers.


How dare the Muslims not protect the Israelis so they can continue to commit genocide. 

That about sums it up...
Goto school, If you don't see the problem with this then you better hit the books son. Its not as black and white as you make it. Enough of the PC Hate mongering bullshit thats already ruining the world.
First of all, I'm an educated MAN, son. 

Second of all, I can guarantee that I'm older than you.

Third, you need to get a clue.  Israel is what's wrong with the Middle-East.  They are murderers, rapists, thieves, occupationists, and terrorists.  So what if they are the U.S' ally? They are only because they control our media, government, and have no other allies.

Did you ever wonder why the world hates them?  Read your history books and quit claiming that it is "hate mongering bullshit" when in fact it is "fact based hate mongering truth".
Prove it, Older my ass. What ya need boy? Hell Ill give ya a google of whatever ya want in a PM KID. Internet toughguys and private info dont scare me, Blackops bags have me covered. Steve jobs has nothing on me son.
+102|7015|New York

Tetrino wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

I was referring to YOUR police Succumbing to the Muslim Board in the fact that the police cant wear shoes when entering a suspected terrorists house because it might offend them. I was also pointing it out because you so Nicely Slammed our country by calling it a police state. Understand now?
Wow, someone's pissed. I'm not even from the UK. And for the record, I didn't call your country a police state. And no one's forcing the police to freakin take off their shoes. Hell, it's supposed to be a police raid! They're supposed to barge in and get the suspect! If the police take the time to take off their shoes, the suspect'll have plenty of time to jump out a window or something. That's not succumbing to whatever, that's just plain stupidity.
Welp son, Heres your answer and take notes.

The guidelines for police offers, according to the paper, include:

    * Rapid entry needs to be the last resort and raids into Muslim houses are discouraged for a number of religious dignity reasons.

    * Police should seek to avoid looking at unclad Muslim women and allow them an opportunity to dress and cover their heads.

    * For reasons of dignity officers should seek to avoid entering occupied bedrooms and bathrooms even before dawn.

    * Use of police dogs will be considered serious desecration of the premises and may necessitate extensive cleaning of the house and disposal of household items.

    * Advice should be sought before considering the use of cameras and camcorders due to the risk of capturing individuals, especially women, in inappropriate dress.

    * Muslim prisoners should be allowed to take additional clothing to the station.

    * If people are praying at home officers should stand aside and not disrupt the prayer. They should be allowed the opportunity to finish.

    * Officers should not take shoes into the houses, especially in areas that might be kept pure for prayer purposes.

    * In the current climate the justification for pre-dawn raids on Muslim houses needs to be clear and transparent.

    * Non-Muslims are not allowed to touch holy books, Qurans or religious artifacts without permission. Where possible, Muslim officers in a state of 'Wudhu' (preparation before prayer) should be used for this purpose.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

If anyone is to blame for anything it is the MET for accepting his request.
I disagree.  As an organisation it is their duty to protect their members from undue danger.  Due to his situation he would have been at more risk than another officer and, as such, it is perfectly appropriate for him to be replaced.
But if it hadn't been appropriate, the MET should be blamed, not the individual who made the request.
That's what I meant. I really don't see anything wrong with it. If there had been and the MET had accepted the request, it would be their fault for accepting it, not his fault for requesting it.
The Lizzard
Agreed, then.  High fives all round!
+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Goto school, If you don't see the problem with this then you better hit the books son. Its not as black and white as you make it. Enough of the PC Hate mongering bullshit thats already ruining the world.
First of all, I'm an educated MAN, son. 

Second of all, I can guarantee that I'm older than you.

Third, you need to get a clue.  Israel is what's wrong with the Middle-East.  They are murderers, rapists, thieves, occupationists, and terrorists.  So what if they are the U.S' ally? They are only because they control our media, government, and have no other allies.

Did you ever wonder why the world hates them?  Read your history books and quit claiming that it is "hate mongering bullshit" when in fact it is "fact based hate mongering truth".
Prove it, Older my ass. What ya need boy? Hell Ill give ya a google of whatever ya want in a PM KID. Internet toughguys and private info dont scare me, Blackops bags have me covered. Steve jobs has nothing on me son.
LOl, I'm shaking, and my daughter is 22.  I think that about sums it up....
+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

" I cant do my job today dear because if I do the men I pray with will kill you."

That sux.
If someone with family in America was caught guarding, say, a Taliban outpost, and was in frequent contact with his family in America, what do you think would happen to his family?  They'd all be unjustly kidnapped and thrown in Gitmo to be tortured for information, more than likely.  Now, why is the same situation in reverse so much harder to understand?  Hezbollah would, like the US, regard people working for (or giving the appearance of supporting) their enemies as traitors.
Ummmmmmm If the Guy was frigging Part of the Taliban then Welp maybe Duh, But This guy is a POLICE OFFICER! Took an oath to serve and protect. What is he going to do if theres a protest of muslims, and he HAS to protect the life of an Isreali? Will he walk away and let them kill the guy? THAT the frigging problem we are haveing with this whole thing. Not the fact he asked to NOT have the duty in the first place but the fact that he has this position in the first place reguarding Any citizen or person hes sworn to protect!
Exactly.  I wonder if there will be a day when Black Officers will not want to protect White citizens?  If you can't protect all citizens of your country...then leave the force.

As what's happening in France.  France, as we know, is a pretty stuck-up country.  They don't assimulate people as easily to their culture, and thus people are left in their own burrows which are poor and deperate.  Extremist Muslims feed from poor and deperate peoples and thus that's why France is having so much problems (14 officers a day are hurt in the line of duty there).

The only Christian equilvalent I can see are the Christian who will blow up Abortion Doctors or that weird cult that protests at Military Funerals.  But they are, by definition extreamists and don't represent the Catholic or Christian viewpoint.  On the other hand at least 10% of the Islamic religion are Extreamists.

They need a reformation to moderate their religion, just like how the Christians did in the 13-14th Century.

Let realize that Michael Savage is right: Borders - Language - Culture

Last edited by Harmor (2006-10-06 17:20:19)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Harmor wrote:

On the other hand at least 10% of the Islamic religion are Extreamists.
Nice stat. Where'd you get it.
Junglist Massive

Ikarti wrote:

Harmor wrote:

On the other hand at least 10% of the Islamic religion are Extreamists.
Nice stat. Where'd you get it.
Don't ask.  And wash your hands after handling it.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Tetrino wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

I was referring to YOUR police Succumbing to the Muslim Board in the fact that the police cant wear shoes when entering a suspected terrorists house because it might offend them. I was also pointing it out because you so Nicely Slammed our country by calling it a police state. Understand now?
Wow, someone's pissed. I'm not even from the UK. And for the record, I didn't call your country a police state. And no one's forcing the police to freakin take off their shoes. Hell, it's supposed to be a police raid! They're supposed to barge in and get the suspect! If the police take the time to take off their shoes, the suspect'll have plenty of time to jump out a window or something. That's not succumbing to whatever, that's just plain stupidity.
Welp son, Heres your answer and take notes.

The guidelines for police offers, according to the paper, include:

    * Lots of schtuff I'm editing out to reduce post size.
If that's so, why are you yelling at me? It's not my fault the police are respecting Muslims so much, it's not the officer's fault either. In any case, media is almost always highly exaggerated. And since you acknowledge me as a minor (son), then you know I don't actually have the authority to change those guidelines. Go lodge your complaints at the police station, not in these forums. That is, if you actually want to do something about it.
The Lizzard

HM1{N} wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

First of all, I'm an educated MAN, son. 

Second of all, I can guarantee that I'm older than you.

Third, you need to get a clue.  Israel is what's wrong with the Middle-East.  They are murderers, rapists, thieves, occupationists, and terrorists.  So what if they are the U.S' ally? They are only because they control our media, government, and have no other allies.

Did you ever wonder why the world hates them?  Read your history books and quit claiming that it is "hate mongering bullshit" when in fact it is "fact based hate mongering truth".
Prove it, Older my ass. What ya need boy? Hell Ill give ya a google of whatever ya want in a PM KID. Internet toughguys and private info dont scare me, Blackops bags have me covered. Steve jobs has nothing on me son.
LOl, I'm shaking, and my daughter is 22.  I think that about sums it up....
It's the war of the dipshits!

HM1{N} wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

First of all, I'm an educated MAN, son. 

Second of all, I can guarantee that I'm older than you.

Third, you need to get a clue.  Israel is what's wrong with the Middle-East.  They are murderers, rapists, thieves, occupationists, and terrorists.  So what if they are the U.S' ally? They are only because they control our media, government, and have no other allies.

Did you ever wonder why the world hates them?  Read your history books and quit claiming that it is "hate mongering bullshit" when in fact it is "fact based hate mongering truth".
Prove it, Older my ass. What ya need boy? Hell Ill give ya a google of whatever ya want in a PM KID. Internet toughguys and private info dont scare me, Blackops bags have me covered. Steve jobs has nothing on me son.
LOl, I'm shaking, and my daughter is 22.  I think that about sums it up....
Headstone you are the one showing your age with your delusional rantings and religious hatred. If you were old enough you would have been out in the big wide world and experienced a few different cultures and perhaps formed your own opinion instead of the one you have learned from who ever is feeding you this close minded view on the world and everyone in it.

JahManRed wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Prove it, Older my ass. What ya need boy? Hell Ill give ya a google of whatever ya want in a PM KID. Internet toughguys and private info dont scare me, Blackops bags have me covered. Steve jobs has nothing on me son.
LOl, I'm shaking, and my daughter is 22.  I think that about sums it up....
Headstone you are the one showing your age with your delusional rantings and religious hatred. If you were old enough you would have been out in the big wide world and experienced a few different cultures and perhaps formed your own opinion instead of the one you have learned from who ever is feeding you this close minded view on the world and everyone in it.
Age is an invalid benchmark for intelligence, or even wisdom. Merely trying to establish some semblance of superiority in debate due to having a greater number of years under your belt than your opponent is immature.

Bubbalo wrote:

Someone used to always do it to me and tell me about how when I was older I'd think like him, until I typed a huge long post ranting about it.  Then he stopped.
Experienced that in my teens, online. My 'opponent' (who, by the way, loved the smell of his own farts) was self-assured of his intellectual high-ground due to the fact that he was in his 30's, until given a simple algebraic 'FOIL' problem. Thus, one line took the place of an entire counter-rant. But for the life of me, I can't remember if it was a BBS service or a plain old internet chat room...

In short, I don't care if a debater flew Spitfires in WW2. Sure, it's great and all, and would give them an edge on a relevant topic, but it doesn't necessarily mean they know more everything about anything than anyone two seconds younger.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-07 06:20:13)

The Lizzard
Someone used to always do it to me and tell me about how when I was older I'd think like him, until I typed a huge long post ranting about it.  Then he stopped.
+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA
Here's the situation as I see it:

A Muslim police officer asked to not guard the Israeli embassy.

The Israeli's are pissed he won't protect them...

Yet...the what the Muslim did amounts to no more than "conscientious objectection", based on the daily murdering of Muslims by the Israeli gov't and military, including the latest all out destruction of Southern Lebanon with 1,000 + civilians killed.

Let's all agree that he is a police officer in the UK.  That means he is sworn to protect BRITISH citizens, not Israeli's.

My hat's off to him, let the Israeli's protect themselves...he isn't sworn to protect them at all.  If he doesn't want the extra pay for standing outside the Israeli embassy, then so what?

That man deserves an e-cookie at the least.

Last edited by HM1{N} (2006-10-07 07:52:10)

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